導航:首頁 > 旅遊攻略 > 去旅遊要背多少個單詞


發布時間:2023-07-26 21:12:21

A. 去國外旅遊需要知道哪些基本單詞短語對話 或者需要英語到達哪一種水平


1)Good.Now,here』s the key—and take a look inside and make sure everything』s working allright.
2)Okay…Hey,it』s got a full tank of gas! 好的,嘿,油箱里的油加得滿滿的!
3)Yes,we fill all the cars before they leave. But be sure you bring it back filled.
4)distance距離 direction 方向
5)subway地鐵 cross 十字路口
6)corner街角,角落 square 廣場
7)building建築物;大樓 fork 岔路
8)station車站 landmark路牌 straight 直地,徑直地
9)Excuse me,can you tell me where the post office is?打擾一下,請問郵局在哪兒?
10)It』s on the Fifth Avenue.在第五大街。
11)Excuse me,which bus should I take to go to Wood Cinema?
12)You can take Bus No.11.It』s very convenient. 您可以坐11路。很方便。
13)Can you direct me to Holiday Inn? 您指給我去假日飯店的路好嗎?
14)Cross the street and walk two blocks west. You can』t miss it. 穿過街道,向西走兩個街區就到了。
15)Can you show me the way to the nearest hospital? 請問到最近的醫院怎麼走?
16)Walk straight on. Cross the street at the second traffic light. You can』t miss it.
17)Where』s the centre of town ,please? 請問市中心在哪兒?
18)Go straight ahead. It takes ten minutes to walk. 一直向前走。走路只要10分鍾。
19)How do I get to the railroad station?我該如何去火車站?
20)We are completely lost. 我們迷路了。
21)Please point out where I am on this map. 請指出我現在在地圖上的哪裡?
22)Can you show me where it is on this map? 你能告訴我它在地圖上的哪裡嗎?
23)Let me take you there. 我帶你去。
24)OK.Excuse me.May I ask where we are now? 好啊。對不起,請問我們現在是在什麼地方?
25)We』re going to the post office.How can we get there? 我們去郵局,應該怎樣走呢?
26)I』m looking for the nearest subway station.Does this road lead to it ?
27)I』m afraid not.Have you got a map? I can show you on the map.
28)Excuse me!對不起,打攪一下。May I help you ? 需要我幫忙嗎?
29)What』s this street? 這條街是什麼街?This is MadsonStreet.這是麥迪遜大街。
30)Would you show me where we are on this map? 你能給我指明它在地圖上的位置嗎?
31)Well,I think we』re right here. 好的,我們現在在這個位置。
32)I see. I』m looking for O & M Advertising Company.我知道了。我正在找奧美廣告公司。
33)Then,turn right at that corner. You can』t miss it .你可以在拐角處右轉。你不會錯過的。
34)Thankyou so much. 非常感謝。You』re welcome. 不客氣。
35)Something lost 東西遺失
36)Is anything missing? 有東西不見了嗎?
37)I can』t find my passport!我的護照找不到了!
38)What』s in the bag ? 包裡面有什麼?
39)My camera and clothes are in it. 裡面有我的照相機和衣物。
40)Where did you leave it ? 我把它落在哪兒了?
41)I think I left it at the cashier. 我認為我把它落到收銀台上了。
42)My bag is missing. 我的包不見了。Maybe someone took it by mistake. 也許有人拿錯了。
43)My purse was stolen. 我的錢包被偷了。
44)I left my bag in the taxi. 我的袋子掉在計程車上了。
45)It』s a black overnight bag. 那是個黑色的旅行包。
46)About100 dollars in cash and my credit card are in it. 裡面有約100美元現金和信用卡。
47)What kind of bag ? 什麼樣的袋子?
48)What』s in it ?裡面有什麼?
49)Could you fill out this form? 請你把這張表填一下好嗎?
50)Please write down your contact address here. 請把你在本地的聯絡地址寫上。
51)Can you describe it ? 你能描述一下嗎?
52)What seems to be the trouble?你哪裡不舒服?
53)I haver a headache, a serious sore throat,and a cough.
54)I have sharp stomachache,doctor.醫生,我的肚子疼得厲害。
55)How about your appetite?你的胃口怎樣?
56)How many tablets do I have to take each time?我每次得服用幾片葯?
57)Two for alts,and one for children after every meal.成人兩片,兒童一片,飯後服用。
58)Have you got a fever?您發燒嗎?
59)Keep yourself warm and have a good rest. This is your medicine. Take it according to the prescription.
60)Yes. I have a prescription from my doctor. Can you fill it for me?
61)Your prescription is ready. Just follow the directions on the bottle.
62)taxi 計程車fare 費用meter 表(儀表)change 零錢
63)journey 旅行 trip 旅行entrance 入口 luggage 行李
64)How long will it take to get there?要多長時間能到那兒?
65)Oh,It』s only about twenty miuutes』 drive.坐車約20分鍾。
66)Can you take me to the airport?請到飛機場,好嗎?
67)Can I help you with your luggage?我能幫您提行李嗎?
68)No,thanks.I』d rather keep this case with me.不用了,謝謝。我還是自己帶吧?
69)How much is it?多少錢?It』s 12 dollars.12美元。
70)May I have a receipt?請給我收據好嗎?
71)Just a moment…Here you are.請稍候……給您。
72)Do you know what the fare will be ?你知道車費是多少嗎?
73)Whatever the meter says.照計程表算。
74)Please pull in round the corner.請在拐角停車。
75)Can you tell me where I can take a taxi ?你能告訴我在哪兒乘計程車嗎?
76)The railway station,please.請到火車站。
77)Please stop by the roadside.請靠路邊停下。
All right.Would you please help me put my baggage in the trunk?
But I prefer the meter.還是開計程表吧。
Do you use the merer?你使用計價器嗎?
78)I wonder when it'll clear up.不知道什麼時候能放晴。
The weatherman says it』ll still last for four more days at least.
79)Whata price! Lower it,please!這么高的價格!請降點。
Doyou have a receipt?你有發票嗎?
Howmuch discount will you offer?你能打幾折?
Howabout twenty percent off?八折怎麼樣?
80)steak牛排business 商業午餐salad 色拉chicken and rice 雞排飯
beefnoodle牛肉麵fast food 快餐
Whenyou need the table?您要訂什麼時候的位子?
MayI take your order?請您點菜好嗎?
Bringthe menu,please.請拿菜單給我。
Whatwould you like to order?你要點什麼菜?
What』sthe special today?今天的特色菜是什麼?
81)Welcometo McDonald's.Can I take your order?
Hi,I』dlike a hamburger and an apple pie.嗨,我要一個漢堡包和一個蘋果派。
What』stoday』s special?今天的特色菜是什麼?
Couldyou show me my bill?你能給我看看賬單嗎?
Shallwe see the menu,please?請給我們看一下菜單好嗎?
Doyou have a table for two?有兩人的桌子嗎?
I』llhave a green salad.What about you,Jack?
Agreen salad and a steak.一份蔬菜色拉和一份牛排。
Haveyou got a reservation,sir?先生,你們預訂了嗎?
Howlong do I have to wait?我得等多久?
Therewill be a wait of about twenty minutes.大約要等20分鍾。
Wehave a table for you now.Follow me ,please.現在有位置了,請跟我來。
Pleases it here. Here is the menu.Can I take your order now.
82)doinglaundry 洗衣服
washingmachine 洗衣機dirty 臟的 clean干凈的
Goodmorning, we have some laundry to be done.
Would you like to dry clean all of these clothes ?
No.I』d like these trousers to be washed in cold water.
When can I have my clothes back?我什麼時候能拿回衣服?
Express service or same-day?快洗還是當天取呢?
Is there a dry cleaners near here?請問附近有乾洗店嗎?
You could get it tomorrow morning.明天早上來取。
Please attach this claim tag. 要附上這個標簽。
Your boarding pass,sir.這是你的登記證,先生。
Which gate?幾號門?Gate eight. 8號門。
Could you show me the way to my seat?您能帶我去我的座位嗎?
Followme ,please.跟我來。

