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发布时间:2023-03-06 09:28:37

1. 篮球用英语怎么写


2. 篮球用英语怎么说



篮球[lán qiú]




Take any sport basketball, ice hockey, swimming or whatever.



Jack is not only a good student but also a basketball player.


We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball.


We will not play basketball tomorrow.


We sat there watching basketball.


Do you like playing basketball?


The basketball rookie is going to shoot hoops.


Does the basketball water ink map sum interpose a street corner?


You can see some girls playing basketball in the basket court.


The students like the basketball court after school playing basketball.


nk 灌篮

bank shot 擦板球

double pump 拉杆式投篮

fade-away shot 后仰式跳投

hook shot 钩射投篮

jump shot 跳投

layup 带球上篮

perimeter shot 中距离投篮

set shot 立定投篮

three-point shot 三分球

统 计 术 语 篇

assist 助攻

block shot 阻攻

defensive rebound 防守篮板球

field goal percentage 投球命中率

field goal 投球命中

free throw percentage 罚球命中率

free throw 罚球

offensive rebound 进攻篮板球

rebound 篮板球

scoring 得分

steal 抄截

three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率

turnover 失误

场 地 装 备 篇

backboard 篮板

back court 后场

freethrow lane 罚球圈

freethrow line 罚球线

front court 前场

game clock 比赛用时钟

halftime 中场休息时间

hoop 篮框,篮圈

mid-court 中场

net 篮网

painted area 罚球圈

restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域

rim 篮框,篮圈

scoring table 记录台,记分台

shot clock 时限钟

three-point line 三分线

top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线附近

wing (左、右两边)底线区域

规 则 篇

blocking foul 阻挡犯规

buzzer 蜂鸣器

charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规)

dead ball 死球

defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分

delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行

disqualification 犯满离场

double dribble 两次运球

ejection 驱逐出场

elbowing 打拐子

expiration 时间终了

first half 上半场

first period 比赛的第一节

flagrant foul 恶性犯规

foul 犯规

foul out 犯满离场

foul trouble 快要犯满离场

full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停

goaltending 干扰投篮得分

hand-checking 以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作

held ball 持球

illegal defense 防守违例

illegal offense 进攻违例

jump ball 争球,跳球

loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规

offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分

out of bound 球出界线

overtime 加时赛

referee 裁判

second half 下半场

shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮时限之规定

substitute 换人

suspension 停止出赛

technical foul 技术犯规

ten-second violation 进攻方10秒钟之违例

three-second violation (篮下)3秒钟之违例

throw a punch 出拳打架

throw in 发球入场

traveling / walking 走步

twenty-second timeout 只有20秒钟之暂停

战 术 篇

backdoor cut 从两边底线往篮下的战术

block out 把对方球员挡住,使其不易抢到篮球

cut 切入

double team 用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员

dribble out the time / milk the time away 进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间

fast break 快攻

foul strategy 犯规战术

give and go (进攻方持球球员的)传切战术

jockey for position (篮下)卡位

one-one-one defense 人盯人防守

pick and roll (进攻方做掩饰之球员的)挡切战术

post-up play (进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对方防守球员之战术

triple team 用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员

zone defense 区域防守,区域联防

3. 打篮球的英文是什么

打篮球的英文是:play basketball。


1.play for basketball 对篮球的玩;为发挥篮球;打篮球。

2.I Play The Basketball 我玩篮球。

3.play y basketball 打篮球。




1. To play a role (in)


Play最常见的用法之一就是这个短语play a role in。这个短语意为,一个人、一件事、一个公司或者是一个事件在某事中扮演着一个角色。

In this phrase, the word role can be preceded by words that show how important this role was to whatever is being described. Common adjectives include important, major, key, crucial, significant, large, and vital.

在这个短语中,单词role可以用一些词来说明这个角色对被描述的事物而言有多么重要。常放在role之前的形容词有important, major, key, crucial, significant, large, 和 vital。

All of these adjectives mean that the role played was very important – perhaps meaning that the result could not have been possible without the thing.

这些形容词都表示被扮演的角色很重要 –也许这意味着如果没有这个角色,某种结果是不可能出现的。

2. To play a part (in)


Play a part 和play a role很相似。它们都表示某事起着…样的作用。

The difference is that playing a role is usually used to describe someone or something that has a large role. Playing a part can also be more important, but if someone or something wasn’t important, they usually play a part, not a role.

区别就在于play a role用来描述某物或者某人起着很重要的作用,play a part也可以表示起着重要的作用,但是如果扮演的角色不是很重要,那么就应该用play a part而不是play a role。

That means that adjectives that go before part can include small, insignificant, and fleeting.

这就意味着可以放在part之前的形容词有small, insignificant 和fleeting。

4. 把篮球放在地板上。英语怎么说

Put the basketball on the floor.
Please take the book to the classroom.




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