① 月隆的奧斯卡是什麼品種的狗
② 寵物名字大全
③ 好聽又有深意的寵物名有什麼好聽的寵物名
導讀:寵物的名字有很多,但想要自家寵物的名字獨一無二,好聽又有深意,那還是需要下一番功夫的。其實我們可以從寵物品種,性格特徵或者購買日期節氣等入手取名字,既適合自己的寵物,又能很好地紀念。那你知道好聽又有深意的寵物名有哪些嗎?下面就來看看有什麼好聽的寵物名吧!④ 你家寵物叫什麼名字
⑤ 求特別的寵物名字,剛出生的泰迪小母狗,求類似於奧斯卡,西施之類的好玩的名字。
⑥ 在安陽國際奧斯卡電影城看過《聖龍騎士》後送領寵物:阿布的魔力卡嗎
⑦ 有什麼關於狗狗的電影
。 101斑點狗(101斑點狗)2。米洛和奧蒂斯歷險記(米洛和奧蒂斯歷險記)3。空氣芽(上帝,這是一個瘋狂的狗?電影三部曲不錯)喬希的母親和她的男友帕特里克要結婚了,好友突然出現在該行上的婚禮場地。不僅扯下桌布,會場將作出人仰馬翻。喬希責怪巴迪,但我們未能發現不僅是金毛獵犬巴迪,但失去了又一個黃金獵犬茉莉。事實上,巴迪和莫莉生下小狗,但這些罪犯綁架小狗。與此同時,喬希參加了足球,作為球隊的一員是巴迪的緣故,所以裁判取消資格的教練發誓要採取行動,終於如願以償地進入了州冠軍決賽,但是他們有足夠的時間找到這些小狗被綁架贏得總決賽了嗎? 4。所有的狗去天堂(崩潰狗天師)5.Babe(貝貝)剛豬農Fuhuo傑特並沒有把它當回事的時候寶寶可以是一個大寶貝豬小志氣,等待牧羊犬大媽師終於成為一個痛苦的學習技能「牧羊豬」。在完成自己的工作後,也渴望做一些額外的事情,贏得了霍吉特吉他愛。主自豪地報名參加了「手羊大賽」......影片改編自英國兒童文學作家迪克金。史密斯的小說「綿羊豬」。米勒決定給電影製片人的動畫與真實的動物玩。卡爾馴豬師。路易。米勒在澳大利亞打拚了整整一年,除了兩名專職助手,其他57頃當地部門馴服豬農。由於豬的驚人增長速度,已經總共花了六個小豬輪流拍攝。本片榮獲第68屆奧斯卡提名最佳影片。 6.Beethoven(貝多芬這也是三組)比較有名的一部7.Benji(狗偵探)班吉是一個充滿愛心和勇敢精神與狗,以勤奮為四個小豹保姆的工作,找回失去的大豹,黑熊在激烈的狼狼推出的緊張追逐交戰...... 8.Best中顯示(犬大賽)一部關於狗賽狗的影子N多9.Bingo(賓果)邊邊的電影:10.Cats與狗(貓狗)這也閱讀它11奎爾問題12南極大冒險13「狗心」14我的狗日本2005 .. 15。龍龍與忠狗16。 「雪狗」狗電影好萊塢近日,台灣「世界電影」出電影與狗有關的,所以我們可以從另一個角度好萊塢的看到它「聲色犬馬」,「101斑點狗」(101Dalmatians),「102的名單斑點狗「(102Dalma?田氏一家言)由迪士尼經典卡通」101斑點狗,101斑點狗「和續集」102斑點狗「,」改編的電影「,授予電影的主角是一群可愛的大麥町犬的。片中活潑達爾馬提亞不僅有助於更好地結婚的男性和女性,也主動打敗壞人,後推出的第一個情節,也導致飼養寵物達爾馬提亞氛圍。 「聖誕怪傑」(TheGrinch)最大薄膜有點涼,其實沒有什麼好血統,而是動物訓練師在環球影城的動物找到了家附近來歷不明的雜種狗,因為它看起來太像1996「聖誕怪傑」動畫片最大的,因此,它被選中。