導航:首頁 > 旅遊攻略 > 出國旅遊怎麼用語言介紹


發布時間:2022-09-03 23:17:58

A. 出國旅遊前想學點常用英語口語






很多時候大家以為自己看到英文單詞,按照自己認為的讀出來就可以了,殊不知許多海外國家的很多名詞與我們的基礎音標拼讀法是不太符合的。例如:FERRERO ROCHER (這個就是大家日常最愛吃的金箔紙費列羅,它的名字為義大利發音),uber (那個u發「烏」,不過你發U的音外國人大部分也能聽懂),Yves Saint Laurent (著名品牌YSL,女生們總是為它家的包包和彩妝狂熱,但是你如果進到商場里,問別人「Hi, where is YSL?」,大部分老外都會一臉問號,因為這個單詞他們平時是讀全稱的,並且這個單詞有英語法語兩種讀法)



在大家出國之後,第一個要面臨的口語場景就是海關。工作人員會讓你脫掉鞋子進行全身檢查,充電寶和帶電池設備都要單獨檢查,那麼問題來了,你知道充電寶怎麼說嗎?不是electricity baby哦。謎底揭曉:power bank。

不只是海關,像打車,付錢,講價,詢問商品,取錢,填支票,退稅等等一系列活動,可不是幾句how are you,how much,thank you就能全部搞定的。在自己拿不準的時候,就問問外教吧。最好能把自己能想像到的,包括上問我提到的那些旅遊場景都和外教模擬一遍,加強記憶,這樣在一些時間緊湊的時刻才不會手忙腳亂。

我之前剛開始在美國生活的時候,會面臨許多中國人學英語不太有機會接觸到的英語知識。比如說有一次我租了別人的民宿,要洗衣服,結果發現不僅有washing machine(洗衣機),還有dryer(烘乾機),還要分開投幣。當時我都分不清quarter (1/4美元,25美分)和dollar (美元)的區別,而當時房東已經休息,也沒有別人可以詢問,急得滿頭大汗最後也沒能投幣成功,第二天穿著臟衣服繼續逛街,就很鬧心。像這樣的尷尬時刻,如果你能在前期的旅遊准備中多加練習和涉獵,就能盡量避開它們。

在和外教的學習過程中,最好能讓他們教你一些俚語的用法。例如:Sup!(你好!),what are you up to?(准備幹嘛呢朋友),green hand/newbie (菜鳥), suck it!(去你的!)以及suck it up(算了,湊和吧)。也許你覺得你沒機會說這些俚語,但是萬一老外說了,你就能明白對方是什麼意思,可以減少鬧烏龍的機會。




B. 一個人想去國外旅遊,不懂外語怎麼辦



C. 出國旅遊英語口語




East東、South南、West西、North北、Left左、Right右、Straighton往前直去、There那兒、Front前方、Back後方、Side側旁、Before之前、After之後、First left/right第 一個轉左/右的路


Excuse me,How do I get to the.......?請問如何前往......?

How do I get to the airport?請問如何前往機場?

How do I get to the bus station?請問如何前往公車站?

How do I get to the metro station?請問如何前往地下鐵路站?(Metro乃歐洲常用字)

How do I get to the subway station?請問如何前往地下鐵路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字)

How do I get to the underground station?請問如何前往地下鐵路站?(underground乃英國常用字)

How do I get to the train station?請問如何前往火車站?

How do I get to the Hilton hotel ?請問如何前往希爾頓酒店?

How do I get to the police station?請問如何前往警局?

How do I get to the post office?請問如何前往郵政局?

How do I get to the tourist information office?請問如何前往旅遊資訊局?


Excuse me, Is there....... nearby?請問附近有沒有...?

Is there a hospital nearby? 請問附近有沒有醫院?

Is there a post box nearby?請問附近有沒有郵政局?

Is there a public toilet nearby?請問附近有沒有公共廁所?

Is there a restaurant nearby?請問附近有沒有餐廳?

Is there a telephone nearby?請問附近有沒有電話?

Is there a travel agent nearby?請問附近有沒有旅遊社?

Is there a youth hostel nearby?請問附近有沒有青年旅館?

Is there a baker nearby? 請問附近有沒有麵包店?

Is there a bank nearby? 請問附近有沒有銀行?

Is there a bar nearby? 請問附近有沒有酒吧?

Is there a bus stop nearby? 請問附近有沒有公車站?

Is there a cafe nearby? 請問附近有沒有咖啡店?

Is there a cake shop nearby? 請問附近有沒有西餅店?

Is there a change bureau nearby? 請問附近有沒有找換店?

Is there a chemist"s nearby?請問附近有沒有葯劑師?

Is there a department store nearby?請問附近有沒有百貨公司?



機場費 airport fee

出站(出港、離開) departures

國際機場 international airport

登機手續辦理 check-in

國內機場 domestic airport

登機牌 boarding pass (card)

機場候機樓 airport terminal

護照檢查處 passport control immigration

國際候機樓 international terminal

行李領取處 luggage claim; baggage claim

國際航班出港 international departure

國際航班旅客 international passengers

國內航班出站 domestic departure

中轉 transfers

衛星樓 satellite

中轉旅客 transfer passengers

入口 in

中轉處 transfer correspondence

出口 exit; out; way out

過境 transit

進站(進港、到達) arrivals

報關物品 goods to declare

不需報關 nothing to declare

貴賓室 V.I.P. room

海關 customs

購票處 ticket office

登機口 gate; departure gate

付款處 cash

候機室 departure lounge

計程車 taxi

航班號 FLT No (flight number)

計程車乘車點 Taxi pick-up point

來自…… arriving from

大轎車乘車點 coach pick-up point

預計時間 scheled time (SCHED)

航空公司汽車服務處 airline coach service

實際時間 actual

租車處 car hire

已降落 landed

公共汽車 bus; coach service

前往…… departure to

公用電話 public phone; telephone

起飛時間 departure time

廁所 toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room

延誤 delayed

男廁 men's; gent's; gentlemen's

登機 boarding

女廁 women's; lady's

由此乘電梯前往登機 stairs and lifts to departures

餐廳 restaurant

迎賓處 greeting arriving

酒吧 bar

由此上樓 up; upstairs

咖啡館 coffee shop; cafe

由此下樓 down; downstairs

免稅店 ty-free shop

銀行 bank

郵局 post office

貨幣兌換處 money exchange; currency exchange

出售火車票 rail ticket

訂旅館 hotel reservation

旅行安排 tour arrangement

行李暫存箱 luggage locker

行李牌 luggage tag


飛機票 endorsements/restrictions

前往城市 to

旅客姓名 name of passenger

承運人 carrier

旅行經停地點 good for passage between

航班號 flight no.