B. 如果想獨自出國旅行,英語要到哪種程度如何更好的學習












出站(出港、離開) departures

國際機場 international airport

國內機場 domestic airport

登機手續辦理 check-in

登機牌 boarding pass (card)

行李領取處 luggage claim; baggage claim

中轉處 transfer correspondence中轉 transfers

入口 in

出口 exit; out; way out

進站(進港、到達) arrivals

報關物品 goods to declare

不需報關 nothing to declare

貴賓室 V.I.P. room

海關 customs

購票處 ticket office

登機口 gate; departure gate

計程車 taxi

計程車乘車點 Taxi pick-up point

公共汽車 bus; coach service

大轎車乘車點 coach pick-up point

航班號 FLT No (flight number)

來自…… arriving from

前往…… departure to

公用電話 public phone; telephone

起飛時間 departure time

廁所 toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room

延誤 delayed

男廁 men's; gent's; gentlemen's

女廁 women's; lady's

登機 boarding

由此上樓 up; upstairs

由此下樓 down; downstairs

由此乘電梯前往登機 stairs and lifts to departures

餐廳 restaurant

迎賓處 greeting arriving

酒吧 bar

咖啡館 coffee shop; cafe

免稅店 ty-free shop

銀行 bank

郵局 post office

貨幣兌換處 money exchange; currency exchange

出售火車票 rail ticket

訂旅館 hotel reservation



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