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1. 英語作文:長城是中國最重要的文化遺產之一…

The Great Wall of China-中國的長城

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.In fact, it's more than 6000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.

The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.The first part of it was built ring the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was ring the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the different parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up.Thus, the Great Wall came into being.

The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtow-ers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy came.

It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.

Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."



中國的長城漢語中常叫作「萬里長城」。實際上它長6 ooo多公里。它從西到東,穿過沙漠,越過高山,跨過深谷,蜿蜒而行,最後直到海邊。它是世界上的奇觀之一。





2. 中國歷史文化遺產用英文怎麼說

Chinese historical and cultural heritage

3. 「文化遺產」英語怎麼說

"Cultural heritage"
全部cultural heritage
The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.

4. 世界文化遺產和文物用英語怎麼說

世界文化遺產:world cultural heritage
文物:cultural relics

世界文化遺產和文物:world cultural heritage and relics

5. 用英語介紹我國的文化遺產

Butterfly lovers legend, popular in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan folk literature, one of the national intangible cultural heritage.

The story of a pair of young men and women in the feudal system failed to combine hatred and the end of the marriage tragedy.

The legend of The Butterfly Lovers (the legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai) is a sad and touching love story, and the legend of meng Jiangnu, the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid, and the legend of the White snake is one of the four great folktales in ancient China.

Among them, the legend of Butterfly Lovers has the greatest influence, ranking first among all kinds of folklore in terms of literature, artistry and ideology. It is an influential oral inheritance art in China.







6. 中國的世界文化遺產中英文對照

明清故宮(The Imperial Palace):文化遺產,1987年列入,北京市

頤和園(Summer Palace):文化遺產,1998年列入,北京市

天壇(Temple of heaven):文化遺產,1998年列入,北京市

長城(The Great Wall):文化遺產,1987年列入,北京市

周口店「北京人「遺址(Peking Man Site ai Zhoukoudian):文化遺產,1987年列入,北京市

承德避暑山莊及周圍寺廟(The Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples,Chengde):文化遺產,1994年列入,河北省

平遙古城(The Ancient City of Pingyao):文化遺產,1997年列入,山西省

曲阜孔廟孔林孔府(Temple and Cemetery of Confucius,and the Kong Family):文化遺產,1994年列入,山東省

敦煌莫高窟(Mogao Carves):文化遺產,1987年列入,甘肅省

大足石刻(The Dazu Rock Carvings):文化遺產,重慶市

秦始皇陵(Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor):文化遺產,1987年列入,陝西省

蘇州古曲園林(The Classical Cardens of Suzhou):文化遺產,1997年列入,江蘇省


拉薩布達拉宮(The Potala Palace at Lhasa):文化遺產,1994年列入,西藏自治區

麗江古城(The Old Town of Lijiang):文化遺產,1997年列入,雲南省

泰山(Mount Taishan):自然與文化遺產,1987年列入,山東省

黃山(Mount Huangshan):自然與文化遺產,1990年列入,安徽省


九寨溝風景名勝區(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):自然遺產,1992年列入,四川省

黃龍風景名勝區(Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area):自然遺產,1992年列入,四川省

武陵源風景名勝區(Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area):自然遺產,1992年列入,湖南省

廬山風景名勝區(Lushan National Park):世界文化景觀,1995年列入,江西省

武夷山風景名勝區(Mount Wuyi):自然與文化遺產,1999年列入,福建省

7. 什麼是文化遺產 用英文表述

Definition: from the historical, artistic or scientific point of view, has the outstanding universal value of the buildings, cultural relics and sites.
Cultural heritage, the concept is divided into tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage. Cultural heritage including physical cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage. Non-material cultural heritage is a historical, artistic and scientific value of the cultural relics; Non-material cultural heritage is to point to with various kinds of nonphysical form exists and the masses life closely related to the author, generation of traditional culture form.

8. 急~~~~世界文化遺產名錄 用英語怎麼說啊~


9. 「中國民間文化遺產」用英文怎麼說、

China's folk cultural heritage

10. 文化遺產英語可數嗎

Intangible Cultural Heritage=物質文化遺產
Non-material cultural heritage=非物質文化遺產



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