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⑴ 有關紅色旅遊的文獻(英文版!!!)

[2]Bertram M Gordon.Warfare and tourism Paris in World War [J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1998, 25 (3) :616-638.
[3]Erik H.Cohen Ecational dark tourism at an in Jerusalem[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2011, 38 (1) :193-209.
[4]Carlton S. Van Doren, Sam A.Lollar.The consequences of forty years of tourism growth[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1985, 12 (4) :467-489.
[5]Philip Stone, Richard Sharpley.Consuming dark tourism:Authenticity and Commodification[J].Annals of Tourism Research, 2008, 35 (2) :574-595.

⑵ 急求旅遊管理專業的畢業論文英語參考文獻

[1] Patterson, T. M.,Niccolucci V.,Marchettini N. Adaptive environmental management of tourism in the Province of Siena, Italy using the ecological footprint[J]. J Environ Manage. 2008, 86(2): 407-418.
[2] Bruyere, B. L.,Beh A. W.,Lelengula G. Differences in perceptions of communication, tourism benefits, and management issues in a protected area of rural Kenya[J]. Environ Manage. 2009, 43(1): 49-59.
[3] Phillip, R.,Hodgkinson G. The management of health and safety hazards in tourist resorts. World Tourism Organization[J]. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 1994, 7(3): 207-219.
[4] Kozma, C. M. Medical tourism: a role disease management?[J]. Manag Care Interface. 2006, 19(11): 35-36.

⑶ 有朋友知道關於天文旅遊的英文文獻有哪些


⑷ 求一篇 旅遊市場營銷的英文文獻 高分

1.Phillip. Kotler: "Marketing Management", Shanghai People's Publishing House 2003
2. Ji: "Marketing Guide", published by Renmin University of China, 1989
3. Michael. Porter: "competitive advantage", Huaxia Publishing House 2001
4. Hoang steel made: "Marketing", the Shanghai Financial Publishing 2003
5. Tai Wang: "Marketing in China", Guangzhou Publishing House, 2001 Edition
6. Lan Ling, editor-in-chief "of Marketing", the Central Radio and Television University Press
7. Wu and: "Marketing", Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Publishing House 2002
8.song xiaomin: "marketing case examples and analysis," Wuhan University Press, 1992
9.qu yunbo: "marketing strategy planning," China Business Press, 1994
10. Mr Chan Kin-ping, such as: "Planning and design planning book" The Chinese People's University Press .2002
11. Li: "planning Wang," Capital University of Economics Press, 1997
12.kotler ,Armstrong Principles of Marketing (9th ed),prentice-Hall,inc,2001

13. Philip Kotler Marketing Management (10th ed), prentice-Hall,inc,2000

14. Payne,A.chritopher,M.and Peck,H.(1998)Relationship Mketing For


15. Perreault,McCarthy.Basic Marketing (12th ed),Richard D Irwin 1996

16. Warren J.Keegan.Global Marketing Management (5th ed) prentice-Hall,inc,1995

17. Valued Prct Attributes in an Emerging Market-A Comparison Between French and Malaysian Consumers

18. Executive Insights-Global Marketing Management-at the Dawn of the New Millennium

19. Global standardization as a success formula for marketing in central eastern Europe

20. Heterogeneity of regional trading blocs and global marketing strategies


22. Lessons for pan-European marketing
1.Phillip 。科特勒: 「營銷管理」 ,上海人民出版社2003年
2 。姬: 「市場營銷指南」 ,出版了中國人民大學, 1989年
3 。邁克爾。波特: 「競爭優勢」 ,華夏出版社2001年
4 。黃鋼: 「市場營銷」 ,上海財經出版社2003年
5 。邰窪嗯: 「市場營銷在中國」 ,廣州出版社, 2001年版
6 。蘭陵,主編「市場營銷」 ,中央廣播電視大學出版社
7 。吳: 「市場營銷」 ,上海財經大學出版社2002年
8.song筱敏: 「市場營銷案例分析」 ,武漢大學出版社, 1992
9.qu雲波: 「營銷戰略規劃, 」中國商務出版社, 1994年
10 。陳建平,如: 「規劃和設計規劃出版的」中國人民大學出版社0.2002
11 。李: 「規劃王, 」資本經濟大學出版社, 1997年
12.kotler ,阿姆斯特朗市場營銷原理(第9版) ,普倫蒂斯大廳,公司, 2001年

13 。菲利普科特勒營銷管理(第10版) ,普倫蒂斯大廳,公司, 2000年

14 。佩恩, A.chritopher , M.and派克閣下( 1998年)的關系Mketing

Competitive.Oxford ,計算機集成製造/布特沃斯- Heinemaan 。

15 。 Perreault , McCarthy.Basic營銷(第12版) , 1996年理查德歐文

16 。沃倫J.Keegan.Global營銷管理(第5版)普倫蒂斯大廳,公司, 1995年

17 。策劃的價值屬性的新興市場,比較法國和馬來西亞的消費者

18 。執行Insights的全球市場營銷管理,在新千年來臨之際

19 。全球標准化是一個成功的公式營銷中東歐

20 。異質性的區域貿易集團和全球市場營銷戰略

21 。

22 。教訓泛歐市場

⑸ 各位大俠 誰能幫我找點 關於城市旅遊的英文文獻啊 我很難找 到內容,所以就請大家幫忙了

The sights of China 中國名勝 朱岐新編 中國旅遊出版社
此書包括全國所有省份 主要城市的概況 人文 景物等等。

⑹ 哪位好友能幫忙找一篇有關生態旅遊的英文文獻啊~最好是有中文翻譯的 謝謝拉

Ecotourism, also known as ecological tourism, is a form of tourism that appeals to ecologically and socially conscious indivials. Generally speaking, ecotourism focuses on volunteering, personal growth, and learning new ways to live on the planet. It typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions.

Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, an integral part of ecotourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities

⑺ 誰有旅遊營銷英文參考文獻發倆個```謝謝了```求助各位高手````

1,Briggs S. Successful Tourism Marketing: A Practical Handbook. Kogan Page
Limited 1997
2,Gilbert.D. Marketing Tourism Procts:Concepts, Issues, Cases[J].Tourism
Management, 1997, 18 (7):480一491.
3,Peattie.Ken,Peattie.Sue.Promotional competitions:a winning tool for tourism
marketing[J].Tourism Management, 1996, 17(6):433一442.
4,Burkart, A. J, Medlik, S. Tourism:Past, Present, and Future[M]·Heinemann
Publishing company,1981.
5,Mcintosh, R. W, Goeldner, C. R. Tourism:Principles, Practices, Philosophies[M].
John Wiley Sons Publishing company,1990.
6,Kevin Greenidge. FORECASTING TOURISM DEMAND An STM Approach. Annals of Tourism
Research, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 98一112, 2001.
7,Vincent Cho. A comparison of three different approaches to tourist arrival
Forecasting. Tourism Management 24 (2003) 323-330.
8,Christine Lima,,Michael McAleer. Time series forecasts of international travel
demand for Australia. Tourism Management 23 (2002) 389一396.




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