起點城市 from

座艙等級 class

起飛日期 date

機號 plane No.

起飛時間 time

機座號 seat No.

訂座情況 status

吸煙坐位 smoking seat

機票確認 ticket confirm

非吸煙席 non-smoking seat

登機口 gate


姓 family name

年 year

名 First (Given) Name

月 month

性別 sex

偕行人數 accompanying number

男 male

職業 occupation

女 female

專業技術人員 professionals & technical

國籍 nationality

行政管理人員 legislators &administrators

國籍 country of citizenship

辦事員 clerk

護照號 passport No.

商業人員 commerce

原住地 country of Origin

服務人員 service

前往目的地國 destination country

農民 farmer

登機城市 city where you boarded

工人 worker

簽證簽發地 city where visa was issued

其他 others

簽發日期 date issue

無業 jobless

前往國家的住址 address while in

簽名 signature

街道及門牌號 number and street

官方填寫 official use only

城市及國家 city and state

出生日期 date of Birth

Flight Number, Flight No. 航班號

Gate 登機口

Level 1 第一層(樓)

Level 2 第二層(樓)

Level 3 第三層 (樓)

Shuttle 機場小巴

Baggage Claim 行李認領

Connecting flights counter 轉機服務台

Boarding Pass 登機牌

Exit 出口

Emergency Exit 緊急出口(只用作緊急狀況時)

Terminal 機場終端出口

Telephone 電話

Northwest Airlines 美西北航空公司

Restroom 洗手間

Men's 男洗手間

Gentleman 男洗手間

Women's 女洗手間


Airport 機場

Air China 中國國航

Air Ticket 飛機票

Arrival 抵達

Belt 帶, 傳送帶

Date 日期

Time 時間

Departure 出發

Domestic 國內

Take off 起飛

Customer 顧客, 乘客

Elevator, Lift 電梯

Employee Only 只限工作人員進入

Information 信息

Information Center 問訊處

International 國際

No Entry 勿進

No Smoking 嚴禁吸煙

China 中國

Chinese 中國人

Customs 海關

Customs declaration 海關申報表

Foreign 外國的

Foreigner 外國人

Immigration 入境

Itinerary 行程

I-20 form 留學生身分表

I-94 form 出入境表

Name 姓名

Nationals 國民

Officer 官員

Passport 護照

Tax Free, ty free 免稅

Tourist 遊客

United States (U.S.) 美國

Visa 簽證

Water 水

Tea 茶

Drink 飲料

Coke 可樂

Sprite 雪碧

Pillow 枕頭

Blanket 毛毯

soft drinks 飲料

no ice please. 不加冰

hot water 開水

orange juice 橘子汁

water 水

apple juice 蘋果汁

tomato juice 番茄汁

coke 可樂

diet coke 無糖可樂

hot tea 熱茶

coffee 咖啡

chicken 雞肉

beef 牛肉

fish 魚

vegetarian 吃素

rice 米飯

noodle 面條

smashed potato 土豆泥


姓 surname

失效日期(或必須在…日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before)

名 first (given) name

停留期為…… for stays of

性別 sex

10天 ten days

出生日期 birthdate

8周 eight weeks

國籍 nationality

3個月 three months

護照號 passport No.

6個月 six months

編號 control No.

1年 one year

簽發地 Issue At

3年 three years

簽發日期 Issue Date

簽證種類 visa type/class



May I see your passport, please?


Where are you staying?


Here is my passport / Here it is.


I will stay at Boston Hotel.


What's the purpose of your visit?


Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?




Yes, here it is.


How long will you be staying in the United States?


How much money do you have with you?


5 days.


I have 800 dollars.


I plan to stay for about 10 days.


Good. Have a nice day.


I'm just passing through.


Thank you.


I am leaving for Geneva tonight.




Where can I get my baggage?


It's a small ovemight bag. It's light brown.


I can'find my baggage.


Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.


Here is my claim tag.


We may have lost some baggage so we'd like to make a lost baggage report.

Would you come with me to the office?



Could you please check it urgently?


How soon will I find out?


How many pieces of baggage have you lost?


Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it.


Can you describe your baggage?


How can you help me if you can't find my baggage today?


It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's gray.


I'd like to purchase what I need for the night.


It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag.

It's dark blue.




Your passport and declaration card, please.


This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan.


Do you have anything to declare?


Do you have any liquor or cigarettes?


No, I don't.


Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.


Please open this bag.


The camera is for my personal use.


What are these?


You'll have to pay ty on this.


These are for my personal use.


Do you have any other baggage?


These are gifts for my friends.


O.K. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.



為了使旅客在踏入異國的第一步便能充份掌握旅途中所需的信息,大部份國際機場皆設有「旅遊咨詢中心」(TOURIST INFORMATION),舉凡住宿、交通或是該到何處玩,此中心皆能提供旅客最專業的服務。假使事先未能預定好住宿飯店,也可在到達後,向旅遊咨詢中心索取飯店資料,並立刻打電話詢問住房狀況,以免徒增提著大包小包在市區中尋找住宿飯店的不便。

Where is the tourist information?


Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?


Is there an airport bus to the city?


Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night?


Where is the bus stop(taxi stand)?


Could you recommend a hotel in the city center?


Where can I get the limousine for Hilton Hotel?


