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發布時間:2022-11-13 16:25:14

A. 旅遊用英語怎麼說 旅遊英文是什麼呢

1、travel, journey, trip, tour. 都表示旅遊。

2、journey英 [dʒɜːnɪ] 美 [ˈdʒɝnɪ] 。


4、[例句]He journeyed on foot.他徒步旅行。

B. 在我暑假期間我和父母去南京旅遊用英語怎麼說

During the summer vacation, my parents and I went to Nanjing for a tour。

C. 旅遊用英語怎麼說

travel, journey, trip, tour, voyage. 都表示旅遊

D. 旅遊英文怎麼說

去旅行英語是To travel。

travel, journey, trip, tour, voyage. 都表示旅遊。journey一般指時間和距離都較長的陸路旅行,不含有回到原出發地的意思.


trip 指短距離的旅行,常回到原出發地,不強調旅行的方式或目的。tour,指「周遊」「巡迴旅行」,常常是訪問一系列地方後又回到原出發地。


1、You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow.


2、In formationon travel in NewZealand is available atthe hotel.


E. 去南京玩的英語作文和翻譯

Golden Week, my mother and I went to Nanjing famous tourist attraction - Sun Yat-sen, it is located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, our great democratic revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen's tomb.
When we arrived in the square along a towering old trees on the boulevard, the first thing I saw a tall three stone arches, inscribed with Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten word "fraternity", the word points out the Sun Sun Yat-sen with a broad mind and lofty ideals. The tour guide said that the arch of such buildings in the main function is used to singing the praises of. Shihfang square in front of the stand of Dr. Sun Yat-sen as heroic vitality, swinging gesture as if being published the speech of the country's fate. Shihfang is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide ramp. The whole Mu over 300 steps, we walked to the number of steps, and unconsciously to the highest point of the Sun Yat-sen. Tomb doors with blue glazed tiles for the roof, the amount of doors is the handwriting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "According to the" four characters. Festival Hall has three arches, lintels "nation", "civil rights" and "livelihood" were inscribed on the scroll reads, go inside we can see the point of junction of the large festival hall engraved Profile on Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the black wall of gold, very eye-catching. Finally, we remember with humble mood came to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Memorial Hall, the middle is made of a white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Jing Ye (ye), in a solemn atmosphere, and slowly walked around the statue a circle, and then gently from the side door out of the Memorial.
Standing at the mausoleum before the stage, we can see the whole Sun Yat-sen surrounded by trees in Castle Peak. Commanding, panoramic view of the entire city of Nanjing, there is such a broad perspective, the mind of people a lot of wide. I think that Sun Yat-sen ring his lifetime record of achievements is unmatched, so future generations will be the construction of large-scale tomb to honor him.
Car heading to the next attraction on the road, my mind filled with the imposing sight of Sun Yat-sen.


F. 我想去南京旅遊 英語

I want to go to Nanjing tourism, but I only have two days, enough?

G. 我去年到南京去旅遊過.--譯成英文

I travelled in NanJing last year.

H. 旅遊用英語怎麼說

旅遊用英語說是:英 [ˈtrævl],美 [ˈtrævl],寫法是Travel








I. 救急啊~急需南京景點英文介紹和翻譯.

Confucius[kən』fu∫jəs 孔子] temple[templ寺廟 ] & the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik風光 ] area[εə riə 地帶]


1:The Confucius temple, located [lou』keitid位於]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik風景的] area,


2:is a well-known tourist[tu:rist旅遊者 ] resort[ri』zэ:t常去度假的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing .


3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple


4and jointly[ d3эintli連帶地] called the Confucius temple area.


5the Confucius temple is no doubt[ daut 懷疑] the most famous.


6The temple is the place for people to pay worship[wə:∫ip 崇拜] to Confucius.


7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034


8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986


9The temple we often mentioned[men∫ən提出] should include[inklu:d包括] three architectural [a:kitekt∫ərə建築]complexes[kэmpleks群,綜合體]:


10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[ə』t∫i:vmənt大成] as the main [mein主要的]body,


11the palace[pælis宮殿] of learning and the imperial[impiəriəl帝國] examination [igzæmi』nei∫ən考試]center.


12As early as in 337 A.D.[ei』di:公元],


13but at that time there was only the palace[pælis宮殿] of learning without the Confucius temple.


14The temple was built up and extended[ikstendid擴大] on the basis [beisis基礎]of the palace of learning until 1034.


15The Confucius temple complex[kэmpleks 復雜] covers [k∧və 包括]the pan[pæn畔] pool[pu:l池],screen[skri:n屏,照壁] wall,the gateway[geitwei通道] of all scholars[skэlə學生,有文化],


16juxing[聚星] pavilion[pə』viljən亭],Kuixing[魁星] pavilion, Lingxing[靈星 ] gate,


17the hall of great achievements[ə『t∫i:vmənt 達成] and the gate etc[ =et cetera等等et』setərə ].


18As the confucius temple in qufu,Shandong province


19is built by the side of the pan river,


20all the temples of Confucius in the country


21are built at the riverside


22and the water in front of Confucius temple is called pan pool.


