導航:首頁 > 文化傳統 > 感受韓國文化英語怎麼說


發布時間:2023-05-30 09:27:52

㈠ 韓國文化用英文怎麼說

1. korean culture
3. Culture of South Korea

㈡ 翻譯這兩句成英語: 就是喜歡韓國的文化 是一個跟別人找到共同語言的好辦法

I just like the Korean culture.
It is a good way to find a common language with others.

㈢ 感受文化英語翻譯是

Feel the culture

㈣ 韓國文化 英語作文

ladies ang genle,
I feel wery much hornered to stand here to make a speech on Korae culture
As we all known ,KOREA has a long history with splended culture of thousand years ,and it is closely linked to Chinese culture as well.So it couldn't be more familiar to us .From TV ,music...we can see
it everywhere 下面自己寫吧 一段娛樂業 一段經濟 。。。手粗。伏兆反正缺薯租一段一個方面

㈤ 英語翻譯;我認為韓國音樂使我們了解到了更多的韓國文化 幫忙,幫忙啊~急用

I think Korea music makes us learn more about Korea culture.



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