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Ⅰ 想到美國讀工業設計,AP選藝術史有用嗎,好考嗎


Ⅱ 如何自學AP 藝術史和歐洲歷史

當然如果要更全面的知識可以去閱讀Gardner的Art through ages,裡面涉及到500多個art work,不過考試只考250個

Ⅲ ap藝術史考了三分怎麼辦,我是alevel學生,自學ap,但是考了兩個五一個四一個三,會不會影響申請

樓主可以參考一下留學志願參考系統http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_498d22040103038q.html 輸入你的專業等情況,就能查詢出與你情況類似的同學案例,看他們申請了哪些院校和專業。也可以按照留學目標來篩選,看看你的目標院校和專業都哪些背景(語言成績都多少分、學校背景如何、什麼專業、GPA多少等)的學生申請了,也從而對比自身情況,制定大致的目標和方向。

Ⅳ ap藝術史考什麼用哪些教材比較好巴朗的找不到啊!!

AP Art History is designed to provide the same benefits to secondary school students as those provided by an introctory college course in art history. In the course, students examine major forms of artistic expression from the ancient world to the present and from a variety of cultures. They learn to look and analyze works of art within their historical context, and to articulate what they see or experience in a meaningful way. A meaningful way to experience works of art is learning to frame an understanding that relates how and why works of art communicate visual meaning.

An introctory college art history course content generally covers the various art forms in the following proportions: 40-50% painting and drawing, 25% architecture, 25% sculpture, and 5-10% other media (printmaking, photography, ceramics, fiber arts, etc.). The AP Art History course content and AP Examination reflect these distributions.

College art history survey courses vary in approaches to interpreting art, including selection of chronological frameworks, themes, and the emphasis on analytical skills. The AP Development Committee regularly monitors the ways in which art history is taught at the college level and the choices they make in devising the course and the examination are compatible with college level curricular objectives.

The main objectives of AP curriculum in Art History are to develop in students:

the ability to apply fundamental art and art historical terminology.
an appreciation for the process of making and displaying art.
an understanding of purpose and function of art.
the abilty to analyze works of art in context of historical evidence and interpretation, examining such issues as politics, religion, patronage, gender, and ethnicity.
an understanding of cross-cutural and global nature of art.
the ability to perform higher order thinking skills and articulate visual and art historical concepts in verbal and written forms.

Exam Content

The first AP Art History Exam was administered in 1972. In 1998, the AP Art History Exam premiered the long essay question requiring informed discussion of art beyond the European tradition.

Changes to the AP Art History Exam beginning with the 2010 exam administration:
As of 2010, the color images that accompany Section 1, Part A, and Section II of the AP Art History Exam are provided to each student in the form of printed color inserts. See Printed Color Images for the 2010 AP Art History Exam for more information about this change.
Slides and slide projectors are no longer used in the exam administration.
Questions are based on color images in Section I, Part A, and Section II: While it is recommended that students spend the suggested amount of time responding to each question, time management is ultimately each student's responsibility. Students working on the parts of the exam based on color images will be able to move freely from question to question within each part, ring the time allotted for each part.
Change in the order of the free-response questions:
Questions 1 and 2 will be 30-minute essay questions. Question 1 will require students to incorporate in their response at least one example of art beyond the European tradition.
Questions 3 through 9 will be 5- or 10-minute essay questions based on color images and/or text.
Decision to not count prehistoric examples:
The AP Art History Development Committee has been concerned over the years about students' use of prehistoric examples when answering the 30-minute long essays. These long essays typically ask the student to provide contextual information about the work of art, but there is little known about the particular cultures that proced prehistoric art. Students who use prehistoric examples cannot earn full credit because they cannot provide a factual discussion of the context. Therefore, beginning with the 2010 exam, prehistoric examples such as the Woman of Willendorf, the caves of Lascaux, and Stonehenge will not be accepted as appropriate examples.
Emphasis on using examples from non-Western cultures other than Egypt and the Ancient Near East:
The Development Committee is also concerned about the overuse of Egyptian and Ancient Near East examples for the essay question that asks students to discuss art beyond the European tradition. To address this issue, the committee will add the following statement to the Course Description for 2010: "One of the 30-minute essay questions requires students to incorporate at least one example of art beyond the European tradition into their essays. Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East are fully covered in the multiple-choice questions in Part I and the short-answer essays in Part II of the exam. The intent of this essay question is to draw from areas such as Africa (beyond ancient Egypt), the Americas, Asia, Islamic cultures, and Oceania."
Exam Content

The first AP Art History Exam was administered in 1972. In 1998, the AP Art History Exam premiered the long essay question requiring informed discussion of art beyond the European tradition.

