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⑴ 文化的英文解釋 盡量短小,簡單

culture ['kʌltʃə]
1. a particular society at a particular time and place
2. the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group
3. all the knowledge and values shared by a society
4. (biology) the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatin or agar)
the culture of cells in a Petri dish
5. a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality
6. the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization
the developing drug culture the reason that the agency is doomed to inaction has something to do with the FBI culture
7. the raising of plants or animals
the culture of oysters

⑵ 一篇英語作文:你怎樣看待中國傳統文化。不要寫得太好的,中等水平就好



Chinese traditional culture is the fundamental creativity of the achievements of Chinese civilization, and the overall form of moral inheritance, various cultural thoughts and spiritual concepts in the national history.


Chinese traditional culture ismainly composed of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The traditional culture is not only profound in thought and rich in content; more importantly, the three cultures of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, which advocate morality, provide Chinese people with the code of conct and ultimate spiritual home.


Chinese traditional culture originated before the Shennong era in ancient times. According to the sequence of Chinese history, it has experienced the times of Chaoshi, Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong (Yandi), Huangdi (Xuanyuan), Yao, Shun, Yu, etc. until the establishment of Xia Dynasty, it has developed into a splendid culture with rich and colorful cultural elements.

中華傳統文化起源於遠古文化時期的神農氏時代以前,依據中國歷史大系表順序,經歷有巢氏、燧人氏、伏羲氏、神農氏(炎帝) 、黃帝(軒轅氏) 、堯、舜、禹等時代,到夏朝建立,發展至今,形成具有豐富多彩文化元素的燦爛文化。

Chinese culture has a long history, broad and profound, and the core is a set of ideas, values and national spirit. For thousands of years, Chinese civilization has definitely formed its own value preference, that is, responsibility is prior to right, obligation is prior to freedom, community is higher than indivial, harmony is higher than conflict.


⑶ 文化怎麼定義(用英語,)

文化是相對於經濟政治而言的人類全部精神活動及其產品。Culture is relative to the economic and political character of all human mental activities and its procts。





⑷ 什麼是文化 英文


文化(漢語拼音wén huà,英文culture),是人類社會相對於經濟、政治而言的精神活動及其產物,分為物質文化和非物質文化。






⑸ 文化英語怎麼讀 如何英語表達文化

1、culture英[ˈkʌltʃə(r)]美[ˈkʌltʃər],n.文化(藝術、音樂、文學等的統稱或指擁有特定信仰等的國家、群體等); 文明(指國家或群體的風俗、信仰、藝術、生活方式及社會組織); 文化; 種植; 培養物;vt.培養(細胞或細菌)。

2、[例句]We are all to a great extent the procts of our culture.我們在很大程度上都是本土文化的產物。

⑹ 用英文詳細解釋下"cultural values(文化價值觀)""thoughts(思想)"「culture(文化)」「(belief)信仰」。

Culture Values: thoughts arised by important and denied modern and historical theories and actions in the cultural fields. Value has its life. It is because of the flow of time, the magnificant or depressed ideological trend happens. Value also has influence on generation,that is, different age has different value.The establishment of value depend on people's self-confirmation and measurement.The difference between generations one has experienced make the different value of people.
Culture: refers to people's action mode and the signize system that make that mode important.A ethnic group's life style can be pointed as its culture. Culture is actually includes utensils,regime and ideology, which can be specifically embodied as language, character, custom, ideology, national strength,etc.To be objectively, culture is the sum of social value system.
Ideology: "The right thoughts come from social practice and becomes cognition through experience. The repeating of cognition's turning into practice generates faith: faith is spiritual love,is the basic form of people's emotion. Faith is always beyond the reality,such as God, deceased families,or the team,country, and religion lead by souls.

⑺ 「文化」的概念,用英語解釋一下

Culture implies enlightenment attained through close association with and appreciation of the highest level of civilization:

⑻ 誰能用英語解釋一下文化的概念啊

Culture is a very broad and most humane concept. In a word, culture is a general term for the forms of living elements of regional human beings, namely, clothing, articles, things, food, shelter and travel.


It is difficult to define a culture accurately or precisely. The concept of culture has been interpreted in different ways.


However, there is a common explanation and understanding in the dictionaries and encyclopedias of the east and the west: culture is the total spiritual activity and proct of human activities relative to politics and economy.


⑼ 怎樣用英語語言學的知識理解culture is like an iceberg求專業人士幫忙,馬上考研了急用啊,謝謝了



不同的群體、區域或國家的這種程序互有差異。這種文化差異可分為五個維度:權力距離(Power DIstance),不確定性避免(Uncertainty Avoidance Index),個人主義與集體主義(InDiVialism versus collectivism),男性度與女性度(MASculinity versus femininity),長期取向與短期取向(Long-Term Orientation versus short-term orientation)。






⑽ 「文化」一詞在英文中的原意是什麼


[拼音]:wén huà
[解釋]:civilization; culture; culture; culture; 1.culture; civilization 2.ecation; schooling; literacy ; cultural; culture/civilization/cultural; Kultur; kultur


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