导航:首页 > 篮球运动 > 我会教他们打篮球用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-30 13:36:48

1. 我会打篮球英语怎么讲

i can play basketball.

2. 我可以教她打篮球,她教我英语 英语怎么说拜托各位大神

I can teach her playing basketball, she can teach me English.


3. “我们俩互相帮助,他教我打球,我教他唱歌”用英语怎么说

We help each other, he teaches me to play football, I teach him to sing 。也可用动词不定式。

4. 他教我如何打篮球 用英语

he teaches me how to play basketball

5. 我决定帮助我的朋友练习打篮球 用英语怎么说

I decided to help my friend to practice playing basketball.

6. 在她的帮助下,我会打篮球 用英语怎么说

I can play basketball with her help.

7. 我教你打篮球,你愿意么 怎么用英语写

I'll teach you to play basketball, you want it?

8. 我能教他们游泳和打篮球。英文。。。

I can teach them play basketball and swiming.

9. 我能教他们游泳和篮球用英语怎么说

I can teach them swimming and playing basketball.

10. 我们每周上两节体育课,老师会教我们打篮球用英语怎么说

We have two PE classes every week. Teacher teaches us to play basketball.



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