出人意料的是,這名男子名叫凱利(凱利)的狗明星,幾乎整部片子都是親自上陣完成預期拍攝電影。 「我是瘋子瑪麗」(There'sSomethingAboutMary)女演員瑪麗·阿爾梅達替代的室友有一個神經質的狗小狗刷毛,它只是一個壞傢伙見面會狂吠不已,所以當一群男人是愚蠢當追求瑪麗,把放置了很多樂趣,這使我們印象最為深刻的,不是由演員瘋狂地襲擊狗和他摔在地上,之後,屍體被包裹在綳帶喜劇的外觀。 「電子情書」(You'veGotMail)湯姆·漢克斯在片中是一個標準的講話尖酸刻薄的紐約人,不小心愛上了他的對手梅格瑞恩,在一封郵件,並從男性和女性扮演,經常可以看到男主角的寵物,一個大的黃金獵犬,雖然是戲份不多,但在男性和女性擁抱和親吻一個鏡頭的最後一幕,他只是想踢湊上樣的惡作劇,倒也吸引了很多觀眾的注意力。 「福星與福將」(TurnerandHooch)因為主人被謀殺,這鬥牛犬命名的財富的情況下,已暫時交由警務人員領主沒有處理海德(扮演湯姆·漢克斯飾)的房子,二經的到處都是一起開始後來成為很好的合作夥伴,所以整個事情出現了緊張的笑聲不時點,用Hanks喜劇表演福興可以說是影片的最大賣點。 「億萬神犬」(TheDuke)前業主立遺囑公爵決定將自己的名稱和遺留給他的狗---休伯特,休伯特是巴吉度犬,它非常聰明,但跟它有一種的親密夥伴---與菊花。根本無法理解動物的復雜性可能是這部電影的無辜樣子像狗一樣的險惡心臟,就是最好的證明。白天和晚上的「面具」(面具)主有著完全不同的個性,外表,這使得巴克利完全混淆的情況下,這部電影是一個小巴克利獵狐犬,它是打我的最愛我挑你扔飛盤游戲,所以當吉姆金凱瑞面膜那樣會喪失作怪,巴克利馬上去恢復它,人們已經看過這部電影,一定不能忘記金凱瑞的巴克利的瘋狂又可愛。 「呼叫傳情」(HangingUp)幾乎每個家庭都有飼養寵物在美國的習慣,但在這部影片中,由梅格·瑞恩的姐姐角色扮演,太。她不停地大聖伯納犬,雖然玩,狗明星的角色不重,但場景中,梅格·瑞恩的狗學會讓她檢查她的大嘴巴,但狗是這也是不透水搞笑的一幕,我相信很多寵物主人會發出會心的微笑。 「米切爾」(邁克爾)像一個女人,我喜歡喝酒,跳舞喜歡胖乎乎的天使(由約翰·特拉沃爾塔飾),他是一個非常小的狗,小狗的厄運接踵而至,電影是令人驚訝的狗?角色可愛,是否允許女主角含情脈脈的保持時間,或者命咬天使的外衣時,它是一個可愛的小狗狗。 「酷狗的故事」(迪迪)一個自私的足球經紀人把他的女朋友的狗的照顧,一個大的黃金獵犬。有一天,一個奇怪的光束讓迪迪埃犬化為人形,但它不會說話,但也留下一個狗的習慣,喜歡的人到處舔驢等一系列問題。不幸的是,在這部電影中狗的特性,雖然很重要,但只有在整出戲的前部和後部,並沒有太多的表現空間。 「意外來客」(TheAccidentalTourist)在這部影片中,尤其是愛德華狗實際上扮演媒人的角色,透過寵物寄養,所以,無論是男性和女性的性格完全不同的相遇,相戀。狗明星是屬於電影的夢幻般的表演,典型的美國家庭犬,贏得了很多人的贊賞,而演員(吉娜黛薇絲威廉·赫特)的實力並不比它少。 