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发布时间:2022-12-20 21:31:18

A. kittycanplaybasketball

kitty can play basketball
如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

B. Kitty likes sports. She often( )volleyball and basketball after school 填空 急啊!

play volleyball 打排球。
play basketball 打篮球。

C. kitty虽然个子不高,但讨人喜欢.用英文怎么说

Kitty is cute though he is not tall
英 [ðəu] 美 [ðo]
conj. 虽然,尽管; 即使; 纵然;
adv. 可是,但是; 不过; 然而; 话虽这样说;
prep. 但;

D. kitty的中文意思是什么

kitty的中文是:n. 小猫,猫咪;凯蒂。

1、读音:英 [ˈkɪti] 美 [ˈkɪti]


(1)Hello Kitty 凯蒂猫 ; 昵称 ; 吉蒂猫 ; 匿称。

(2)Kitty White 凯蒂猫 ; 中英文名凯蒂猫 ; 凯蒂·怀特 ; 名叫凯蒂·怀特。

(3)Kitty Hawk 小鹰号。

(4)Kitty Foyle 女人万岁 ; 佛伊利。

(5)Kitty Clive 克莱芙。


Hello Kitty

Kitty简介 :


她的字典里没有“随便”两个字,尽情挥洒生命,不留白。 说起话来特别强调R音,自然而不造作,让人感觉特别温暖、开心。她是一个一个精力充沛的小女孩,Kitty 还很爱在户外玩,在公园或者森林, 还有Kitty 也很喜欢弹钢琴、打球和烤蛋糕做些小点心之类的。

E. Kitty and Tom played basketball yesterday


Kitty and Tom played basketball yesterday中文:
Kitty and Tom 昨天去打篮球了。

F. 求翻译。。急。。


G. Can Ben play baskettball KittyNo,he can't.英文书写对吗

不对,Can Ben play basketball,Kitty?差了一个逗号。其它没毛病。

H. 小学英语作文

篇一:我喜欢的运动 My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is basketball. Playing basketball is very interesting and useful. I often play basketball with my friends. Playing basketball makes me fit and make more friends. I also learn teamwork through play basketball. I love it. And I will play it every Sunday morning.


篇二:我的“大事记” My Timeline

Hello, everyone! My name is Zhang Yiru. My English name is Sue. Now, I’m a Grade 6 student, studying in Tangjialing primary school. My hometown is Henan. It’s famous for the Shaolin Temple. I love my hometown very much. When I was three years old, I went to kindergarten. I had many friends there. I visited to Sichuan with my mother when I was five. We went there by train. It was a long journey. Sichuan it’s in the south of China. It’s famous for Mount Emei. I bought some souvenirs there. I had a good time. Luckily, when I was 7 years old, I had a chance to go to Russia. Russia is in the Asia and Europe. It’s famous for the Red Square. It’s the biggest country in the world. It’s beautiful. Now I’m 11 years old, my dream is become an English teacher. If I could be a teacher in the future, I will try my best to teach my students. That’s all. Thank you.

大家好!我叫张一茹。我的英文名字是苏。 我现在是一个6年级的学生,在唐家岭小学学习。我的家乡在河南。河南以少林寺而闻名。 我非常爱我的家乡。当我三岁的时候就去上幼儿园。我有很多朋友。在我五岁的时候我和我妈妈去四川玩。我们坐火车去那里。这是一个漫长的旅程。四川在中国的南部。以峨眉山而闻名。我买了一些纪念品。我玩得很开心。幸运的是,在我7岁的时候,我有机会去了俄罗斯。俄罗斯在亚洲和欧洲中间。它以红场而出名。它是世界上最大的国家。它很美丽。我现在11岁了,我的梦想是成为一名英语老师。如果将来我能成为一名老师,我会尽我最大的努力去教我的学生。就这样了,谢谢。

篇三:我的闹钟 My Alarm Clock

I get up early in the morning, because I have to go to school. I have a lovely alarm clock. I bought it two years ago. It’s a pink hello kitty. I like it very much, except it wakes me up in the morning. There are three hands in it. The longest one is second hand. It runs fast. The minute hand is shorter and runs slower. When the second hand makes one revolution, it moves 1/60 revolution. The shortest one is hour hand and it runs the slowest. It only makes two revolutions a day. Under the three hands is the face of hello kitty. I like my little lovely alarm clock.

我早上起得很早,因为我要去上学。我有一个可爱的闹钟,两年前买的。它是一个粉红色的Hello Kitty,我很喜欢它,当然除了它每天把我叫醒的时候。闹钟里有三根指针,最长的那根是秒针,跑得很快。秒针比分针短一些,也走得慢一些。秒针跑了一圈,分针才移动一格。最短的是时针,它移动得也最慢,一天就移动两圈。Hello Kitty的脸在三根指针下方,看起来很可爱。我喜欢我的小闹钟。

篇四:假如我会变 If I Could Change Myself

If you can change yourself into another thing, what would you want to be? I want to be a penguin, because they are lovely animals. I like them very much. Penguin is a kind of bird, but they can’t fly. There are 18 species of penguins. The main differences between are the color of head and their size. Their back is black and belly is white. They look beautiful. Most penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. Their foods are fish and shrimp. I want to change into penguin, because I want to experience their lives. It must be interesting.


篇五:爱的力量Love Power

We always say that love has great power to fix anything. But what power does love have and how it works? In my opinion, love is the firmest connection between people. The relationship between people may be connected e to various reasons, but love helps people understand and accept each other. So people can keep their relationship much longer. Besides, love can heal a wounded heart. Sometimes, we may be hurt by others or we may suffer some unexpected accidents. They of course will depress us. But love given by others can pull us out of depression. Because they love us, they will be around us and help us.


I. Kitty likes_____(打篮球)with her father.

球类前不加the,答案是to play basketball

J. kitty lkes playing dasketball是什么意思

我没猜错的话应该是,kitty likes playing basketball。凯迪喜欢打篮球。



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