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發布時間:2022-04-21 17:17:22

1. 旅遊業 英語單詞


Tourist Instry
[經] 旅遊業,旅遊產業

2. 「這里旅遊業發達」 英語怎麼說

Tourism has grown tremendously here and this place has become known in the four corners of the earth.
A city of southeast Australia southwest of Melbourne. It is a manufacturing center with a thriving tourist instry. Metropolitan area population,137, 173.
There would be a thriving tourist trade and the wheels of instry would be turning.
Traffic here is very undeveloped.
That nation is famous for its tourism.
The island has been ruined by tourism.
The tourist trade is screaming for financial support.
Tourism instries
A going business.

3. 從事旅遊業用英語怎麼說

1.Operating in the tourism instry 從事旅遊業 2.Tourism 旅遊業

4. 旅遊用英語怎麼說

travel, journey, trip, tour, voyage. 都表示旅遊

5. 旅遊業和餐飲業用英文怎麼說啊

旅遊業 Tourism
餐飲業 Catering Instry

6. 旅遊業的英語怎麼說

旅遊業 Tourism Instry

Tourism Development Fund 旅遊業發展基金
tourism instry 旅遊業
Tourism Strategy Group 旅遊業策略小組
Tourism Working Group [Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation] 旅遊業工作小組〔亞太區經濟合作組織〕

7. 旅遊用英語怎麼拼

旅遊[lǚ yóu]
tourism; tour;
如對本題有疑問可追問,Good luck!

8. 旅遊業 英語翻譯

tourism 旅遊業(這個比較常用)tourist business/instry/trade 也是旅遊業的意思

9. 旅遊業用英語怎麼說

1. (n) tourist instry
2. tourism
3. travel instry
4. tourist trade

1. 旅遊業已經成為真正的產業。
The tourist trade has become a real instry.
2. 旅遊業在八月份達到高峰。
Tourism is at its peak in August.
3. 這個國家的經濟在很大程度上依靠其旅遊業。
The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.
4. 該國經濟依賴於旅遊業.
The country's economy is dependent on tourism.
5. 該島毀在旅遊業上了.
The island has been ruined by tourism.

10. 關於旅遊行業的英文單詞

China's catagory A travel agency 一類社
China's category B travel agency 二類社
China's category C travel agency 三類社
Clothes,bearing and appearance 服裝儀表
guidebook 旅遊指南
guild practice 導游實踐
international tourism 國際導游
itinerary 旅行計劃,節目
local guide 地陪,地方導游
local tourist organization 地方旅遊組織
low season 淡季
minimum tour price 最低旅遊價格
multilingual guide 會多種語言的導游
national guide 全陪,全程導游
national tourist organization 全國旅遊組織
off-peak season 淡季
off season 淡季
on season 旺季 peak season 旺季
professional (staff) 旅遊專業人員
programme 節目
receiving country 旅遊接待國
regional tourist organization 區域旅遊組織
season-high 旺季 season-low 淡季 selling season 旺季 shoulder period/season 平季
sightseeing 游覽
slack season 淡季
state-list famous historical and culture cities 國家級歷史文化名城
tour arrangement 旅遊安排
tour brochure 旅遊小冊子
tour catalog 旅遊團目錄
tour code number 旅遊代號編碼
tour escort/conctor/director 旅遊團陪同
tour leader 領隊,團長
tour operation 旅遊業務
tour route 旅遊路線
tour talker 自動導游磁帶機
tourism 旅遊業,旅遊
tourism activities 旅遊活動
tourism circles 旅遊界
touring 游覽
touring club 旅遊俱樂部
tourist 遊客
tourist association 旅遊協會
tourist authority/office 旅遊局
tourist council 旅遊委員會




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