I'd like to stay at a hotel near the station (beach).


How can I get to Hilton Hotel?


How much is it per night?


Do you have a hotel list?


Does it include tax and service charge?


Can I have a youth hostel list?


Is breakast included?


May I have a city map?


Is there a discount for staying several days?


Can I reserve a hotel(rent a car)here?


I'd like to stay for two nights.




Hello. This is United Airlines.


I'd like to reconfirm my flight.


What's your name and flight number?


My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight number is UA 003 for Los Angeles.



When is it?June 10th.


I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves.


I can't find your name. Really?


May I have your name again?


I still can't find your name on the reservation list.


Anyway, we have seats for new bookings on this flight. No problem.


One economy class seat, is that right?


Now you have been booked.


Thanks a lot. What time do you start check-in?


Two hours before departure time.


You must check-in at least one hour before.



Then, please give me a new reservation.


Sorry, this flight is full.


What is the possibility of my getting

a seat if I wait?


When will the next flight to Los Angeles leave?


The day after tomorrow, Friday.


That will be fine. What's the flight number and departure time?


What is the fare?



D. 出國旅遊的英語口語



1. Speak louder,please.


2. This boy has no job.


3. This house is my own.


4. What happened to you?


5. You are just in time.


6. You need to workout.


7. Your hand feels cold.


8. Don't be so childish.


9. Don't trust to chance!


10. Fasten your seat belt.


11. He has a large income.


12. He looks very healthy.


13. He paused for a reply.


14. He repaired his house.


15. He suggested a picnic.


16. Here's a gift for you.


17. How much does it cost?



E. 出國旅行,必備的50句英語,值得收藏



1、Is this bag ok as hand luggage? 這個包可以隨身帶上飛機嗎?

2、Can I take [item] though security ? 這個可以通過安檢嗎?

3、Can I have a window/aisle seat, please ? 可以給我一個靠窗/靠近過道 的位置嗎?

4、Which gate do I to board from? 我應該在幾號登機口登機?

5、When do I need to board ? 什麼時間開始登機?

6、Is my flight on time ? 我乘坐的飛機回准點起飛嗎?

7、Can I check my luggage though to [final destinnation] ? 行李可以直接托運到(終點)嗎?

8、How long is my transfer time ? 換乘時間有多久?

9、What terminal does my flighe leave from at [next] airport?我應該在(下一個)機場的哪個航站樓轉機?