23And this has become a custom[k∧st∂m慣例] through[θru:在期間] long usage[ju:sidЗ慣用法]


24this confucirs temple makes the natural stream[stri:m流動] of the Qinhuai river as its pan pool,


25which is also called the pool of crescent[kresnt新月] moon 「by the local[louk∂l當地] people.


26Standing at the southern bank of the pan pool is the screen[skri:n屏] wall,


27which is 110 meters long and 10 meters high.


28it ranks[ræηk最高點] top among all the screen walls across[∂』krэ:s遍布各地] the county.


29The wall was built in 1575 and newly renovated [『ren∂,veit重做]in 1984 .


30the function [f∧ηk∫n功能]of the wall


31was to indicate[indikeit表明] that the confucirs』 learning was too profound[pr∂faund淵博] to be understood by common[kэm∂n普通] folks.[fouk民眾]


32Another function was to cover up遮擋 the main building of the temple,


33so as to以便 give people an impression .[impre∫∂n印象]of its grandeur[』græn dЗ∂輝煌] and magnificence[mæg』nifisns庄嚴]


34The gateway[geitwei入口處] of all scholars[skэl∂學者] was first built in 1586 in an imitation[imitei∫∂n仿製] of that in Qufu.


35The meaning of the structure[str∧k t∫∂] was to refer[rif∂:歸於] to Confucius as the hub[h∧b中心] of all writings and ethics[eθiks道德] in ancient times.


36lingxing gate is also called the gate of etiquette[eti』ket禮儀]


37specially built for emperors[emp∂r∂皇帝] to offer[э:f∂提供] sacrifice[sækrifais祭祀] to Confucius .


38the gate built in front of confucius temple


39implies[implai暗指] the meaning of


40「people of talent[tæl∂nt天才] coming forth[fэ:θ涌現] in large numbers[n∧mb∂大量]


41and stability[st∂『biliti穩定] of the country.」


42Dacheng gate or the gate of great achievements[∂t∫ivm∂nt達成]


43is also called halberd[hæb∂d戟] gate,


44which is the front door of the Confucius temple.


45As Confucius epitomized[ipit∂maiz作為縮影] Chinese culture,


46he was posthumously[pэstjum∂死後] granted[gra:ntid假定] the title[taitl稱號] of super saint[seint聖徒] Confucius.


47In the entrance[entr∂ns入口] hall[門廳] of the gate there are four old stone tablets [tæblit碑]:


48The tablets of Confucius asking laozi of the ethical[eθiks道德] codes[koud經].[孔子問禮圖碑]


49It was made in 484 A.D. ring the southern dynasty


50recorded[rekэ:d記錄] on the tablet is the personal[p∂s∂nl個人] experience[ikspi∂ri∂ns經驗] of Confucius on his visit to Luoyang,


51the capital of the eastern zhou dynasty in 518 B.C.


52where Confucius made investigations[investingei∫∂n研究] on the system of institutions[institju:∫∂n制度] of the zhou


53and went in quest[kwest尋找] of the ways of how to prosper[prэsp∂繁榮] and stabilize[steibilaiz穩定] the country


54and of how to consolidate[k∂nsэlideit聯合] the power of slave[sleiv奴隸] owners[oun∂主人] in the lu state[steit國家].


55The tablet of jiqing Confucius temple.


56In 1308 when the yuan dynasty reigned[rein統治] over the country,


57emperor wuzong issued[i∫iu發布] an imperial[impi∂ri∂l帝國] edict[i:dikt布告]


58」take ecation as the state administration[∂dministre∫∂n管理] of the empire[empai∂皇權]」


59In the next fall when the Confucius temple started to be rebuilt ,


60lu wrote an inscription[inskrip∫∂n碑文] for the tablet.


61but the tablet was not made right away until 22 years later in 1330.


62In the xianfeng years of the qing dynasty,the Confucius temple was burnt down in a war


63and the tablet was missing[misiη失蹤]


64ring the reconstruction[ri:k∂nstr∧kl∂n重建] of the Confucius temple in 1986, the tablet happened[偶然發生] to be unearthed[∧n』∂:θ發掘] from the underground[地下]


65The tablet of the four saints[封四聖碑]

66In 1331 emperor wenzong of the yuan dynasty granted [gra:ntid加封]the four disciples[di』sai』pl門徒] of Confucius


67Yanhui, zengshen, kongji and mengke as 4 saints[] second to Confucius


68and they were carved [ka:v雕刻]on a stone tablet to inform [infэ:m告知]the whole country.