「豬寶貝」(貝貝)豬寶寶誤撞歪打正成何的農場,對各種農場動物有自己的工作,所以寶寶來到與他的新環境邊境牧羊犬媽媽佛萊學習,漸漸開始想牧羊犬寶寶,為業主工作,疼愛有加,為有史以來第一次擁有者,它同時報名參加牧羊犬比賽,當然,寶寶可以交付奪得冠軍。雖然影片的主角是一個豬寶寶,但寶寶被視為父母的兩個邊境牧羊犬都有不錯的表現。 (文南)45電影,講述的狗:「現代故事」獵狐犬「親愛的托拉米」韓國「飛狗巴迪」,「警犬卡爾」「律政俏佳人2」「野性的呼喚」,「卡拉是條狗」,「誰在說話「,」飛狗巴迪「,」朋友沉默「,」雪趕「哈士奇」總統的狗「,」最佳搭檔雷克斯「德牧」追殺令狗「」菊花是罪魁禍首「,」歡樂「,」狂狗在逃「羅威」貓狗大戰「,」親密夥伴「邊境牧羊犬」101斑點狗「斑點」南極人「,」酷狗上學記「斑點」億萬神犬「巴吉度犬」貝多芬「聖伯納德「鵝毛筆Q」拉布拉多犬「撞車狗霍元甲」,「007小的事,神的工作犬」金毛犬「犬大賽」,「迪迪埃」金毛「米洛和奧蒂斯歷險記」,「賓果」,「米切爾」「貝多芬「,」酷狗的故事「,」小姐與流氓「,」福星與福將「波爾多」家有實踐狗「」SnowDogs「」奇犬良緣「,」太空神犬「,」黑虎「,」靈犬萊西「,」史努比「」加菲貓「,」馬語者「,有的我不知道是否重復,給你這么多,你可以看到自己。以上是我自己收集的關於狗的電影,因為我喜歡狗,但是多見於近幾年,其他人都無法找到翻譯:叢林知道標題:石磊的獵物導演:喬·喬營營主演:麥克·弗朗西斯弗朗西斯南希弗蘭克酒店紅斯蒂格爾本·沃恩石磊發布:1987年6月5日(美國)更多地區地區:美國(拍攝地)對白:英語評估:5.5/10(263票)詳細顏色:彩色聲音:Dolby時長:87分鍾類型:冒險家族評級:阿根廷:三磷酸腺苷英國:U瑞典:BTL芬蘭:S美國:G智利:TE西德:0 IMDB:請 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092638/ 簡介:這部電影的故事是敘述狗石磊野外生活的故事,石磊發現豹的母親被槍殺一個獵人,留下無助的三個小豹,石磊驅動同情,顧不得自己遠離家鄉,但也佔用了照顧三隻小豹的任務,甚至放棄機會數次,這顯然可以回家了。此外,石磊應該提防灰狼等兇猛野獸的攻擊,保護小豹的安全。最後,它是一個小豹誰終於找到一個合適的家。這部影片的導演是喬營,電影情節是動物屏幕最表演,所以沒有太多的對話的一部分,故事很感人,音樂也很不錯,這部電影的配樂是由Euel盒負責。 [叢林]只有一次純粹的心臟多年前在台灣推出只有視頻租賃,這部電影也已播出的迪斯尼頻道在台灣之前,在2001年和小熊CCTV6讓故事是同一類型,但深度比小熊少,但還是相當不錯的,特別是人誰喜歡狗。我覺得這是法國版,但不要緊,因為沒有對話,或者看到一些主要的狗展。 。 。 。事實上,在[叢林]純心臟,桑廣場製作由喬營導演屬於已經在1974年,1977年,1980年推出了三到狗石磊是影片的主角,觀眾會受到歡迎,1987年叢林純心臟[是]與迪斯尼合作,再度推出只有傳說中的狗!
