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发布时间:2022-11-15 06:19:09

Ⅰ 怎么将“饮食文化”翻译成英语

通常用的比较多的是food calture,其他什么diet culture啊,cooking culture啊,都比较生硬,外国人说的很少。

Ⅱ 饮食文化用英文怎么说 饮食该用名词还是形容词

应该是diet culture

food culture
catering culture
1. Catering Culture
高级口译笔记——饮食文化(Catering Culture)
2. food culture ——公共英语

Ⅲ 介绍韩国美食的英语文章,最好有翻译

Whether you are planning to eat in a Korean restaurant, visit Korea, or cook your own Korean food at home, this quick introction to Korean cuisine will give you all the basics you need.

The Side Dishes

Korean foodstands out from other cuisines with the many side dishes (banchan) that are served ring meals. The number of side dishes can range anywhere from 2 to 12, but everyday meals feature at least a few.

So when you eat at a Korean restaurant, your various side dishes will come to you before your meal in small bowls and can be anything from vegetables to meat to seafood prepared in any number of ways. Korean dishes are all served at the same time, so there are no separate courses like in Western cuisines.

The Basics

Rice is the backbone of almost everyKorean meal. On rare occasions, noodles will replace the rice, but the vast majority of the time, every person eats a bowl of rice with their meal. Typically, each person will also have their own bowl of soup or stew. The side dishes and main dish or dishes, which can be meat, seafood, or tofu are all be served family-style in the middle of the table. Sometimes a large stew will replace the main dish and will be served family-style at the table.

Common Ingredients

Koreans have perfected the art of preserving food over thousands of years, so many of the side dishes are pickled, salted, or fermented and many are spicy.

Kimchi, Korea's famous spicy cabbage, has over a hundred varieties of different vegetables, including some non-spicy types. Even thoughKorean stewsand soups are served very hot (almost boiling), many of the side dishes are served cold or at room temperature.

Korea is a peninsula, so Koreans eat a lot of seafood although meat has become very popular in the last 50 or so years.

The most common spices and sauces used in Korean cuisine are: sesame oil, chili pepper paste (kochujang), chili pepper flakes (kochukaru), soybean paste (daenjang), soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and scallions. As a result, much of Korean cuisine is intensely flavored, savory, and bold.

The Little Things

Everything, including meat and poultry, is cut into bite-sized pieces so there is no need for a knife. Koreans are also adept atusing chopsticksso if the meat is too large or a whole grilled fish is served, it can be split with chopsticks. (Many Korean meat dishes are braised or marinated for a long time for a tender flesh). Korean food is traditionally eaten with stainless steel chopsticks and a long stainless steel spoon and is traditionally served at a low table with people sitting on the floor.

Some Korean Culinary History

Korean cuisine has been affected by its geography (peninsula), climate (hot, humid summers and very cold winters), proximity to neighbors China and Japan, and the Japanese occupation from 1910-1945. European traders also had an impact on the cuisine with the Portuguese introction of chili peppers to Korea in the 17th century. By the 18th century, chili peppers were already being widely used in the preparation of Korean cuisine.













所有的东西,包括肉和家禽,都被切成小块,所以不需要一把刀。韩国人也擅长使用筷子,如果肉太大或者一整条烤鱼都可以用筷子分开。 (许多韩国肉类菜肴长期炖或腌制肉嫩)。传统上,用不锈钢筷子和长不锈钢勺子吃韩国料理,传统上是坐在地板上的低桌子上。



Ⅳ 韩国饮食文化 翻译成韩文

韩国饮食文化 한국 음식 문화

副食主要是汤、酱汤、泡菜、酱类,还有用肉、平鱼、蔬菜、 海藻做的食物。 这种吃法不仅能均匀摄取各种食物,也能达到均衡营养的目的。
부식물 주요는 탕(국) ,된장국, 김치,장류,(고추장 된장 썩장등)그리고 고기 물고기, 야채,김(다시마)로 만든 식물(음식).
이런 먹는방법은 각종 식물을 골고루 섭취 할 뿐만 아니라 균형영양의목적에 도달 할수 있다

主食有饭、粥、面条、饺子、年糕汤、片儿汤;副食有汤、酱汤、烤、煎、酱肉、炒、 肉片、野菜、蔬菜、酱鱼、干鱼、酱菜、炖食、火锅、泡菜等种类繁多。除了这种曰常饮食之外 ,还有多种多样的糕饼、麦芽糖、茶、酒等饮食。 促进了贮藏发酵食品的酱类、酱鱼、泡菜等的发展。
주식은 밥, 죽,국수,만두,떡국,편이탕이 있다; 부식은 국, 돤장국,튀김,구이,장쫄임,볶음,고기편,야채,장물고기,마른물고기,장절임,삶은음식,샤브샤브,김치등 종류가 많다.이런 일상 음식 외 다종다양한 단설기,맥아당,차,술 등 음식이 있다.저장 발효 식품의 장류,장물고기,김치의 발전을 촉진 하였다.