67tablet of madam super saint Confucius.[封至聖夫人碑]

68 In 1331 the wife of Confucius was posthumously awarded the title of Madam Super Saint(孔子之妻被加封為至聖夫人)
69and a stone tablet was made for her according to the imperial decree (以此旨勒石刻碑) and erected here side by side with the tablet of the four saints (與封四氏碑並列於夫子廟) .
70Dacheng Hall or the Hall of Great Achievements (大成殿) is the main building of Confucian Temple
71and the very place to enshrine and worship Confucius (供奉和祭祀孔子的地方).
72 The hall is a double-eaved and gable-roofed structure in ancient imitation (重檐歇山頂仿古建築),
73Displayed in the hall there is a huge portrait of Confucius (孔子巨幅畫像),
which is the largest one through out the country.
Also put on show are the portraits of Yan Hui (顏回), Zeng Shen (曾參), Kong Ji (孔伋) (the grandson of Confucius) and Mengke (Mencius), the four disciples of Confucius as well as a number of ancient musical instruments.
Hung on the inner walls of the hall there are 38 jade-and-jadeite-carved paintings inlaid with gold, jewelry and mother-of-pearl (羅鈿) about the life story of Confucius (孔子生平事跡).
In the temple courtyard (廟院) enclosed by roofed corridors, there is a large open-air terrace (露台), which used to be an altar for holding sacrificial ceremony and performance of songs and dance (曾是祭祀和歌舞的地方). on the terrace there stands a huge bronze statue of Confucius. the forehead of the statue appears a unique wisdom-and-foresight of the great thinker (眉宇間透露出偉大思想家特有的睿智), better making a deep impression on visitors.
Juxing Pavilion At the west of the temple square there stands a hexagonal pavilion (the pavilion with its 6 eaves upturned) called 「Juxing」. The name of Juxing means 「assembly of stars」 (群星匯聚) and 「a galaxy of talent」 (人才薈萃), because all the men of letters or well-ecated people were regarded as stars over the sky in feudal China. Juxing pavilion was the place for intellectuals to converge on (聚集) and to learn from each other by exchanging their experience in study (切磋學習心得).
Kuixing Pavilion (now called Kuiguang Pavilion) (魁光閣) at the east of Pan Pool lies the Kuixing Pavilion, which is also called the Pavilion of God of Literature (文星閣). The three-storied hexagonal tower was the place for provincial examination candidates (鄉試士子們) to pay worship to Confucius before they sit for imperial examinations (應考前拜孔的地方). Later,the pavilion was turned into a teahouse (茶社) for candidates (考生) to meet friends with tea drinking.
Kuixing is the star at the tip of the bowl of the Big Dipper (魁為北斗星之第一星), one of the 28 constellations over the sky (天上28個星宿之一). It was said to be God of literature dominating the fortune of culture and ecation (主宰文運之神) and ,Confucius was regarded as the God. In times of imperial examinations (在科舉時代), the examination candidates often came to offer sacrifice to Confucius in the hope of successfully passing the imperial examinations and becoming a provincial graate (以求中舉).
The Palace of Learning (學宮) The Palace of Learning is an architectural complex consisting of Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂), Zunjing Library (尊經閣), Qingyun Tower (青雲樓) and Ancestral Temple for Worshiping the Parents of Confucius (崇聖祠) etc.. The Palace of Learning was an institution of higher learning (高等學府) of the prefecture in ancient times, usually built behind Confucian Temple.
Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂) was the main hall (正堂) of Palace of Learning ,the place for putting up the list of successful candidates (張懸科第題名榜) in the years of the imperial examination system and was also an assembly auditorium (集會禮堂) for the students to attend lectures on Confucius teachings(聖教)and imperial edicts (上諭) given by assistant instructor(聽訓導師宣講聖教和上諭) after their pilgrimage on the first and the 15th day (朔、望日) every lunar month.
Zunjing Library (尊經閣) was a two-storied building with each having 5 rooms (上下兩層各五楹). The upstairs was used to collect the Chinese traditional learning of the Ming Dynasty (明代國學),. The downstairs was the lecture hall (講堂),where assistant instructors (訓導師) used to give students lectures.
Qingyun Tower (青雲樓) and Ancestral temple of Confucius Parents (崇聖祠)
The Qingyun Tower is a memorial temple (祠宇或祠堂) for enshrining ecational inspectors (督學) of the past dynasties (青雲樓是供奉歷代督學使的祠宇). The Ancestral Temple for Parents (崇聖祠) of Confucius was the place for students to offer sacrifices to Confucius parents. But someone also says it is the Saint-Admiring Temple specially for enshrining the deciples of Confucius (是祭祀孔門弟子的專祠).

J. 南京一些景點的英文名稱


鍾山風景區 Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area

中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen』s

孫中山紀念館 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen

紫金山天文台 Purple Moutain Observatory

白馬石刻公園 White Horse Park

玄武湖公園 Xuanwu Lake Park

雞鳴寺 Jiming Temple

秦淮風光帶 Qinhuai Scenic Zones

秦淮河 Qinhuaihe River

夫子廟 The Confucius Temple

總統府 Presidential Palace

南京博物院 Nanjing Museum


南京是中國四大古都、首批國家歷史文化名城 ,是中華文明的重要發祥地 ,歷史上曾數次庇佑華夏之正朔 ,是四大古都中唯一未做過異族政權首都的古都,長期是中國南方的政治、經濟、文化中心 。南京早在100-120萬年前就有古人類活動,35-60萬年前已有南京猿人在湯山生活,有著7000多年文明史、近2600年建城史和近500年的建都史,有「六朝古都」、「十朝都會」之稱。




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