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发布时间:2023-02-03 17:41:34

㈠ 我一般三天打一次篮球用英语

I play basketball every three days.
Can you wait for me for a while?
Go straight on along the street.
He succeeded in finishing the work.
Can you explaing the reason to me?
6、不久后,他到了.(shortly afterwards)
He arrived shortly afterwards.
7、李明打算去美国读书.(be going to)
He is going to study in the USA.

㈡ 在运动方面,我们每周一起打两-3次的篮球用英语怎么写

in sports field, we play basketball twice or three times each week.

㈢ 我在周末打蓝球的英语

这是在陈述周末打篮球这件事,所以是一般现在时,翻译成英语是:I play basketball on weekend。

㈣ 我开始打篮球,然后我发现我爱上了这项运动,我每星期至少要打三次球。 这段话的英文翻译

I started playing basketball, and then I found that I fell in love with the sport, every week I play at least three times a ball

㈤ 我们两周打一次篮球用英语怎么说

We are play basketball twice a week.

㈥ 我两个月打一次篮球用英语该怎写

I play basketball every two months.

㈦ 我每周打一两次篮球用英语怎么说

I plays basketball once or twice every week.
I play basketball one or two times every week .

㈧ 打篮球的英文是什么

打篮球的英文是:play basketball。


1.play for basketball 对篮球的玩;为发挥篮球;打篮球。

2.I Play The Basketball 我玩篮球。

3.play y basketball 打篮球。




1. To play a role (in)


Play最常见的用法之一就是这个短语play a role in。这个短语意为,一个人、一件事、一个公司或者是一个事件在某事中扮演着一个角色。

In this phrase, the word role can be preceded by words that show how important this role was to whatever is being described. Common adjectives include important, major, key, crucial, significant, large, and vital.

在这个短语中,单词role可以用一些词来说明这个角色对被描述的事物而言有多么重要。常放在role之前的形容词有important, major, key, crucial, significant, large, 和 vital。

All of these adjectives mean that the role played was very important – perhaps meaning that the result could not have been possible without the thing.

这些形容词都表示被扮演的角色很重要 –也许这意味着如果没有这个角色,某种结果是不可能出现的。

2. To play a part (in)


Play a part 和play a role很相似。它们都表示某事起着…样的作用。

The difference is that playing a role is usually used to describe someone or something that has a large role. Playing a part can also be more important, but if someone or something wasn’t important, they usually play a part, not a role.

区别就在于play a role用来描述某物或者某人起着很重要的作用,play a part也可以表示起着重要的作用,但是如果扮演的角色不是很重要,那么就应该用play a part而不是play a role。

That means that adjectives that go before part can include small, insignificant, and fleeting.

这就意味着可以放在part之前的形容词有small, insignificant 和fleeting。



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