⑧ 芝麻街里奧斯卡的朋友小蟲子叫什麼
⑨ 寵物名稱大全(是現實生活中的寵物)
第一頁:小貝、Angel、虎虎、雅虎、混混、小狼、小虎、李小熊、大奔、達達妹 咪妹 麒麟 謎底 KA、波利、彼利、貝茜、黑妮 艾德 藍莓、阿郎、阿東、阿sir、Ti、SAM 哈雷、NANA、悠悠、哈嘍、賓果 但丁、大帝第二頁:PIPILU LUXIXI、當當、登登、豆豆、多麗、恩佐、菲麗、哈利、妞妞、嘿咻 黑風、歡歡、黑虎、老虎 羅傑 貝蒂、雷歐、李圖圖、靈寶、露露、毛毛 麗莎 長毛 妮卡 妮拉、美玲、摩卡、匹克、蘋果、強仔 強妞、灑脫、閃電第三頁:銅錘、威廉、維恩、向寶寶、小乖、小辣椒、小三子、小新、辛巴、野狼、悠悠、aili、gorden、jimmy、max、michael、parker、zax、阿爾法、阿牧、安琪、奧迪、奧斯卡、巴西、班尼第四頁:豹子、貝貝、貝克、貝嘍、布希、曹操、臭臭、達芬奇、大亮、大熊、大尤、大嘴、公主、哈里、黑狼、黑妞、虎子、吉布斯、傑克、捷克、卡迪通、卡隆、可可、庫侖、拉索第五頁:淚恩、琳琳、魯卡斯、瑪雅、梅西、迷卡、皮特、奇奇、莎莉、莎莎、勝勝、帥虎、天天、彤彤、桐桐、威威、溫蒂、五魁、小哈、小黑、小牧、小派、小強、葉兒、一筒第六頁:依戀、優卡、壯壯、元帥、蟲寶、丸子深愛的小虎、虎子、傑克、虎子、虎虎、虎虎、小貝、威廉、基諾、尼尼 尼卡、黑虎、奧巴、牛牛、虎虎、巴頓、小無敵、亞瑟、笨笨、萊克思、陽陽第七頁:邁克 凱瑞 艾迪、雷奧·德、喜力、路路、饅頭、杯杯、卡爾、candy和happy、天賜、旺財、烏利、鋼炮、遛遛、Luffy、哈里、妞妞、來福、艾西、卡卡、金虎、兔子、艾西、小麥第八頁:墨脫、吉利、歡歡、王小豹、黑豹 黑妞、阿爾薩斯·悍虎、白龍、黑虎、大黑、戴維
⑩ 奧斯卡歷屆動畫短片列表
1931-2004奧斯卡動畫短片 帶*的為獲獎作品.
1931/32 (5th)
* Flowers and Trees -- Walt Disney, Procer
It's Got Me Again -- Leon Schlesinger, Procer
Mickey's Orphans -- Walt Disney, Procer
1932/33 (6th)
Building a Building -- Walt Disney, Procer [came in 2nd]
The Merry Old Soul -- Walter Lantz, Procer [came in 3rd]
* The Three Little Pigs -- Walt Disney, Procer
1934 (7th)
Holiday Land -- Charles Mintz, Procer [came in 3rd]
Jolly Little Elves -- Walter Lantz, Procer [came in 2nd]
* The Tortoise and the Hare -- Walt Disney, Procer
1935 (8th)
The Calico Dragon -- Harman-Ising [came in 3rd]
* Three Orphan Kittens -- Walt Disney, Procer
Who Killed Cock Robin? -- Walt Disney, Procer [came in 2nd]
1936 (9th)
* The Country Cousin -- Walt Disney, Procer
Old Mill Pond -- Harman-Ising
Sinbad the Sailor -- Paramount
1937 (10th)
Ecated Fish -- Paramount
The Little Match Girl -- Charles Mintz, Procer
* The Old Mill -- Walt Disney, Procer
1938 (11th)
Brave Little Tailor -- Walt Disney, Procer
* Ferdinand the Bull -- Walt Disney, Procer
Good Scouts -- Walt Disney, Procer
Hunky and Spunky -- Paramount
Mother Goose Goes Hollywood -- Walt Disney, Procer
1939 (12th)
Detouring America -- Warner Bros.
