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發布時間:2023-05-08 06:42:43

A. 企業文化用英語怎麼說

問題一:企業文化英文怎麼說? corporate culture
雞orporate意思是社團的, 法人的, 共同的, 全清啟體的所以說是用corporate

問題二:企業文化的英文怎麼說 corporate culture
corporate意思是社團的, 法人的, 共同的, 全體的所以說是用corporate

問題三:用英語一家公司很有活力,很有朝氣,企業文化非常好怎麼說?? The pany is full of vitality and well developed弗in its culture.

問題四:《企業文化手冊》 英文怎麼說 Corporate culture manual

問題五:企業文化、企業價值觀用英語怎麼說? 企業文化
Corporate C供lture
Corporate Values

問題六:「公司職員」用英語怎麼說? 1. clerka) 職員,辦事員,事務員:在辦公室工作的人員,從事諸如保管檔案記錄、保持通信聯系或歸檔備案等工作
b) 書記員:保管檔案記錄及從事法庭或立法機關日常事務的人
2. staff 全體雇員:為特定的企事業工作的人員
3. workera) 工作者:在某一特定職業或活動工作的人罩祥
b) 勞工,工人:從事體力或工業勞動的人
4. staff member 職員, 雇員
5. office staff 辦公室職員
6. office worker 機關工作人員, 企事業單位辦公室職員
7頂 corporate personnel 公司職員, 企業人員

問題答悶如七:企業核心價值觀用英語怎麼說 企業核心價值觀
[網路] Core values; business core values; Enterprise core value;
Corporate culture has played a un-replaceable role in operation 、 proction and management of enterprises as a core value viewpoint.

問題八:「外企」用英語怎麼說啊? 外企,其實是中文的簡稱,指的是「外商投資企業」,這里耽兩種可能,一是獨資企業,而是合資企業。現在分別翻譯如下:
外資企業:foreign-capital enterprise;
外商獨資企業: wholly foreign-owed enterprise或者exclusively foreign-owned enterprises
外商投資企業:Foreign invested enterprise
中外合資企業:Sino-foreign joint venture
中外合作企業:cooperative businesses

B. 企業文化、企業價值觀用英語怎麼說

Corporate Culture
Corporate Values

C. [求助]英文的文化價值與經濟價值


D. 文化背景以及價值觀的不同不應該妨礙同學之間的交流與合作。用英語怎麼說

Different cultural backgrounds and values should not hinder students' communication and cooperation.

E. 中日動畫片文化價值觀比較 怎麼翻譯啊謝謝

Japanese animation has come a long time, the accumulation time is now creating a wide range of features, if the talk about values, and each comic has its own master values. But Japan is a single nation-state, the cultural values and national unity are relatively stable, that is, tend to cherry blossoms with the essence of samurai.China only two decades the development of animation, while the Chinese animation has not been divorced from the fundamental purpose of ecation. Chinese tradition is that the hard struggle of life the right way to play a big exclusive, even losing to the ecation Entertainment. Japanese animation three-dimensional sense of voice, sound effects, and have an accurate grasp, which is inseparable from the economic strength of Japan.China's animation is very close to life, although it is fantasy of the world, which took place in the story around, this is the advantage of China's animation. However, the relatively rough animation in China, and Japan is very fine.

F. 世界觀、人生觀、價值觀,地道的英語怎麼說的

world view 世界觀
philosophy 人生觀 (這個view of life也應該不錯,但是philosophy也是對的,說了別人肯定明白)
value 價值觀 (這個就一個詞,Different people have different values 不同的人有不同的價值悶檔消觀)

樓主要問的文化沖突具體要用在哪裡,中國人到了國外,有一陣不適應外國的文化,覺得外國很不好,叫做「culture shock」

巴以蠢磨沖突不是很確螞知定「conflict between Pakistan and Israel」?

G. 價值立場是什麼意思











H. 「有濃厚的文化氣息」和 「深厚的文化底蘊」用英語怎麼說 不要拿直譯的來糊弄我

「有濃厚的文化氣息」和 「深厚的文化底蘊」用英語翻譯分別如下:

「有濃厚的文化氣息」deep cultural richness

「深厚的文化底蘊」be rich in cultural deposits



Medicineinancientwasknown as"Benevolence"withstrongculturalpresence.


,,inourarchitectural history,planninghistoryresearchonthe highvalue.


It and culture,caring commonpeople's lifeand customsas Ihatethosewindyphotoslike any others. However, your simpleandpurewordsarenotoften.


Withthetrendofglobalizationin thefuture,onlydevelopingone'sownuniquestylecan !


I. 文化英文翻譯

文化的英語:culture; civilization;
文化的定義: 籠統地說,文化是一種社會現象,是人們長期創造形成的產物,同時又是一種歷史現象,是社會歷史的積淀物。確切地說,文化是凝結在物質之中又游離於物質之外的,能夠被傳承的國家或民族的歷史、地理、風土人情、傳統習俗、生活方式、文學藝術、行為規范、思維方式、價值觀念等,是人類之間進行交流的普遍認可的一種能夠傳承的意識形態。

J. 用英文詳細解釋下"cultural values(文化價值觀)""thoughts(思想)"「culture(文化)」「(belief)信仰」。

Culture Values: thoughts arised by important and denied modern and historical theories and actions in the cultural fields. Value has its life. It is because of the flow of time, the magnificant or depressed ideological trend happens. Value also has influence on generation,that is, different age has different value.The establishment of value depend on people's self-confirmation and measurement.The difference between generations one has experienced make the different value of people.
Culture: refers to people's action mode and the signize system that make that mode important.A ethnic group's life style can be pointed as its culture. Culture is actually includes utensils,regime and ideology, which can be specifically embodied as language, character, custom, ideology, national strength,etc.To be objectively, culture is the sum of social value system.
Ideology: "The right thoughts come from social practice and becomes cognition through experience. The repeating of cognition's turning into practice generates faith: faith is spiritual love,is the basic form of people's emotion. Faith is always beyond the reality,such as God, deceased families,or the team,country, and religion lead by souls.



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