F. 出國旅遊常用英語口語有

Where is the railway station? 火車站在哪?
Melbourne central station, please. 墨爾本中心火車站
How much is it? 多少錢?
Is there a bus that goes to Melbourne central station? 有去墨爾本中心火車站的巴士嗎?
What station does the train for Melbourne leave from? 去墨爾本的火車是從那一站離開的
Where is the ticket office? 賣票的地方在哪?
A ticket to Melbourne, please. 一張去墨爾本的票
One way or a round trip ticket? 單程還是環程票
Second class one way, please 二等單程
Are there reserved seats on the train? 火車上設有座位預留嗎?
I don』t think it』s necessary, as the train won』t be crowded. 我想沒有必要,因為火車不是很擠
Can I stop over on the way? 我可以中途下車嗎?
Can I have a second-class ticket to Melbourne, please? 一張2等票去墨爾本
Are there any discount tickets for me? 我買票有折扣嗎?
May I see a timetable? 我可以看看時間表嗎?
Does this train run everyday? 這天天通火車嗎?
I』d like to go to Melbourne tomorrow. What time is there a train? 我想明天去墨爾本,幾點的火車?
Is there a train that goes any faster? 有更快的車嗎?
From which station does the train leave? 火車從哪站出發?
At which window can I make a reservation? 在哪個窗口我可以做預訂
I』d like to reserve a seat on this train 我想要訂個座位
I』d like to reserve a sleeper to Melbourne 我想訂張去墨爾本的卧鋪
I』d like the upper (the lower) berth. 我想要個上層(下層)的
Are any reserved seats available? 可以預訂座位嗎?
I』d like to change my reservation 我想改變我的預訂
Do I need a reservation? 我需要預訂嗎?
Smoking (non-smoking) car, please 吸煙(非吸煙)車廂
How long is the ticket valid? 車票多長時間有效?
What time does the first (last/next) train to Melbourne leave? 什麼時候第一輛(最後一輛/下一輛)車從墨爾本出發
Is it a direct train? 有直達車嗎?
Is there a connection to Melbourne? 有去墨爾本的聯運嗎?
Do I have to change train? 我還需要換車嗎?
Will the train leave on schele? 火車准時出發嗎?
What time does the train arrive in Melbourne? 火車幾點到墨爾本
Are there any express train? 有特快列車嗎?
Where does the train go to? 這輛車是去哪的?
Does the train split up? 列車會分離嗎?
Is there a dining (sleeping) car on the train? 這有餐車(卧鋪)車廂嗎?
Does this train stop at Melbourne? 火車在墨爾本停嗎?
Is there a direct train to Melbourne? 有直達去墨爾本的火車嗎?
Where do I change trains? 我在哪換車?
How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 多長時間能到墨爾本?
What platform does the train leave from? 火車從哪個站台出發
Is this the right platform for the train to Melbourne? 這個是去墨爾本的站台嗎?
How long does it take to go to Melbourne? 去墨爾本需要多長時間?
Do I have to change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨爾本我需要換車嗎?
Can you help me with these bags? 你能幫我看一下包嗎?
Does the train to Melbourne shop at this station? 去墨爾本的火車在這站停嗎?
How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive? 還有多長時間火車能到?
Is this the train to Melbourne? 這是去墨爾本的火車嗎?
Excuse me. May I get by? 打擾一下,我能過去嗎?
Is this seat taken? 這座有人嗎?
May I sit here? 我可以座這嗎?
I think this is my seat 我想這是我的座位。
May I smoke? 我可以吸煙嗎?
Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 我需要訂餐廳的座位嗎?
Could I reserve a table at 7 o』clock? 我可以在7點訂桌嗎?
Can I stop over with this ticket? 我可以中途下車嗎?
This car does to Melbourne, doesn』t it? 這是去墨爾本的車,對嗎?
Does this car go to Melbourne? 這車去墨爾本嗎?
May I open the window? 我可以打開窗戶嗎?
What is the next stop? 下一站是什麼?
How long does this train stop there? 車在這停多長時間?
Could you let me know before we get to Melbourne? 到墨爾本之前可以告訴我一下嗎?
What time do we get to Melbourne? 我們什麼時間到墨爾本?
What station is this? 這站是哪裡?
Where is the sleeping car? 卧鋪在哪裡?
Where is my berth? 我的床鋪在哪裡?
Could you make up my berth? 可以整理一下我的床鋪嗎?
Could you make me up at 7 o』clock tomorrow morning? 明早7點能叫我起床嗎?
I lost my ticket. What should I do? 我丟了我的票,我該怎麼辦?
Can I cancel this ticket? 我能取消這張票嗎?
I』d like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想換成頭等票
I missed my station. 我找不到火車站拉
I missed my train. 我找不到火車拉
I left something on the train. 我忘了些東西在火車上
Please validate my pass 請確認我的通行證
I』d like to start using this pass for 45 days from the day after tomorrow. 我開始用這張通行證在45天之間
Can I get on this train with this ticket? 我可以用這張票上車嗎?
Where is ABC office? ABC 辦公室在哪?
Do I need a reservation? 我需要預訂嗎?
I have an Apass 我有A票
Could you issue the supplement coupons 你們發行增刊的優待券嗎?
Where is the bus depot for the ABC buses? ABC線路的巴士站在哪裡?
Where is the ticket office? 賣票的地方在哪裡?
To Melbourne, please 到墨爾本,謝謝
Can I get a ticket on the bus? 我能上車買票嗎?
What time does the bus for Melbourne leave? 墨爾本出發的巴士是幾點?
How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 去墨爾本多長時間?
Do I have to transfer? 我還得換車嗎?
Where can I check my baggage? 在哪裡可以檢查我的行李
Could I keep this baggage? 我能帶者這些行李嗎?
Which gate does the bus for Melbourne leave from 從墨爾本出發的車在幾號門?
Which bus goes to Melbourne? 哪輛車去墨爾本
What time does next bus leave? 下一輛車什麼時候出發?
Is this seat taken? 這個座有人嗎?
May I sit next to you? 我可以做你旁邊嗎?
Where should I put my baggage? 我的行李應該放在哪裡?
What time does this bus leave? 巴士什麼時候離開?
Where is the rest room? 洗手間在哪裡?
How long does the bus stop here? 巴士在這挺多久?
I』ll get off here 我在這里下車
I』ll take the next bus. 我要坐下輛車
May I have a bus route map? 可以給我張巴士線路圖嗎?
May I see the time table? 我可以看一下時刻表嗎?
Is there a bus to Melbourne? 有去墨爾本的巴士嗎?
Where should I transfer? 我應該在哪轉站?
Where can I buy a ticket? 我在哪能買著票?
How long does it take to get there on foot? 步行去那裡需要多長時間?
Which bus goes to the airport? 哪輛車去飛機場?
Does this bus go to Melbourne? 這是去墨爾本的巴士嗎?
How much is it to Melbourne? 去墨爾本多少錢?
Transfer ticket, please 換車票
How many stops to Melbourne? 去墨爾本要停多少站?
I』d like to get off at Melbourne 我在墨爾本站下車
Could you tell me when to get off? 能告訴我什麼時候下車嗎?
How can I get the bus to stop? 我怎麼能讓巴士停下來?
I』ll get off at the cathedral. 在教堂前我要下車
I』ll get off here 我在這下車
May I have a subway map? 我可以看一下地鐵線路圖嗎?
Which line should I change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨爾本我應該換哪條線?
Which exit should I take for Melbourne central station? 我從哪個出口走在墨爾本中心火車站?
Is the next station Melbourne central station? 下一站是墨爾本中心火車站嗎?
Where is the taxi stand? 哪有計程車站台?
Could you call a taxi for me? 你能為我叫輛計程車嗎?
Where can I catch a taxi? 我在哪能趕上計程車?
Where to? 去哪裡?
How much does it cost to zoo? 去動物園多少錢?
Could you take me to Melbourne and bring me back? 你能帶我去墨爾本在接我回來嗎?
Could you turn on the heating (air-conditioning)? 你可以把暖風(空調)打開嗎?
Could you help me carry my baggage? 你能幫我搬行李嗎?
To this place, please 去這里
I』m in a hurry 我有急事
Could you give me a brief tour of the city, please? 你能帶我去市中心大概轉一下嗎?
Would you wait for me? 可以等我嗎?
Could you drive more slowly 可以開的慢點嗎?
Please turn to the right (left) 請右(左)轉
Shop here, please 停這里
How much is it? 多少錢?
The fare is different from the meter. 收費和儀表盤上的不一樣
Thank you。 Keep the change. 謝謝,不用找拉。
What kind of excursion cruises are there on the river 在這條河上有什麼樣的游覽船?
How many cruises are there each day? 這里一天有多少游覽船?
Where can I board the ship? 我在哪裡上船?
How long does it take to there and come back? 來回需要多長時間?
What time does the next ship leave? 下一班船什麼時候出發?
Is there a moonlight cruise tonight? 有夜間的游覽船嗎?
Does the fare include meal? 費用包括吃的嗎?
What time do we board? 我們什麼時候上船?
What time does the ship leave? 這艘船什麼時候出發?
Where is my cabin? 我的船室在哪?
How long does it take to south bank? 去南岸需要多長時間?
At which port do we stop? 我們在哪個碼頭停靠?
Can I reserve a deck chair? 我可以預訂一張甲板上的椅子嗎?
From what time can I have breakfast? 什麼時候可以吃早餐?
How long do we stop here? 我們在這里停靠多久?
I』d like to do some sightseeing while the ship is in port 當船靠港的時候,我想看看周圍的景色
I』m seasick, may I have some medicine? 能給我些葯嗎,我暈船
Could you call a doctor, please? 能幫我找個醫生嗎?
I』d like to rent a car, please 我想要租一輛汽車。
Where can I rent a car? 在哪裡我可以租到車?
I have a reservation. 我做了預訂。
This is my voucher. 這是我的憑證。
What kind of cars do you have? 你們有什麼樣的車?
I』d like an automatic (a compact/a sports) car 我想要輛自動檔(輕便/運動)車
May I see the rate list? 我可以看下費用單嗎?
I』d like to see the car before I rent it. 我想在租之前看下車
I』d like to rent this type of car for 3 days. 我想租這種車3天
Do you have any special rates? 你們有特價嗎?
What is the rate per day (week)? 每天(周)怎麼收費?
How much does it cost for 3 days? 3天的費用是多少?
Is the mileage free? 公里數是免費的嗎?
Does it include gas? 包括汽油嗎?
No. Fill the gas when you return the car. 不。 還車的時候請加滿油
Does the price include insurance? 保險在這費用中嗎?
Can I drive a car with my Chinese driving license? 我可以用中國的駕照開車嗎?
Do you want insurance? 你想要保險嗎?
I』d like full insurance. 我想要全額保險
This is my international driving permit. 這是我的國際駕照。
Please write down your home address 請寫下你的家庭住址
Where are you staying? 你在哪裡暫住?
Please send the car to Boston Hotel tomorrow morning 明天早上請把車送到波士頓酒店。
When do I have to return the car? 什麼時候我還車?
Can I drop it off at my destination? 我能把車放在我的目的地嗎?
Can I drop it off in Melbourne? 我能把車放在墨爾本嗎?
How much do you charge for dropping off the car? 你們取車需要收費多少?
Do I have to pay a deposit? 我需要支付押金嗎?
Please tell me some places to call in case of trouble. 請告訴我一旦發生緊急情況我應該給誰打電話
May I have a road map? 能給我張道路地圖嗎?
Is there a gas station around here? 這附近有加油站嗎?
Fill it up, please 請加滿油
Ten dollars of gas, please 10圓錢
How can I use this gasoline pump? 如何使用這個油泵啊?
Could you check the battery (brake fluid)? 你能檢查一下電池(剎車油)?
The clutch isn』t working right 離合器片沒有正常工作
The car makes a strange noise. 車發出奇怪的聲音
I have a flat tire. 我有一個癟胎
My car has broken down. 我的車拋錨拉
Could you show me on the map where I am? 能告訴我在地圖上的什麼位置嗎?
Where is the nearest motel around here? 這里最近的旅店在哪?
Where can I park? 我可以停在這嗎?
Please call the police. 請叫警察
Please call an ambulance. 請叫救護車
Where is the nearest telephone? 最近的電話在哪?

