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发布时间:2022-12-07 21:02:39

㈠ 足球场、篮球场、网球场、羽毛球场和兵乓球场的英语是什么

足球场: football field.

篮球场: basketball court.

网球场: tennis court/ racket court

羽毛球场: badminton court

兵乓球场: table-tennis table

㈡ 篮球场,排球场,羽毛球场和滑冰场用英语怎么说

basketball court篮球场
volleyball court排球场
badminton court羽毛球场
skating rink 滑冰场

㈢ 篮球场用英语怎么说

篮球 场便是打篮球比赛的场所,现在几乎每个学校都要求有篮球场。那么你知道篮球场用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习篮球场的英语知识吧。


basketball court

basketball field

篮球场的相关 短语

灯光篮球场 Lighting The Basketball Court

一个篮球场 a basketball court

我正在篮球场 I am currently basketball court ; I am a basketball ; I was a basketball court

室内篮球场 Indoor Basketball Court

那个篮球场 Basketball court

篮球场风帘 basketball court wind screens


1. Electric lights lit up the basket - ball ground.


2. Call for me when you go to the basketball court, please.


3. A sunny Saturday, I Sanwuji This event will play an outdoor court.

一个风和日丽的星期六, 我与三五知己相约在一户外篮球场打球.

4. Is Xiao wang going to clean the basketball court?

小王快要去打扫篮球场了 吗 ?

5. Wuhan Sports Center court all the people sit, what car'!

武汉全民活动中心篮球场坐什么车 `!

6. Then she smiledran towards the courtroutine I had seen over over again.


7. The length of the standard basketball court is 28 meters.


8. In addition has the outdoor court, the pingpong table, the cafe.

另有室外篮球场 、 乒乓球 桌 、 咖啡厅.

9. That basketball court is not very far from here.


10. My girlfriend wants me to go to the basketball court.


11. Some basketball courts charge you on per game basis for playing.


12. A tall player in a bright uniform runs down the basketball court.


13. Why were you absent from the basketball court yesterday?


14. These basketballs will be carried by lorry to the court.


15. Uses: mainly used in leisure sports field, basketball field, safeguard ect.

用途: 主要用于休闲体育广场 、篮球场的安全防护等.

关于篮球场的英文阅读:Basketball Court 篮球场

My friend Jason called me this morning to play basketball.I was kind of tired,but I still went because I love to play basketball.


By the way. did I tell you my favorite basketball player is MiChael Jordan?He is very cool and he s my idol That is Why I practice every day to be Just like him.

顺便说一下,我有没有告诉过你,我最喜欢的篮球选手是Michael Jordan(迈克尔·乔丹),他很酷且是我的偶像。这就是为什么我每天练习,希望将来能像他一样。

If I can,I'll try out for NBA someday.Though it seems like a dream so far away,but dreams will eventually come true.


Enough of talking. I have to go practice now.That is the only way for me to ever get closer to my dream.Just like people say,practice makes perfect.I agree with that.

不讲了(说够了),我现在必须去练习啦,对我而言,这是唯一能使我逐渐接近梦想的 方法 ,就如俗语(人们)所说:“熟能生巧”,我同意这样的说法。


1. 篮球场的标准

2. 连击用英语怎么说

3. 游泳馆用英语怎么说

4. 工作证用英文怎么说

5. 咖啡厅英语怎么说

6. 通讯录用英语怎么说

㈣ 四个蓝球场和四个乒乓球场的英文单词

Four basketball courts and four table tennis courts

㈤ 篮球场的英文怎么写

basketball court

㈥ 篮球场用英语怎么说

basketball court/courts

㈦ 篮球场用英语怎么说

篮球场用英语说是Basketball Court,读法是:英 [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl kɔːt],美 [ˈbæskɪtbɔːl kɔːrt]




灯光篮球场 Lighting The Basketball Court

一个篮球场 a basketball court

我正在篮球场 I am currently basketball court

室内篮球场 Indoor Basketball Court

那个篮球场 Basketball court

篮球场风帘 basketball court wind screens



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