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發布時間:2022-06-01 17:05:15

『壹』 學校生活的英語怎麼翻譯

學校生活:school life
校園生活:Campus Life 這個更貼切些吧

『貳』 學校生活英文怎麼說

School Life 學校生活

I go to school at half past seven every morning.
When i get to school, i have to do the cleaning with my classmates.
After that i have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon.
The school is over at about half past four.
My favourite teacher is my english teacher and of course my favourite subject is also english.
My maths is just a mess. I can't understand what the teacher is talking about.
I don't know how to solve this problem.
Anyway, I enjoy my school life.
I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there.
It's very interesting and exciting.
We play basketball,volleyball, ping-pong at the rest time. They are very relaxing.
I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers.
All inall, I love my school.
I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful.
My school life is wonderful.

『叄』 我們的學校生活用英語怎麼寫

our school lives, 因為是our,所以life要用復數

『肆』 校園生活(翻譯英文)

翻譯:Sprinkled into the morning of the classroom, school bags and placed a good job, long to alert breath and began to day school life. In class, we can start our heartily, boldly stated his own insights, carefully note well we have to grasp the knowledge and key points. In order for birds to cheer us, to make trees are nodding approvingly, in order for whom the flowers are attracted to, let the pieces flying in the air, the petals and filled with appreciation Message of hope ... .... We strive forward to!
二:可以說,我的校園生活緊張而有序。我努力拚搏在我所熱愛的學校,即使遭到失敗和打擊,我也會勇往直前,決不退縮。更何況,我們有老師的輔導,如虎添翼:老師在學習上嚴格要求我們,生活上關心我們。每天清晨, 當金色的晨光剛剛灑滿校園,我和學們就背著書包, 我和同學們就背著書包, 戴著紅領巾, 高高興興地上學去. 花兒向我們微笑, 鳥兒為我們歌唱, 我們開始了新的一天.
We can say that my life is stressful and orderly campus. I try hard in school I love, even if defeat and fight, I will move forward, not back. Moreover, we have the teacher's guidance, even more powerful: the teacher in learning rigorous demands that we care about our daily lives. Every morning, when the golden morning light just piles on the campus, I have the book bag and school, my classmates and I, carrying bags, wearing a red scarf, happily go to school. Flowers to us smile, and the birds as we sing, we started a new day.

『伍』 用英語說學校生活

I live a peaceful campus life.I syudy,do our homework and do some housework everyday.Sometimes, we even go shopping together,and we live a happy life.

『陸』 『我們的學校生活』的英語翻譯

「學校生活」的意思是campus life
我們的學校生活,整句意思就是our campus life

『柒』 「談談你的學校生活」用英語怎麼說

你可以回答:It is wonderful and exciting
或者是It's interesting and fantastic也行 希望可以幫助你,滿意的話,希望採納,謝謝!

『捌』 校園生活 英文怎麼說


『玖』 我的校園生活用英語怎麼說

my school life
[maɪ] [skuːl] [laɪf]
[maɪ] [skul] [laɪf]

『拾』 學校生活(School Life)的英語對話怎麼寫

Tom: "Hi mom, how are you?"
Tom's mom: "I am fine. How was school?"
Tom: "Oh, I had a great time. The food there was great although I did not like the way they cook potatoes. The teachers are all very kind except the maths teacher, he spoke too softly and I could not understand him."
Tom's mom: "Did you do any sports?"
Tom: "Oh yes, I played lots of football and basketball. You know what, we will have a brand new swimming pool next term, isn't that great?"
Tom's mom: "Wow, that sounds fantastic! Any other interesting news?"
Tom: "Let me think.......oh yes, we had a new classmate, she is from Shanghai, China. She doesn't speak much English and I had to gesture to her most of the time. This is kind of fun."
Tom's mom: "Oh well, you seem to be really enjoying yourself."
Tom; "Yes, school has been fabulous, mom."



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