G. 出國旅遊語言怎麼辦,怎麼交流

出國旅遊不要愁,不要擔心的,因為有導游啊,實在不行的話就和我們一樣去買個步步高快譯通,走在 街上想問當地人什麼事情就把想說的 寫在步步高上,然後他會把語言翻譯成英語。。。

H. 出國旅遊常用的英語口語有哪些





I have a bag to check.我有行李需要轉運。

Here is my passport. 這是我的護照。

I have a stopover in Bangkok. 我需要在曼谷轉機。

Is the flight delayed?航班延誤了嗎?

The flight will be put off.飛機要延誤了。

Due to bad weather condition.因為航空管制。

My flight has been delayed.我的航班延誤了。

Will this flight get there on time?航班准點到達嗎?

What's the cause of the delay?飛機延誤的原因是什麼?

How long will the flight be delayed?飛機將要延誤多久?

When is the new boarding time?新登機時間是什麼時候?

The flight will take four hours.此次飛行將需要四個小時。

When is the next flight available? 下一班還有空位的班機幾點?

Where can I get my baggage? 我要去哪裡取行李?

I can』t find my baggage. 我找不到我的行李。

Could you please check it urgently?是否可麻煩緊急查詢?

I'd like to reconfirm my flight. 我想要再確認班機。

I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves. 我想要確認班機時間沒有改變。

Where is the tourist information? 旅遊咨詢中心在哪裡?

Is there an airport bus to the city? 是否有機場巴士可到市區?

Where is the bus stop(taxi stand)? 巴士站牌(計程車招呼站)在哪裡?過海關


Where will the customs procere take place? 海關手續在哪兒辦理?

May I have a customs declaration form, please? 請給我一份海關審報表,好嗎?

Which way shall I go to immigration? 我應該在哪裡辦理入境手續?

Where is the immigrantion office? 入境管理處在哪裡?

Can you tell me how to fill in this declaration form? 你能告訴我怎樣填這申請表嗎?

May I have a look at your custom declaration? 我可以看一下你的入境申請表嗎?

You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.您先去辦手續,我來幫您照看大件行李。

Our baggage has cleared customs. 我們的行李已經通過了安全檢查。

I have a tourist visa. 我辦的是旅遊簽證

I』m going to stay here for a week as a tourist 我將以遊客的身份在此逗留一個星期。

I plan to stay for about 10 days. 我預計停留約10天

I『m staying at the Benson Hotel. 我住在本森飯店。

Have you filled in the baggage declaration?你的行李申請單填好了嗎?

Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你有什麼要申報的么?

What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customsty-free? 海關允許你攜帶酒品的最高免稅額是多少?

Is that all for customs formalities? 海關檢查就這些了嗎?

All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go.我的行李都檢查完了,看來我可以走了。


Do you handle foreign exchange here?你們這里辦理外匯業務嗎?

I'd like to cash some traveller's checks here. 我想在這兒兌換一些旅行支票。

What's the exchange rate today? 今天的兌換比率是多少?

Where's the exchange rate list?匯率表在哪兒?

May I have a look at the exchange rate list?我可以看一下匯率表嗎?

