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發布時間:2022-08-19 21:55:55

⑴ 去喝早茶的英文

Have morning tea

⑵ 英文好的進~關於廣東早茶的英文

【菜名】 蝦餃
【別名】 水晶蝦餃 、廣東蝦餃、廣式蝦餃
【英文名】 Shrimp Dumpling
【所屬菜系】 粵菜
【特點】 透明玲瓏,滑爽鮮美。

chicken wing、chicken finger、(鳳爪)flavor(味道):peppery hot、sour。(辣辣酸酸的)

Cantonese tea
Having a Cantonese tea is a historic custom and the most popular activity for Cantonese,there are morning tea,afternoon tea and night tea.Cantonese are used to chat with the family members and friends in the restaurant while having a cup of tea and Dim Sum,
There are plenty of restaurants serving Dim Sum in Guangzhou where is usually full of customers
.In the morning,people used to go to the restaurant right after washing up.One-bowl-and-two-
pieces is the most popular breakfast in the morning,which means a bow of of rice with ribs and two pieces of little Dim Sum.In recent years,business tea becomes more and more popular in Guangzhou.Having a business meeting with the clients while enjoying the delicious Dim Sum and a cup of tea,people find that may be the best way be the best way to reach the deal with their partners.This kind of business tea will normally continue until the afternoon.No wonder there is a saying that the real working hours of Cantonese start from noon.The afternoon tea means business activities while the night tea,is the family hour.But apparantly,more and more businessmen having their appointments with their clients in the tea restaurant at night,by which you may understand more the Cantonese way of doing businese.



⑶ 廣東的飲早茶,英語怎麼說

廣東的飲早茶的英文:Drinking morning tea in Guangdong

drink讀法 英[drɪŋk] 美[drɪŋk]




1、drink spring 喝泉水

2、drink whisky 喝威士忌

3、drink the cup dry 飲盡杯中酒

4、drink the cup empty 飲盡杯中酒

5、drink the cup of joy 嘗盡歡樂





3、英語泛指「喝酒」只說drink,不說drinkwine; 「喝一杯…」一般用have〔take〕 a cup of...,不用drinka cup of...。



6、drink的過去分詞有drunk和drunken兩種形式,一般來說drunk可以用作表語, drunken只用作定語; 但在當代英語中, drunk也可用作定語。


1、drink brandy 喝白蘭地

2、drink coffee 喝咖啡

3、drink milk 喝牛奶

4、drink lemonade 喝檸檬汁

5、drink sb's health 舉杯祝某人健康

6、drink sth iced 喝冰鎮飲料

⑷ "喝早茶"用英語怎麼說

喝早茶:Morning Tea

英國人非常的愛喝早茶(Morning Tea) 下午茶(Afternoon Tea)

⑸ 在英語里怎麼說綠茶、黃茶、白茶、青茶、紅茶、黑茶

Black Teas (紅茶,全發酵)有Lapsang Souchong ()Keemun () Yunnan ()
Green Teas (綠茶,無發酵)有Gunpowder ()Chun Mee
Oolong (烏龍茶,半發酵)有Ti Kwan Yin (鐵觀音)Pouchong ()
White Teas (白茶)有Pai Mu Tan Imperial()Yin Zhen(銀針)
Compressed Teas (壓縮茶)有 Tuancha ()Tuocha()
Flavoured and Scented Teas (風味茶和花茶)有Jasmine (茉莉花茶)Rose Congou (玫瑰茶)Earl Grey (伯爵茶)

English Breakfast(英式早茶)源於印度和斯里蘭卡的Assam和Ceylon
還有Camomile, Peppermint等等都是比較流行風味茶,還有其他各種水果茶,蘋果,酸梅,檸檬等等。

不過夏天的話,最好的就是Iced Tea啦。

國外的茶文化我只能介紹一下北美的,其他地方不了解。其實他們老外不怎麼知道怎麼喝中國茶,他們喝茶喜歡加牛奶和糖,或者加檸檬和糖。而且都是用袋泡茶。出產此類產品比較出名的公司就是Lipton(立頓)了。當然還有一些咖啡店也有專門的Steeped Tea.也就是用茶葉泡的。比如說在北美比較出名的咖啡店Tim Hortons就有。

⑹ 廣東早茶怎麼用英文翻譯呢

Cantonese morning tea 廣東的飲早茶Cantonese 英[ˌkæntəˈni:z] 美[ˌkæntəˈniz, -ˈnis] n. 廣東人,廣東話; adj. 廣東話的; 廣東人的; 廣東的; 廣東化的;

[例句]The burmese language is nothing like cantonese or mandarin or english.因為緬甸話與廣東話、漢語普通話或英語一點也不像。

⑺ 廣東早茶怎麼用英文介紹

Morning tea is a Cantonese tradition.

Called yum cha (飲 茶 , which means drink tea in Cantonese), it involves family members or friends drinking Chinese tea and sharing dim sums (點心) at a table.

Yum cha is focused not just on the tea, but also on the dim sums (the food items), which are a varied range of small dishes that are usually steamed or fried and may be savoury or sweet. They include such favorites as char siu bao, assorted mplings, siu mai, congee porridge and rice noodle rolls.

Traditionally, the cost of the meal is calculated based on the
number and size of dishes left on the patron's table at the end.

Although the tradition started in Guangzhou, it is now prevalent all over the world.


⑻ 英語高手進~~~關於廣東飲茶英文~

Shrimp Dumpling 蝦餃
豆腐花 beancurd jelly
龜苓膏Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly--直譯是「中國草葯果凍」)

腸粉rice noodle roll
飲茶 yum cha

---gelumi~XD 在奧運前政府整理了一個中國菜譜小吃的英文翻譯大全,很好



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