Ⅳ 韩国饮食文化介绍 翻译成中文


Ⅵ 饮食文化国家英文翻译

France: the art of fine food not tire

French people on the food requirements of a high finish of Strict attention, processing, sophisticated, complex patterns and maintain the flavor and reasonable nutrition. Advocating exquisite dishes, pay attention to models with, the color combination, pay attention to the environment and dining atmosphere catering to "eat" all the inside and outside the pursuit of beauty and artistic conception. French Foie Gras with fish sauce, truffle famous treasures of the world's three major cuisine is one of the traditional French specialty, other countries in Europe and America recipes on extremely rare. Ingenious gras is its entrance that is, the soft and supple lips Liuxiang teeth, the feeling of endless aftertaste, can arouse people's boundless desire to taste buds. In addition, the French people love to eat cheese, the cheese variety. French cuisine is still relatively rare, or about to eat raw food, steak, leg of lamb with fresh semi-characterized, such as lamb based on the specialty - French wine in small lamb chops, delicious tender.

Emphasis on French dishes flavorings, spices range. Good at using wine to sauce, what kind of food choice of wine, there are stringent regulations such as broth with wine, brandy wine with seafood, with all kinds of desserts such as rum or brandy. Medium alcohol and fragrance ingredients are two major elements, whether it is food or snacks, smells rich aroma, mellow and pleasant goods together. Food with wine is a meal characteristics. If that many people drink alcohol than to drink water, not joke.

Ⅶ 饮食文化用英语怎么说

cooking culture;
The people in the diet culture tasted understands and has reposed Chinese nation's ancient times civilization.

Ⅷ 各国英文版饮食文化介绍



Main Korea Republic food and drink characteristic: High protein , much vegetable , happy event delicate , abstain from greasy food, sense of taste is burned with the cold give first place to. Korean regards rice as staple food down the ages. Cooked food gives first place to stewing to cook and to roast system , is not used for a hot dish mainly. Korean likes to eat noodles , beef , chicken and dog's meat , does not like to eat steamed bread , mutton and ck meat.



Cooking culture introces Japan

Mention food and drink , be that food , vegetable , fish and flesh are that Japanesque non-staple food meal burns, and the Western Europe Chinese meal popularizes also very much like not only give first place to rice, before Japan can sample to rich various meal food. Japan is a very rich countries of high grade water resource , hygiene facilities improves and perfects also very much , drinks therefore running water is in any Japanese place being able to. Modern Japan culture is furthermore colorful. Girls are in the culture studying time-honoured Japan tradition, if sado , the ikebana simultaneous, also jump disco. The scene bordering but building the browse downtown area , antiquited temple and tower is not strange. Therefore modern Japan culture is antiquited have been tied in wedlock.


That Japanese loves the birthday department who raw fish is used for food , is covering up with sashimi as a result commonly is the most popular Japan in the homeland food. The Japanese cuisine is particular about the plain taste keeping food very much , does not encourage have added a condiment, use delicate give first place to. The color to cooked food has the very good request especially face to face, not only using all kinds of form , arrangement , colour collocation that the very delicate vessel does load food, to food to have very exquisite thinking also. Be taking a look on that is so meticulous that the day style being just like landscape painting-like takes care of , sometimes cannot bear to destroy that share for the first time to Japanese visitor beautiful.


Ⅸ “饮食文化”用英文怎么说

dietary culture

读音:英 [ˈdaɪətəri ˈkʌltʃə(r)] 美 [ˈdaɪəteri ˈkʌltʃər]



例句: economicvalues. 荆楚饮食文化具有鲜明的地域特色和巨大的经济开发价值。


同根词组:ancient culture

读音:英 [ˈeɪnʃənt ˈkʌltʃə(r)] 美 [ˈeɪnʃənt ˈkʌltʃər]



例句:Dragonancientcultureand the development of increasingly improved continuously.古老的龙文化和艺术在不断的发展中日益完善。

Ⅹ 韩国饮食文化的英语文章

The Traditional Culture of Korea

Korea, one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world, has over 5,000 years of history. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Korean peninsula has been inhabited for over 500,000 years. The current political separation of North and South Korea has resulted in divergence in modern Korean cultures; nevertheless, the traditional culture of Korea is historically shared by both states. While Korea's long history as a tributary state to China has resulted in extensive influences from China, Korea also benefitted from considerable Japanese influence and developed a distinct cultural identity from its larger neighbours

Bibimbap RICE is the staple food of Korea. Having been an almost exclusively agricultural country until recently, the essential recipes in Korea are shaped by this experience. The main crops in Korea are rice, barley, and beans, but many supplementary crops are used. Fish and other seafood are also important because Korea is a peninsula.

Fermentation (food)Fermented recipes were also developed in early times. These include Pickling|pickled fish and pickled vegetables. This kind of food provides essential proteins and vitamins ring the winter.

A number of menus have been developed. These can be divided into ceremonial foods and ritual foods. Ceremonial foods are used when a child reaches 100 days, at the first birthday, at a wedding ceremony, and the sixtieth birthday. Ritual foods are used at funerals, at ancestral rites, shaman's offerings and as temple food.

Temple food is distinguished as it does not use the common five strong-flavoured ingredients of Korean cuisine garlic, Scallion spring onion, wild rocambole, leek, and ginger, nor meat.

For ceremonies and rituals rice cakes are vital. The colouring of the food and the ingredients of the recipes are matched with a balance of yin and yang.

Today, Korean royal court cuisine|surasang (traditional Noble court|court cuisine) is available to the whole population. In the past vegetable dishes were essential, but meat consumption has increased. Traditional dishes include ssambap, bulgogi, sinseollo, kimchi, bibimbap, and gujeolpan.



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