Five hundred dollars, please. And could you give me ten dollars in smallchange? 請換500美元。再另外能否給我10元的小面額零錢?

What should I do if I want to exchange RMB for Canadiandollars?如果我想把人民幣換成加元該怎麼做呢?

WIll it take long? 要很久嗎?

I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please. 請將我的一些人民幣換成美元。

How many RMB to the US dollar?多少人民幣可以換一美元?

Will the rate still go down tomorrow?匯率明天還會跌嗎?

Please cash this check. 請兌現這張支票。

Can you change me some money, please? 能否請你給我兌換一些錢?

Five twenties and ten singles, please. 請給我5張20元和10張一元的。

Could you give me some small notes? 給我一些小票好嗎?


Where can I catch a taxi? 我在哪裡可以叫到計程車?

The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.計程車站台就在左邊轉角處。

Drive me to XXX. 載我到XXX。

Please drive me to this address.請把我開到這個地方。

How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi?打車到市中心需要多少錢?

Please open the trunk.可以幫我打開後備箱嗎?

Let me check the metre out.讓我看一下計價器。

By meter,please.請打表。

By the way, when can we arrive there? 順便問一下,我們多久可以到那兒?

May I open the window?我可以開窗戶嗎?

Could you mind not smoking? 請不要吸煙。

Please drive slowly.請開慢一點。

Can you go a little faster?你能開快一點嗎?

How much will it cost? 需要多少錢?

Here you are. You can keep the change. 給你錢,零錢不用找了。

Take me to the railway station. 載我到火車站

Shall we take the expressway?我們走高速嗎?

Take me back. 載我回去

What is the charge for that? 那要多少錢?

How much extra do I have to pay for that? 我還要另外付多少?

The change is yours. 找回的錢給你。

I need a receipt, please. 請給我一張發票。公交車


Is this the bus that goes by the mall? 這班公交車經過商業街嗎?

You can transfer from this bus to bus number 2. 你可以搭乘這班車,然後轉乘2路車。

Will it cost for the transfer?轉車需要錢嗎?

Please get me off at XXX. 請在XXX讓我下車

Where can I put the coin? 硬幣要放在哪裡?

I can take the bus free of change with my ID card. 我可以憑證件免費乘車。

Please come here and take my seat. (讓座)請過來坐我的位置。

Excuse me. Is this seat taken? 對不起,這座位有人坐嗎?

I'm afraid this seat is taken. 恐怕已經有人坐了。

How long does it take? 要花多久時間?

How much is the fare? 車費是多少?

A ticket to XX, please. 我要一張去XX的票。

You still owe me one yuan. 你少找我1元錢。

Do I need to change somewhere? 我需要在哪裡轉車嗎?

How many stops before I get off?到我下車前共有多少站呢?

What is the next stop? 下一站是哪兒?

Excuse me, am I on the right platform?對不起,請問我是否走對月台了?

Would you please let me know when we get to the stop?到站請告訴我好嗎?

I missed my stop! 我坐過站了!

Where is the ticket booth?售票亭在哪裡?


I reserved a room for tonight.我預定了個今晚的房間。

I have a reservation for [name]. 我用……的名字預訂了房間。

I have no reservation. Do you have a single room available? 我沒有預定,請問還有單人間嗎?(twin room=雙人間、雙床房,double room=大床房)

I would like to stay for…nights, please. 我要住……晚。

How much is this room per night? 每晚多少錢?

I』d like a key to room 202,please.請給我202房間的鑰匙。

Is there a room available for tonight?今晚有空房間嗎?

Can you help me with this form?你能幫我填這張表嗎?

Could you point me in the right direction?你能告訴我要往哪裡走嗎?

What time does the dining room open?餐廳什麼時候營業?

When will it be ready?什麼時候能准備好?

Can you keep my valuables?你能幫我保管貴重物品嗎?

Does my room have a bathroom? 房間里有浴室嗎? (an iron / a hairdryer / telephone /mini-bar=熨斗、吹風機、電話、小冰櫃)

Does the hotel have a swimming pool? 你們酒店有游泳池嗎?

Please bring me a pot of boiled water?請送一壺熱水.

May I have a wake-up call?早晨能叫醒我嗎?

A wake-up call, please.請提供叫醒服務。

Hello. I'm calling from Room 202. 喂,我是202房間住客。

What is the check-out time? 退房時間是幾點?

I'm ready to check out now. 我要退房結賬了。

May I check it? 我可以核對一下嗎?

What is this charge here? 這是什麼費用?

Is a credit card OK? 用信用卡支付可以嗎?

Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 是否可介紹一家附近口碑不錯的餐廳?


Where can I rent a car? 我能在哪裡租車?

I would like to rent a car. 我想要租車。

I want to make a reservation.我想預定一部。

What size do you have? 你們有哪些尺寸的車?

Compact, sedan, van or a coupe?小轎車、家庭房車、貨車還是雙門跑車?

I want to pick up the car tomorrow morning at seven. Are you open then?我想在明天早上7點提車,你們那時開門了嗎?

What's the rental fee? 租金是多少?

May I pay in cash? 可以付現金嗎?

How much is it for 2 days rental? Any special rate for weeklyrental?租兩天多少錢?周末租車有什麼優惠嗎?

Where can I pick it up(drop it off)? 我可以在哪裡提車(還車)?

Do I have to return the car here? 我一定要到這里來還車嗎?

Automatic or stick shift?自動檔還是手動檔?

I have my own license and an international license.我有一張自己的(本地的)和一張國際的駕駛執照。

What should I do if something happens to the car? 如果車子有什麼問題我該怎麼辦?

I think these tires need some air. 我想這些輪胎要打點氣。

Will it (insurance) cover the rental car? 租車包括保險嗎?報團


Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon? 有到大峽谷的旅遊團嗎?

Where do I go to sign up for that tour? 我需要到哪裡報名參加呢?

Would you mind telling me what the climate is like inCalifornia?您能告訴我加利福尼亞的氣候怎麼樣么?

