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1. 養寵物好處英文

養寵物好處英文:Benefits of keeping pets

pet 讀法 英 [pet] 美 [pet]





1、pet food寵物食品

2、pet dog寵物狗;寵物犬

3、pet shop寵物商店,玩賞動物商店







1、indoor pet 室內喂養的愛畜

2、make a pet of sb 寵愛某人

3、many pet 很多寵物

4、perfect pet 很可愛的寵物

2. 關於為什麼人們喜歡養寵物的英語作文

Many people have pets to substitute relationships with partners, children or family members. Many elderly people for instance, like having a dog instead of being all alone at home. This is usually a lap dog, very affectionate and strokable.
The animal serves people's need to cherish, love and fight boredom. But this is really a distressing reason for keeping a pet. The animal is a replacement for normal human contact, something that apparently is too much to summon in our indivialistic society. Their pet keeps them from pining. But of course, it has to be a type of dog that suits them and that has been bred especially for their needs.

3. 英語六級作文 越來越多大學生喜歡養寵物

Nowadays, we can find a interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company. As a matter of fact, pets do have the ability of relaxing us, however, somebody has put forward a totally contrary opinion. So we made this discussion about whether a pet is good for student or not. Here are the results:
First for the advantage, on no way that you can deny the effect of pets that they can relax or comfort our spirit especially in this fierce-competition society. People can gain happiness even friendship here, I consider that』s why most of the elder would like to get a pet for companion. Unfortunately, students also have this demand, too. Now, students face a same problem and they do have a comparative fragile heart because they have grown alone which owe to the one child policy which indicates that only friends can make them feel better. Well, pets are the perfect friend who can be loyal, adorable, helpful, and so on. Being Push by the highly pressure that include the requirement of passing qualification exams, seeking for jobs, earning their life, or obtaining a master』s degree, students need this kind of comfort particular in mental aspect in order to take the life much easier.
In conclusion, pets is a wise choice for students to relax themselves.
However, at the same time, just like that old saying in China:」Every corn have two side.」 Keeping a kind of animal also has its shortcoming.
To illustrate, a pet is not healthful or clean especially dogs which is the sort that you should walk him every day. When you finish walking your dog, you find your dog is still very clean as same as before, at least looks so. Unfortunately, bacteria, germs, fungus all of which could threaten you healthy have already been brought to your home that you cannot see with your naked eyes. Well, is that frighten you? Every pet is not so clean as you thought.
Moreover, as a college student, it is very easy to addict themselves to the feeding of their pets which is the time that needs them to be very hard and focus on learning. There is nothing wrong about loving your sweet pets, but not the way of delaying your future.
To sum up, it is not an easy task to judge keeping a pet in dorm is a good thing or not. Well, after reading this article, do you get any new idea of pets? Just make your own decision.

4. 英語短文為什麼人們愛養寵物

Why does people like pets?

5. 求最新英語作文 題目是人為什麼要養寵物養寵物的好處有什麼

many people like to keep a kind ofannimaldogs,cats,birds,and so on they put so greatenthusiasm on them that some pets aretreated like their family members.as pet isuch as

a good relationship between people andpets can be very comfortable.

they are loyal audiences of you while you have something can't tell any one else.they occuppy the loneliness cure your pains,

make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence some pets even can help to cure some mentaldisease.

that's the advantages of keeping an pet. however pets are often expensive,

to feed them would even cost more too muchmoney spend on pets are more or less alittle improper while there are so manystarving people in this nation.some dangerous pets;

are a menace totheir owners ,even a dog attack peoplesometimes,things could be worse if theyI be worse if theycarryingsomefatalvirus.that'sdisadvantages of keeping a pet.


1、 審題立意,定文章主題。

對命題作文必須認真審題,對自由作文必須立好意。文章要有明確的主題,必須具備四個條件:准確、鮮明、深刻、集中。例如"The English Teacher I Admire Most",文章的主題是關於寫我最敬佩的一位英語老師,不能僅僅談論老師這一職業或自己的幾位老師。

2、 擬提綱,定骨架。英語作文審好題,立好意後,就要列提綱,確定文章的骨架。例如:1 )安排好層次段落,2 )鋪設好過渡,3 )處理好開頭和結尾。

如果作文中有提示句,還要從提示句的關鍵詞出發,圍繞關鍵詞展開思路,發揮聯想,記錄下 聯想到的內容,記錄的方式可以是句子,也可以用單詞或片語,可以用英語也可以用漢語。

3、 寫主題句,理文章脈絡。一篇短文的段落一般分為引導部分、主體部分和結尾部分。每段的主題句非常重要, 是作者思維的起點,切題的准繩,闡述的對象。



4、 參照提綱,扣主題句,充實內容。有了段落主題句後,還需要順著段落主題句的方向,參照提綱中的思路,完成各個段落。


6. 英語作文關於養寵物的好處和壞處(80詞,不要網上直接翻譯的)

Nowadays, with the improvement of the people's living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets.To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings.On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings ,for example, dogs' chasing people on the street and so on.What's more, some animals will transmit some diseases.
In my point of view, I prefer to raise a pet, since the happiness it brings to us outweigh drawbacks.


7. 養寵物的好處英語作文

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets

In the West, many families like to keep a pet. We may be surprised at the amount of money they pay in terms of pets』 food or medical treatment, etc. Keeping a pet, indeed, has many advantages.

I have two main reasons for my argument. First of all, pets can be good companions, which is especially important for those who live alone and the old who can not get out much. What they get from the pets is not only hours of amusement but also loyalty. Some pets can even protect the house from thieves. Secondly, taking care of a pet also helps children to be responsible and caring members of the society. A child who learns to be very sensitive to the feelings of a pet can be expected to have positive attitudes to other people and life.

However, some others would argue that pets are dirty or dangerous. But I believe it is not that pets themselves are to blame, but their owners. If the owners train their pets properly and take very good care of them, they are unlikely to get dirty or become aggressive.

To sump up, there are surely more advantages than disadvantages to keeping a pet, especially for those lonely and young. Money spent on the special food for pets or the high fees paid for pets』 medical treatment is not a waste.







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