Peace on Earth -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Pointer -- Walt Disney, Procer
* The Ugly Duckling -- Walt Disney, Procer
1940 (13th)
* The Milky Way -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Puss Gets the Boot -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
A Wild Hare -- Leon Schlesinger, Procer
1941 (14th)
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B -- Walter Lantz, Procer
Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt -- Leon Schlesinger, Procer
How War Came -- Columbia
* Lend a Paw -- Walt Disney, Procer
The Night before Christmas -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Rhapsody in Rivets -- Leon Schlesinger, Procer
Rhythm in the Ranks -- George Pal, Procer
The Rookie Bear -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Superman -- Max Fleischer, Procer
Truant Officer Donald -- Walt Disney, Procer
1942 (15th)
All Out for 'V' -- 20th Century-Fox
Blitz Wolf -- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
* Der Fuehrer's Face -- Walt Disney, Procer
Juke Box Jamboree -- Walter Lantz, Procer
Pigs in a Polka -- Leon Schlesinger, Procer
Tulips Shall Grow -- George Pal, Procer
1943 (16th)
The Dizzy Acrobat -- Walter Lantz, Procer
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins -- George Pal, Procer
Greetings Bait! -- Leon Schlesinger, Procer
Imagination -- Dave Fleischer, Procer
Reason and Emotion -- Walt Disney, Procer
* Yankee Doodle Mouse -- Frederick Quimby, Procer
1944 (17th)
And To Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street -- George Pal, Procer
Dog, Cat and Canary -- Screen Gems
Fish Fry -- Walter Lantz, Procer
How To Play Football -- Walt Disney, Procer
* Mouse Trouble -- Frederick C. Quimby, Procer
My Boy Johnny -- Paul Terry, Procer
Swooner Crooner -- Warner Bros.
1945 (18th)
Donald's Crime -- Walt Disney, Procer
Jasper and the Beanstalk -- George Pal, Procer
Life with Feathers -- Eddie Selzer, Procer
Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life -- Paul Terry, Procer
The Poet and Peasant -- Walter Lantz, Procer
* Quiet Please! -- Frederick Quimby, Procer
Rippling Romance -- Screen Gems
1946 (19th)
* The Cat Concerto -- Frederick Quimby, Procer
Chopin's Musical Moments -- Walter Lantz, Procer
John Henry and the Inky Poo -- George Pal, Procer
Squatter's Rights -- Walt Disney, Procer
Walky Talky Hawky -- Edward Selzer, Procer
1947 (20th)
Chip An' Dale -- Walt Disney, Procer
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse -- Frederick Quimby, Procer
Pluto's Blue Note -- Walt Disney, Procer
Tubby the Tuba -- George Pal, Procer
* Tweetie Pie -- Edward Selzer, Procer
1948 (21st)
* The Little Orphan -- Fred Quimby, Procer
Mickey and the Seal -- Walt Disney, Procer
Mouse Wreckers -- Edward Selzer, Procer
Robin Hoodlum -- United Proctions of America
Tea for Two Hundred -- Walt Disney, Procer
1949 (22nd)
Canary Row -- Edward Selzer, Procer
[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. Nomination withdrawn by procer.]
