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发布时间:2022-08-05 08:27:01

A. 各位大神,帮忙翻译几句英语, 1,促进文化交流,让人们更多地了解当...

1, promote cultural exchanges, to let people know more about the local culture and customs. 2 and provide more job opportunities, promote local economic development. 3, optimization of the living environment, and improve the quality of life. 4, destroy the natural environment, causing serious pollution. 5, an influx of tourists, cause traffic jams.

1 to promote cultural exchanges, allowing people to learn more about local culture and customs. 2, provide more job opportunities, promote local economic development. 3, improve the living environment, improve the quality of life. 4, destruction of the natural environment, creating serious pollution. 5, a massive influx of tourists, causing traffic jams.


B. 文化交流的英文怎么说

Cultural exchange文化交流

C. “文化交流”翻译成英文怎么写


D. 急!“文化的交流与融合”“文化的继承与创新”英文翻译

什么什么的什么…后者一般作名词放前面。用of表示“…的…”。参考词:交流:communication 融合:merge 继承:inherit创新:innovation/creating

The communication and merging of culture The inheriting and innovation of culture

E. 翻译“文化的交流将会越来越多”成英文

There will be more and more cultural exchange.
------在这里 ,more and more +名词短语。

1 there will be more and more - - - -
2 - - - - will become more and more.


F. 不仅促进了东西方经济交流而且促进了文化交流 英语翻译

to promote the Oriental and the Western cultures exchange and integration

G. 展示中美文化交流成果用英语怎么说

To showcase the achievements of cultural exchanges between China and the United States

H. 名词"方式""成功”“交流”用英语怎么说

成功是success win 不可数
交流是communacation 普用的聊天用chatting 对话是conversation

I. 翻译时两种文化之间的交流,对于真正成功的翻译,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种文化更为重要

“For truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function” (Eugene Nida, 1993:110).

J. 经济全球化让文化交流更频繁。英语怎么说

Economic globalization makes more frequent cultural exchange



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