Is it true that it's full of wonders there? 那裡充滿了奇異的景觀,是真的嗎?

Could you give me some information on your European tours?你可以給我一些你們經辦的有關歐洲旅遊的資料嗎?

I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmastime.我有興趣在聖誕節前後去玩10天。

I'd like to leave on August 17 and return on August29.我想要8月17日出發,8月29日回來。

What is the cost?費用是多少?

What does it include? 這包含了什麼?

Could we have you make all the necessary plane, hotel, and tourreservations?我們能讓你們安排預訂必要的飛機、飯店和旅程嗎?

Let me think it over, and I'll call you back to make reservations.讓我考慮一下,我會再打電話預定。



Excuse me. May I ask where we are now? 打擾了,請問我們現在是在什麼地方?

Which way shall I take? I want to go back to BJ Hotel. 我想回北京賓館,我該走哪條路?

How long will it take to get there? 去那兒得多長時間?

How can I get there? 我要怎樣到那裡?

Are there any landmarks on the way? 路上有什麼路標嗎?

Can you tell me where I can get on the subway? 可否告訴我在哪兒搭地鐵?

I want to go to the railway station. Could you show me the way?我想去火車站,你能帶我去么?

Does the bus go there? 有公車到那兒嗎?

Where can I find the police station?我在哪裡可以找到警察局?

Is there a toilet near here? 這附近有洗手間嗎?

Where's this place in the map? 這里在地圖的哪個位置?

Is this the right way to the station? 往車站走這條路對嗎?

How far is it from here? 從這兒到那裡遠嗎?

What floor is it on?它在哪層樓?

What』s the best way to the airport? 去機場最好怎麼走?



May I have a menu, please?請給我菜單。

Do you have a menu in Chinese?請問是否有中文菜單?

How long is the wait? 我們大概需要等多久?

What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif? 餐廳有些什麼餐前酒?

May I see the wine list? 可否讓我看看酒單?

May I order, please? 我可以點餐了么?

I'd like some wine and roast ck. 我想要些酒和烤鴨。

What is the specialty of the house?餐廳最特別的菜式是什麼?

I'd like to have some local wine.我想點當地出產的酒。

Could you recommend some good wine?有什麼推薦的酒么?

Do you have today's special?餐廳有今日特餐嗎?

Do you have a dress code? 餐廳是否有任何服裝上的規定?

Would you get me some more water? 麻煩再幫我加點水,好嗎?

I have to avoid food containing fat (salt/sugar). 我必須避免含油脂(鹽份/糖份)的食物。

Do you have vegetarian dishes?餐廳是否有供應素食餐?

How do you like your steak?你的牛排要如何烹調?

Well done (medium/rare),please.全熟(五分熟/全生)。

Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以點與那份相同的餐嗎?

Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert?可不可以不要甜點改要水果?

My order hasn't come yet. 我點的食物還沒來。

Is this what I ordered? 這是我點的嗎?

I don't think this is my meal. 我想這不是我點的。

I think there is a mistake in the bill. 帳單有一些錯誤。

Can I pay here?可以在這兒付帳嗎?

May I have the receipt, please. 請給我收據。


I really appreciate all of your hospitality. 真的很感激你的招待。

I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.我有件小東西想送給你,讓我把它打開。

If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family.如果你聖誕節前後有空,歡迎到我家來玩。

And I'll be able to show you around our city. 我可以帶你在我們那兒四處看看。

Thanks for the invitation. 感謝你的邀請。

Please give my regards to your wife. 請代我問候貴夫人。

Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything. 好,我得走了,再次謝謝你們的招待。

Take care, and have a nice flight. 保重!祝你一路順風。

Thank you for taking care of me here. 多謝周到招待。

Please accept these gifts with my thanks. 請接收這些禮物以表達我的謝意。

I had a wonderful time here.我在這里度過了難忘的時光。

Have a safe trip back.祝平安返家。

Take care on your way back.回程保重了。

Happy langings! 一路順風!