* For Scent-Imental Reasons -- Edward Selzer, Procer
Hatch Up Your Troubles -- Fred Quimby, Procer
The Magic Fluke -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
Toy Tinkers -- Walt Disney, Procer
1950 (23rd)
* Gerald McBoing-Boing -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
Jerry's Cousin -- Fred Quimby, Procer
Trouble Indemnity -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
1951 (24th)
Lambert, the Sheepish Lion -- Walt Disney, Procer
Rooty Toot Toot -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
* Two Mouseketeers -- Fred Quimby, Procer
1952 (25th)
* Johann Mouse -- Fred Quimby, Procer
Little Johnny Jet -- Fred Quimby, Procer
Madeline -- Stephen Bosustow, Executive Procer
Pink and Blue Blues -- Stephen Bosustow, Executive Procer
Romance of Transportation -- Tom Daly, Procer
1953 (26th)
Christopher Crumpet -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
From A to Z-Z-Z-Z -- Edward Selzer, Procer
Rugged Bear -- Walt Disney, Procer
The Tell Tale Heart -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
* Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom -- Walt Disney, Procer
1954 (27th)
Crazy Mixed Up Pup -- Walter Lantz, Procer
Pigs Is Pigs -- Walt Disney, Procer
Sandy Claws -- Edward Selzer, Procer
Touché, Pussy Cat -- Fred Quimby, Procer
* When Magoo Flew -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
1955 (28th)
Good Will to Men -- Fred Quimby, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Procers
The Legend of Rock-a-bye Point -- Walter Lantz, Procer
No Hunting -- Walt Disney, Procer
* Speedy Gonzales -- Edward Selzer, Procer
1956 (29th)
Gerald McBoing-Boing on Planet Moo -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
The Jay Walker -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
* Mister Magoo's Puddle Jumper -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
1957 (30th)
* Birds Anonymous -- Edward Selzer, Procer
One Droopy Knight -- William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Procers
Tabasco Road -- Edward Selzer, Procer
Trees and Jamaica Daddy -- Stephen Bosustow, Procer
The Truth about Mother Goose -- Walt Disney, Procer
1958 (31st)
* Knighty Knight Bugs -- John W. Burton, Procer
Paul Bunyan -- Walt Disney, Procer
Sidney's Family Tree -- William M. Weiss, Procer
1959 (32nd)
Mexicali Shmoes -- John W. Burton, Procer
* Moonbird -- John Hubley, Procer
Noah's Ark -- Walt Disney, Procer
The Violinist -- Ernest Pintoff, Procer
1960 (33rd)
Goliath II -- Walt Disney, Procer
High Note -- Warner Bros.
Mouse and Garden -- Warner Bros.
* Munro -- William L. Snyder, Procer
A Place in the Sun -- Frantisek Vystrecil, Procer
1961 (34th)
Aquamania -- Walt Disney, Procer
Beep Prepared -- Chuck Jones, Procer
* Ersatz (The Substitute) -- Zagreb Film
Nelly's Folly -- Chuck Jones, Procer
The Pied Piper of Guadalupe -- Friz Freleng, Procer
1962 (35th)
* The Hole -- John Hubley and Faith Hubley, Procers
Icarus Montgolfier Wright -- Jules Engel, Procer
Now Hear This -- Warner Bros.
Self Defense--For Cowards -- William L. Snyder, Procer
Symposium on Popular Songs -- Walt Disney, Procer
1963 (36th)
Automania 2000 -- John Halas, Procer
* The Critic -- Ernest Pintoff, Procer
The Game (Igra) -- Dusan Vukotic, Procer
My Financial Career -- Colin Low and Tom Daly, Procers
Pianissimo -- Carmen D'Avino, Procer
1964 (37th)
Christmas Cracker -- National Film Board of Canada
How To Avoid Friendship -- William L. Snyder, Procer
Nudnik #2 -- William L. Snyder, Procer
* The Pink Phink -- David H. DePatie and Friz Freleng, Procers
1965 (38th)
Clay or The Origin of Species -- Eliot Noyes, Jr., Procer
* The Dot and the Line -- Chuck Jones and Les Goldman, Procers
The Thieving Magpie (La Gazza Ladra) -- Emanuele Luzzati, Procer
1966 (39th)
The Drag -- Wolf Koenig and Robert Verrall, Procers
* Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature -- John Hubley and Faith Hubley, Procers
The Pink Blueprint -- David H. DePatie and Friz Freleng, Procers
1967 (40th)
* The Box -- Fred Wolf, Procer
Hypothese Beta -- Jean-Charles Meunier, Procer