Changes to the AP Art History Exam beginning with the 2010 exam administration:
As of 2010, the color images that accompany Section 1, Part A, and Section II of the AP Art History Exam are provided to each student in the form of printed color inserts. See Printed Color Images for the 2010 AP Art History Exam for more information about this change.
Slides and slide projectors are no longer used in the exam administration.
Questions are based on color images in Section I, Part A, and Section II: While it is recommended that students spend the suggested amount of time responding to each question, time management is ultimately each student's responsibility. Students working on the parts of the exam based on color images will be able to move freely from question to question within each part, ring the time allotted for each part.
Change in the order of the free-response questions:
Questions 1 and 2 will be 30-minute essay questions. Question 1 will require students to incorporate in their response at least one example of art beyond the European tradition.
Questions 3 through 9 will be 5- or 10-minute essay questions based on color images and/or text.
Decision to not count prehistoric examples:
The AP Art History Development Committee has been concerned over the years about students' use of prehistoric examples when answering the 30-minute long essays. These long essays typically ask the student to provide contextual information about the work of art, but there is little known about the particular cultures that proced prehistoric art. Students who use prehistoric examples cannot earn full credit because they cannot provide a factual discussion of the context. Therefore, beginning with the 2010 exam, prehistoric examples such as the Woman of Willendorf, the caves of Lascaux, and Stonehenge will not be accepted as appropriate examples.
Emphasis on using examples from non-Western cultures other than Egypt and the Ancient Near East:
The Development Committee is also concerned about the overuse of Egyptian and Ancient Near East examples for the essay question that asks students to discuss art beyond the European tradition. To address this issue, the committee will add the following statement to the Course Description for 2010: "One of the 30-minute essay questions requires students to incorporate at least one example of art beyond the European tradition into their essays. Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East are fully covered in the multiple-choice questions in Part I and the short-answer essays in Part II of the exam. The intent of this essay question is to draw from areas such as Africa (beyond ancient Egypt), the Americas, Asia, Islamic cultures, and Oceania."

Classroom Instruction and Resources
Special Focus Materials
Art of the Twentieth Century (.pdf/9MB) New!
Art in Context (.pdf/697KB)
Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies
Women Artists in History
The Development of One-Point Perspective in Renaissance Italy
Teaching Tips and Strategies
Using PowerPoint Slides in the AP Art History Classroom
Course Content - Related Articles
The Keystone in the High School Curriculum
The Challenge of Architectural Meaning
Spotlight on Digital Projectors
Understanding Islamic Aesthetics
The Meaningful Walk and the AP Art History Course
Teacher Profile: Stuart Lade

Ⅳ 藝術留學除了ap藝術史還有什麼ap值得考




























Ⅵ ap藝術史哪個培訓好

AP 2-D Art and Design(2D藝術與設計)
AP 3-D Art and Design(3D藝術與設計)
AP Art History(藝術史)
AP Drawing(繪畫)
AP Music Theory(樂理)
Global Prehistory: teaching activities and assessment全球史前史:教學活動與評估
Ancient Mediterranean: teaching activities and assessment古地中海:教學活動和評估
Early European and American colonies: teaching activities and assessment早期歐洲和美洲殖民地:教學活動和評估
Post Europe and America: teaching activities and assessments後歐洲和美洲:教學活動和評估
Indigenous Americans: teaching activities and assessment美洲土著:教學活動和評估
Africa: teaching activities and assessment非洲:教學活動和評估
West and Central Asia: teaching activities and assessment西亞和中亞:教學活動和評估
South, East and South East Asia: teaching activities and assessment南亞、東亞和東南亞:教學活動和評估
Pacific: teaching activities and assessment太平洋:教學活動和評估
Global contemporary: teaching activities and assessment全球當代:教學活動和評估
Mock exam模擬考試
Past paper review 歷年試卷回顧
考試時長:3 hours, 分為2個部分:
2、為自由作答題,其中短自由作答題4篇,每15分鍾/篇, 長自由作答題2篇,每30分/篇。

Ⅶ 申請美國藝術學院必須考ap藝術史嗎







  1. 歐美學校非常注重設計流程的體現:想法的提出、篩選、草圖、模型、用戶研究、測試、推敲、渲染、定稿等。一切能充分展現你的想法的東西都是他們所看中的。不要單純放最後的結果,完整的步驟非常重要,因為誰都可以做出好看的效果圖,而你要做的就是證明這是你獨一無二的設計。設計不是技術,要讓別人看出你的與眾不同。

  2. 具體的內容還需要小夥伴們在實際操作過程中去體悟,最好能有一個指導老師,幫你規劃一個合理思路,並沿著這條思路去完成作品集的創作,具體可以私信我或關注學校官網。



Ⅷ 上海哪裡有讀AP藝術史

學制: 本科4年,碩士研究生3年。
專業要求:系統了解中外美術歷史和理論知識,具有廣泛的文化藝術修養和較強的寫作能力,對 當代美術的創作及藝術現象有切實的了解。注重實事求是,注重理論聯系實際.要求 學生具有良好的學風、文風與專業道德。
主要課程:世界通史、中國美術史、外國美術史、中西方近現代美術史、設計史、藝術管理、藝 術市場、論文寫作、油畫、中國畫。

Ⅸ 考AP藝術史初學用哪本書




Ⅹ 考ap藝術史需要美術基礎嗎




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