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发布时间:2022-07-22 20:09:52

1. 上海文化名邸位置在哪儿


2. 中译英,麻烦高手帮我翻两段文字,如果可以的话请直接用大写翻译即可。谢谢

Collect ability in the depths of shade, private for the one and only of Jiangwan wetland
The 9.45 square kilometers of New Jiangwan wetland in Shanghai City, is the last piece of the original ecological wetland park, ecological territory is equivalent to the 6.7 century, region has a variety of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation is about 237, about 40 kinds of fish and birds living. So unique to the international metropolis Shanghai, the original ecological resources, very precious, only a few people live. In Shanghai, when the first ray of sunshine as water, surface over the new golden, shining in the 9.45 square kilometers of native wetland. Cultural Mingdi, 55 honour edition in the island Shu Di, Zoran extraordinary charm of French born, inheritance of classical architecture in the ecological resources can not be copied, listening to city and nature.
Strong learning culture, highlight the Shu Di elegant bearing
The true nobility is not only great wealth, more precipitation and inheriting a infiltration to the spirit of humanistic culture and noble life attitude. The New Jiangwan City elite gathered, elegant rich. The Jiangwan campus of Fudan University, the first affiliated Tongji, Fudan Science Park Primary School, a boarding kindergarten, Shanghai Conservatory Of Music experimental school 14 school, build a complete ecation system. Cultural Mingdi, inheriting the essence of French architectural culture, in New Jiangwan City University culture collision of passion, achievement of Shanghai in real life.

3. 文化名邸交通方便吗应该怎么过去







4. 上海各区繁华程度排名是怎样的









5. 上海文化名邸周边有什么学校


6. 中译英。请高手直接用大写翻译即可,万分感谢

Moorhouse Taylor SCOTT HOSTETLER
Hao Zhang American Design Company HZS was founded in 2006, headquartered in Atlanta, the United States of America, the global staff of about 500 people. Hao Zhang for global customers to provide a new landscape instry standards, create top livable environment.
Business partner and chief designer Mr. House Taylor (Scott Hostetler) as the master of Landscape Architecture degree and University of Pennsylvania landscape, landscape design experience with world class, in 20 countries, 100 global city design more than 400 projects, before founding HZS Hao Zhang Si, he designed the Panyu Xinghewan, Beijing Xinghewan, Chongqing Longhu camphor forest the villa and the Hongkong Disneyland Hotel on behalf of the project.
As an architect, is a landscape artist, Mr. House Taylor is a very strong personality, and his works in the choice is always refine on, strive to do the best. Landscape design culture Mingdi by him personally take, all show the French palace garden noble and romantic.
A villa life, only for the top.
Custom "Haute Cou-ture" comes from the French couture, France as the fashion capital of the world, the first company in the world with a "Haute Cou-ture" concept store appeared on the streets in Paris in 1858, when only Chanel Dior, top brands that are eligible to proce customized top fashion.
Cultural Mingdi, by George &HZS Moorhouse Taylor GDG, the two masters love Qing row, from the courtyard to the interior, Series 7 villa works a full range bound for. All are designed according to the layer peak elites lifestyle, family structure, personality taste tailored, 7 unique custom works series, respectively, for the series.
In 2013, his new cultural Mingdi, 55 statues of hardcover villa Di in the top luxury house based on the reproction of France, noble and elegant, luxurious life art, custom personalized lifestyle.

7. 上海杨浦怎么样

杨浦区以经济建设为中心,积极推进经济结构的调整,改造传统产业,培育新兴产业,加快多种所有制经济的发展,逐步形成了以高新技术产业、都市型工业、商业服务业和房地产业为主导的产业格局。招商引资取得显着成绩,经济运行质量不断提高,综合经济实力进一步显着增强。 杨浦区商贸业发展相当迅猛,经济迅速崛起。现已形成五角场市级副中心、控江路区级商业中心、各大中高档居住区附有的商业街所构筑的杨浦商业区域。在杨浦各个板块中,一大批国际和国内的大型商业企业已纷纷进入杨浦,上海第一百货、华联、友谊等集团和英国的百安居、法国的欧尚、台湾的大润发已在区域内开设多家大型超市和购物中心,全区商业用房面积已达106万平方米。同时有力推动大连路总部研发集聚区的建设,大力吸引外资企业地区总部、投资公司、研发中心等落户杨浦,推进西门子、德国大陆集团及北美广场项目的建设,发挥大连路现代服务区总部研发集聚区的溢出效应以完全释放杨浦的经济活力。 而东外滩世博水门之一的复兴岛,将建设国际会议中心、国际康体中心、国际休闲娱乐中心、游艇俱乐部、水上巴士码头等景观建筑物。而位于江浦路末端的渔人码头将会建造一幢162米的塔楼“越鱼”,引进五星级酒店和甲级写字楼;一幢7层的综合商业体“游鱼”,涵盖许多大型商业机构,还有一个文化博物馆;这个长约700米的沿江区域全部作为公共岸线对外开。这些东外滩板块内的设施与规划将促成杨浦旅游业的蓬勃发展,将会为杨浦经济带来新的强力增长点。并且开发“东外滩”也是上海今后几年实现城市新一轮腾飞的重要举措之一,也是上海市重点开发黄浦江“4+1”地区中的一部分。到时,这里将和浦西滨江连成一片,构成一条立体的浦江风景线,打造上海又一个经济增长引擎。 随着2010年1月10日杨浦区获得“国家创新型试点城区”的殊荣,这也正式标志了杨浦区已完成了从“工业杨浦”向“知识杨浦”的为时6年的华丽转型,固定资产投资规模已连续三年雄居中心城区之首。在2009年上半年的金融形势严峻时期,杨浦的知识产业却保持30%的增幅,区级财政收入增幅首次在上海全市中心城区中名列第一。联合国副秘书长甘巴里说:“杨浦老工业城区转型和‘三区联动’策略,不仅可作为标志性的改革模式在中国其他地区运用,更可以指导世界其他地区实现经济的再飞跃。



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