What on Earth! -- Robert Verrall and Wolf Koenig, Procers
1968 (41st)
The House that Jack Built -- Wolf Koenig and Jim MacKay, Procers
The Magic Pear Tree -- Jimmy Murakami, Procer
Windy Day -- John Hubley and Faith Hubley, Procers
* Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day -- Walt Disney, Procer
1969 (42nd)
* It's Tough to Be a Bird -- Ward Kimball, Procer
Of Men and Demons -- John Hubley and Faith Hubley, Procers
Walking -- Ryan Larkin, Procer
1970 (43rd)
The Further Adventures of Uncle Sam: Part Two -- Robert Mitchell and Dale Case, Procers
* Is It Always Right To Be Right? -- Nick Bosustow, Procer
The Shepherd -- Cameron Guess, Procer
1971 (44th)
* The Crunch Bird -- Ted Petok, Procer
Evolution -- Michael Mills, Procer
The Selfish Giant -- Peter Sander and Murray Shostak, Procers
1972 (45th)
* A Christmas Carol -- Richard Williams, Procer
Kama Sutra Rides Again -- Bob Godfrey, Procer
Tup Tup -- Nedeljko Dragic, Procer
1973 (46th)
* Frank Film -- Frank Mouris, Procer
The Legend of John Henry -- Nick Bosustow and David Adams, Procers
Pulcinella -- Emanuele Luzzati and Giulio Gianini, Procers
1974 (47th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Closed Mondays -- Will Vinton and Bob Gardiner, Procers
The Family That Dwelt Apart -- Yvon Mallette and Robert Verrall, Procers
Hunger -- Peter Foldes and René Jodoin, Procers
Voyage to Next -- Faith Hubley and John Hubley, Procers
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too -- Wolfgang Reitherman, Procer
1975 (48th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Great -- Bob Godfrey, Procer
Kick Me -- Robert Swarthe, Procer
Monsieur Pointu -- René Jodoin, Bernard Longpré and André Lec, Procers
Sisyphus -- Marcell Jankovics, Procer
1976 (49th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Dedalo -- Manfredo Manfredi, Procer
* Leisure -- Suzanne Baker, Procer
The Street -- Caroline Leaf and Guy Glover, Procers
1977 (50th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Bead Game -- Ishu Patel, Procer
The Doonesbury Special -- John Hubley, Faith Hubley and Garry Trudeau, Procers
Jimmy the C -- James Picker, Robert Grossman and Craig Whitaker, Procers
* The Sand Castle -- Co Hoedeman, Procer
1978 (51st)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Oh My Darling -- Nico Crama, Procer
Rip Van Winkle -- Will Vinton, Procer
* Special Delivery -- Eunice Macaulay and John Weldon, Procers
1979 (52nd)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Dream Doll -- Bob Godfrey and Zlatko Grgic, Procers
* Every Child -- Derek Lamb, Procer
It's So Nice to Have a Wolf Around the House -- Paul Fierlinger, Procer
1980 (53rd)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
All Nothing -- Frédéric Back, Procer
* The Fly -- Ferenc Rofusz, Procer
History of the World in Three Minutes Flat -- Michael Mills, Procer
1981 (54th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Crac -- Frédéric Back, Procer
The Creation -- Will Vinton, Procer
The Tender Tale of Cinderella Penguin -- Janet Perlman, Procer
1982 (55th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Great Cognito -- Will Vinton, Procer
The Snowman -- John Coates, Procer
* Tango -- Zbigniew Rybczynski, Procer
1983 (56th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Mickey's Christmas Carol -- Burny Mattinson, Procer
Sound of Sunshine - Sound of Rain -- Eda Godel Hallinan, Procer
* Sundae in New York -- Jimmy Picker, Procer
1984 (57th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Charade -- Jon Minnis, Procer
Doctor De Soto -- Morton Schindel and Michael Sporn, Procers
Paradise -- Ishu Patel, Procer
1985 (58th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Anna & Bella -- Cilia Van Dijk, Procer
The Big Snit -- Richard Condie and Michael Scott, Procers
Second Class Mail -- Alison Snowden, Procer
1986 (59th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Frog, the Dog and the Devil -- Bob Stenhouse, Procer
* A Greek Tragedy -- Linda Van Tulden and Willem Thijssen, Procers
Luxo Jr. -- John Lasseter and William Reeves, Procers