I. 去歐洲旅遊常用語言有哪些




J. 去國外旅遊需要知道哪些基本單詞短語對話 或者需要英語到達哪一種水平


1)Good.Now,here』s the key—and take a look inside and make sure everything』s working allright.
2)Okay…Hey,it』s got a full tank of gas! 好的,嘿,油箱里的油加得滿滿的!
3)Yes,we fill all the cars before they leave. But be sure you bring it back filled.
4)distance距離 direction 方向
5)subway地鐵 cross 十字路口
6)corner街角,角落 square 廣場
7)building建築物;大樓 fork 岔路
8)station車站 landmark路牌 straight 直地,徑直地
9)Excuse me,can you tell me where the post office is?打擾一下,請問郵局在哪兒?
10)It』s on the Fifth Avenue.在第五大街。
11)Excuse me,which bus should I take to go to Wood Cinema?
12)You can take Bus No.11.It』s very convenient. 您可以坐11路。很方便。
13)Can you direct me to Holiday Inn? 您指給我去假日飯店的路好嗎?
14)Cross the street and walk two blocks west. You can』t miss it. 穿過街道,向西走兩個街區就到了。
15)Can you show me the way to the nearest hospital? 請問到最近的醫院怎麼走?
16)Walk straight on. Cross the street at the second traffic light. You can』t miss it.
17)Where』s the centre of town ,please? 請問市中心在哪兒?
18)Go straight ahead. It takes ten minutes to walk. 一直向前走。走路只要10分鍾。
19)How do I get to the railroad station?我該如何去火車站?
20)We are completely lost. 我們迷路了。
21)Please point out where I am on this map. 請指出我現在在地圖上的哪裡?
22)Can you show me where it is on this map? 你能告訴我它在地圖上的哪裡嗎?
23)Let me take you there. 我帶你去。
24)OK.Excuse me.May I ask where we are now? 好啊。對不起,請問我們現在是在什麼地方?
25)We』re going to the post office.How can we get there? 我們去郵局,應該怎樣走呢?
26)I』m looking for the nearest subway station.Does this road lead to it ?
27)I』m afraid not.Have you got a map? I can show you on the map.
28)Excuse me!對不起,打攪一下。May I help you ? 需要我幫忙嗎?
29)What』s this street? 這條街是什麼街?This is MadsonStreet.這是麥迪遜大街。
30)Would you show me where we are on this map? 你能給我指明它在地圖上的位置嗎?
31)Well,I think we』re right here. 好的,我們現在在這個位置。
32)I see. I』m looking for O & M Advertising Company.我知道了。我正在找奧美廣告公司。
33)Then,turn right at that corner. You can』t miss it .你可以在拐角處右轉。你不會錯過的。
34)Thankyou so much. 非常感謝。You』re welcome. 不客氣。
35)Something lost 東西遺失
36)Is anything missing? 有東西不見了嗎?
37)I can』t find my passport!我的護照找不到了!
38)What』s in the bag ? 包裡面有什麼?
39)My camera and clothes are in it. 裡面有我的照相機和衣物。
40)Where did you leave it ? 我把它落在哪兒了?
41)I think I left it at the cashier. 我認為我把它落到收銀台上了。
42)My bag is missing. 我的包不見了。Maybe someone took it by mistake. 也許有人拿錯了。
43)My purse was stolen. 我的錢包被偷了。
44)I left my bag in the taxi. 我的袋子掉在計程車上了。
45)It』s a black overnight bag. 那是個黑色的旅行包。
46)About100 dollars in cash and my credit card are in it. 裡面有約100美元現金和信用卡。
47)What kind of bag ? 什麼樣的袋子?
48)What』s in it ?裡面有什麼?
49)Could you fill out this form? 請你把這張表填一下好嗎?
50)Please write down your contact address here. 請把你在本地的聯絡地址寫上。
51)Can you describe it ? 你能描述一下嗎?
52)What seems to be the trouble?你哪裡不舒服?
53)I haver a headache, a serious sore throat,and a cough.
54)I have sharp stomachache,doctor.醫生,我的肚子疼得厲害。
55)How about your appetite?你的胃口怎樣?
56)How many tablets do I have to take each time?我每次得服用幾片葯?
57)Two for alts,and one for children after every meal.成人兩片,兒童一片,飯後服用。
58)Have you got a fever?您發燒嗎?
59)Keep yourself warm and have a good rest. This is your medicine. Take it according to the prescription.
60)Yes. I have a prescription from my doctor. Can you fill it for me?
61)Your prescription is ready. Just follow the directions on the bottle.
62)taxi 計程車fare 費用meter 表(儀表)change 零錢
63)journey 旅行 trip 旅行entrance 入口 luggage 行李
64)How long will it take to get there?要多長時間能到那兒?
65)Oh,It』s only about twenty miuutes』 drive.坐車約20分鍾。
66)Can you take me to the airport?請到飛機場,好嗎?
67)Can I help you with your luggage?我能幫您提行李嗎?
68)No,thanks.I』d rather keep this case with me.不用了,謝謝。我還是自己帶吧?
69)How much is it?多少錢?It』s 12 dollars.12美元。
70)May I have a receipt?請給我收據好嗎?
71)Just a moment…Here you are.請稍候……給您。
72)Do you know what the fare will be ?你知道車費是多少嗎?
73)Whatever the meter says.照計程表算。
74)Please pull in round the corner.請在拐角停車。
75)Can you tell me where I can take a taxi ?你能告訴我在哪兒乘計程車嗎?
76)The railway station,please.請到火車站。
77)Please stop by the roadside.請靠路邊停下。
All right.Would you please help me put my baggage in the trunk?
But I prefer the meter.還是開計程表吧。
Do you use the merer?你使用計價器嗎?
78)I wonder when it'll clear up.不知道什麼時候能放晴。
The weatherman says it』ll still last for four more days at least.
79)Whata price! Lower it,please!這么高的價格!請降點。
Doyou have a receipt?你有發票嗎?
Howmuch discount will you offer?你能打幾折?
Howabout twenty percent off?八折怎麼樣?
80)steak牛排business 商業午餐salad 色拉chicken and rice 雞排飯
beefnoodle牛肉麵fast food 快餐
Whenyou need the table?您要訂什麼時候的位子?
MayI take your order?請您點菜好嗎?
Bringthe menu,please.請拿菜單給我。
Whatwould you like to order?你要點什麼菜?
What』sthe special today?今天的特色菜是什麼?
81)Welcometo McDonald's.Can I take your order?
Hi,I』dlike a hamburger and an apple pie.嗨,我要一個漢堡包和一個蘋果派。
What』stoday』s special?今天的特色菜是什麼?
Couldyou show me my bill?你能給我看看賬單嗎?
Shallwe see the menu,please?請給我們看一下菜單好嗎?
Doyou have a table for two?有兩人的桌子嗎?
I』llhave a green salad.What about you,Jack?
Agreen salad and a steak.一份蔬菜色拉和一份牛排。
Haveyou got a reservation,sir?先生,你們預訂了嗎?
Howlong do I have to wait?我得等多久?
Therewill be a wait of about twenty minutes.大約要等20分鍾。
Wehave a table for you now.Follow me ,please.現在有位置了,請跟我來。
Pleases it here. Here is the menu.Can I take your order now.
82)doinglaundry 洗衣服
washingmachine 洗衣機dirty 臟的 clean干凈的
Goodmorning, we have some laundry to be done.
Would you like to dry clean all of these clothes ?
No.I』d like these trousers to be washed in cold water.
When can I have my clothes back?我什麼時候能拿回衣服?
Express service or same-day?快洗還是當天取呢?
Is there a dry cleaners near here?請問附近有乾洗店嗎?
You could get it tomorrow morning.明天早上來取。
Please attach this claim tag. 要附上這個標簽。
Your boarding pass,sir.這是你的登記證,先生。
Which gate?幾號門?Gate eight. 8號門。
Could you show me the way to my seat?您能帶我去我的座位嗎?
Followme ,please.跟我來。



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