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發布時間:2023-07-28 23:08:52

❶ 藝術留學申請 個人陳述怎樣寫才能吸引眼球

To take a journey in art is to follow a path that is never ending; you will never know all there is to know or see and discover all there is out there. You will find yourself 10 years down that path still discovering new things, getting excited and inspired by the most ordinary of things, question the media to which we are exposed, whether it be the design of a C.D.cover, a window display, the layout of a room or even the shapes and lines of a shoe.
For those of us that choose art, it is not a career or a hobby, but a passion, a way of life. We all see the world differently, and when I take a moment to look around me, my mind starts to buzz with ideas about my material surroundings.
My future, as I see it, will have art as an anchor. I would hope that after completing my degree, I would continue my studies in my chosen field and make a professional career out of art. I couldn』t possibly imagine never being connected to the art community and to a world of talent and imagination where anything is truly possible.
Because art is a passion to those who choose to study it, I believe that its students really do put their hearts and souls into their work and push themselves that extra mile. When I was in my portfolio course I was so captured by exploring the different disciplines, mixing and experimenting with colours , textures, light and different mediums and effects, that I found myself taking my work future than was asked of me, out of pure enjoyment and curiosity. I currently work in retail and I jump at the chance to dive into any kind of art project for work like designing adverts for our advertising, shop display and window dressing.
I do commissioned work on an indivial basis, which I love. I love having a project to focus on at all times, to give me focus and goals and to inject my never ideas into.I』m doing a part time course in fashion as I feel it has become my main passion having now being exposed to all the disciplines and variety in the art sector. What captivates me most about this discipline, Is the opportunity to mix others with it, like photography, graphic design, painting or even something as simple as using print for your textile design. It also allows me to both design and create my work in three dimensions.
I love the design process but working with my hands to accomplish a finished proct is the most rewarding for me.
It is fair to say that since my childhood art has been my direction and an integral part of my life, from helping to design and make the sets and costumes for school plays to making my dolls clothes.
Keeping in touch with the art community is vital for me, it is a community where no matter where you live or whatever your background, you can meet with like minded people to interact with and discus views ,exchange ideas learn new things, find new artists and see new exhibitions.Seeing live bands play whether local or internationally recognised is also something that I get great enjoyment and inspiration from. I see music in the same way I see art, composed of simple riffs and beats all put together to different timing and order to create a piece of work delivered with passion and energy, and so I have a great respect for anyone who shares that talent and gift with the rest of the world.
Likewise, cinema and photography hold the same qualities for me. The idea here of capturing a still image which can be so ordinary and make is appear in a different light, giving the viewer and insight into how you see things. To make the ordinary extraordinary and deliver it for all to see.
I』m choosing to study abroad to meet new people and discover a different culture, change my entire environment and move out of the comfort zone, which I think is where most people tend to proce their best work.
There is no right or wrong in art and it can be translated a million different ways.
Art is not a career choice, it is a life choice. It is my choice and always will be.

❷ 藝術留學去英國,個人陳述怎樣寫才足夠出彩




個人陳述也有不同的名稱,如PersonalStatement,StatementofPurpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, AcademicStatement,StudyPlan,AcademicObjectives等。














1.詳讀學校的寫作說明並了解問題的重點,不贅言,不遺漏,且在要求的字數內完成。例如學校要求五百字內完成(In 500 words or less discuss ...),則全文最好不要超過五百字。如果學校要求以問答方式來敘述 (Responses to essay questions, Please limit your response to on page.),即依其要求回答不長過一頁。)


(1) 「I am interested in English literature」這句話表達不夠清楚,而I was concentrated on Milton and Shakespeare in college" 就明白的說出了申請人的志趣及研究范圍。

(2)「I received extensive training in physics」 這句話不夠詳細,「My training was in the area of particle physics」就具體多了。

(3) 「I was very active as a student representative」最好說明曾經做什麼:組織活動,主辦演講,溝通學生與校方意見等。

(4)「I am attracted to your department by its brilliant faculty.」應說明對於教授的認知是從何而來,如在何處讀到某教授的文章而願受教於他,或某位教授正在從事一項重要研究,與自己欲攻讀的研究領域相同等。表達對所申請之系的課程、教師和特性有些了解,依學校之不同而提及對某位任教於該校的教授、新課程或該校的某個學位有興趣。

3.不要用語意模糊的句子,如 "Your esteemed school"應代以學校的名字。"I will return to serve my country"應明確的說出所要從事的到底是什麽工作等。





❸ 英國留學申請文書怎麼寫文書內容寫得越多越好






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