1987 (60th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
George and Rosemary -- Eunice Macaulay, Procer
* The Man Who Planted Trees -- Frédéric Back, Procer
Your Face -- Bill Plympton, Procer
1988 (61st)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Cat Came Back -- Cordell Barker
Technological Threat -- Bill Kroyer, Brian Jennings
* Tin Toy -- John Lasseter, William Reeves
1989 (62nd)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Balance -- Christoph Lauenstein, Wolfgang Lauenstein
The Cow -- Alexander Petrov
The Hill Farm -- Mark Baker
1990 (63rd)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Creature Comforts -- Nick Park
A Grand Day Out -- Nick Park
Grasshoppers (Cavallette) -- Bruno Bozzetto
1991 (64th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Blackfly -- Christopher Hinton
* Manipulation -- Daniel Greaves
Strings -- Wendy Tilby
1992 (65th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Adam -- Peter Lord
* Mona Lisa Descending A Staircase -- Joan C. Gratz
Reci, Reci, Reci... (Words, Words, Words) -- Michaela Pavlátová
The Sandman -- Paul Berry
Screen Play -- Barry J.C. Purves
1993 (66th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Blindscape -- Stephen Palmer
The Mighty River -- Frédéric Back, Hubert Tison
Small Talk -- Bob Godfrey, Kevin Baldwin
The Village -- Mark Baker
* The Wrong Trousers -- Nick Park
1994 (67th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Big Story -- Tim Watts, David Stoten
* Bob's Birthday -- Alison Snowden, David Fine
The Janitor -- Vanessa Schwartz
The Monk and the Fish -- Michael Dudok de Wit
Triangle -- Erica Russell
1995 (68th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Chicken from Outer Space -- John R. Dilworth
* A Close Shave -- Nick Park
the end -- Chris Landreth, Robin Bargar
Gagarin -- Alexij Kharitidi
Runaway Brain -- Chris Bailey
1996 (69th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Canhead -- Timothy Hittle, Chris Peterson
La Salla -- Richard Condie
* Quest -- Tyron Montgomery, Thomas Stellmach
Wat's Pig -- Peter Lord
1997 (70th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Famous Fred -- Joanna Quinn
* Geri's Game -- Jan Pinkava
La Vieille Dame et les Pigeons (The Old Lady and the Pigeons) -- Sylvain Chomet
The Mermaid -- Alexander Petrov
Rex Riding Hood -- Steve Moore, Dan O'Shannon
1998 (71st)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Bunny -- Chris Wedge
The Canterbury Tales -- Christopher Grace, Jonathan Myerson
Jolly Roger -- Mark Baker
More -- Mark Osborne, Steve Kalafer
When Life Departs -- Karsten Kiilerich, Stefan Fjeldmark
1999 (72nd)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Humdrum -- Peter Peake
My Grandmother Ironed the King's Shirts -- Torill Kove
* The Old Man and the Sea -- Alexander Petrov
3 Misses -- Paul Driessen
When the Day Breaks -- Wendy Tilby, Amanda Forbis
2000 (73rd)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
* Father and Daughter -- Michael Dudok de Wit (bt下載)
The Periwig-Maker -- Steffen Schäffler, Annette Schäffler
Rejected -- Don Hertzfeldt
2001 (74th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Fifty Percent Grey -- Ruairi Robinson, Seamus Byrne
* For the Birds -- Ralph Eggleston
Give Up Yer Aul Sins -- Cathal Gaffney, Darragh O'Connell
Strange Invaders -- Cordell Barker
Stubble Trouble -- Joseph E. Merideth
2002 (75th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
The Cathedral -- Tomek Baginski
* The ChubbChubbs! -- Eric Armstrong
Das Rad -- Chris Stenner, Heidi Wittlinger
Mike's New Car -- Pete Docter, Roger Gould
Mt. Head -- Koji Yamamura
2003 (76th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Boundin' -- Bud Luckey
Destino -- Dominique Monfery and Roy Edward Disney
Gone Nutty -- Carlos Saldanha and John C. Donkin
* Harvie Krumpet -- Adam Elliot
Nibbles -- Chris Hinton
2004 (77th)
SHORT FILM (Animated)
Birthday Boy -- Sejong Park and Andrew Gregory
Gopher Broke -- Jeff Fowler and Tim Miller
Guard Dog -- Bill Plympton
Lorenzo -- Mike Gabriel and Baker Bloodworth
* Ryan -- Chris Landreth