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发布时间:2023-03-17 19:54:34

1. 推动文化产业发展的翻译是:什么意思

Promoting the development of cultural instry

2. 把中文翻译成英语 好的话有高悬赏


Brazil common music dance fashion (such as: from the folk, samba) mainly by the African have far-reaching influence. Also is not received formal music training by the one playing. Each February when carnival pouring out of new songs, there are many theme was the social environment around or what happened, through personal shows performance colorful carnival, it is Brazil multiple cultural expression way one of.

俄领土跨越欧亚两洲,自然而然地融合了东西方两种文化。俄重视发展文化事业,大量出版敬搏局图书和报刊,建立了许多图书馆、博物馆、文化馆、俱乐部等群众性亮让文化设施。俄还重视对博物馆珍品和历史建筑文物的保护,扩建和新建了许多博物馆银稿。俄博物馆按专业可分为革命历史博物馆、历史博物馆、艺术博物馆、各专业博物馆以及其他博物馆等。着名的大型革命历史博物馆有俄罗斯中央革命博物馆、国家历史博物馆、克里姆林宫博物馆、中央海军博物馆等。较大的艺术馆有莫斯科科列季亚克夫国家绘画陈列馆。 《俄罗斯舞蹈艺术》 陈玉先

And across the Eurasian continent, the territory two naturally fusion east and west two cultures. And pay attention to the development of cultural undertakings, a large number of books published and newspapers, set up many libraries, museums, cultural centers, club and other mass culture facilities. Russia also attach importance to the museum treasures and the historical architecture of the cultural relics protection, expansion and the new many museums. And according to the museum can be divided into revolution professional history museum, history museum, art museum, and each major museum and other museums and so on. The famous large revolutionary history museum has the Russian revolution museum, the national history museum, the kremlin museum, the central navy museum, etc. Larger art museum has listed JiYaKe husband country holmes coco painting galleries. The Russian dance art "ChenYuXian


Russia has a long history, and literature in the world reputation, appeared pushkin, lime mintimer shaimiyev, such as nikolai gogol, BieLinSiJi, dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, Chekhov, gorky, such as XiaoLuoHuoFu famous around the world of the giant and writer. Russia has a long history of fine arts, painting has a long history, famous master of art have LieWeiTan, repin, Sue KeFu, gram in scottsdale Iraq, etc. Russia's religious music and folk music has a profound historical tradition, opera, symphony and indoor music had distinctive national temperament, bold and unrestrained heroic. Russia's drama art genres and forms, first appeared in the palace, the 19 th century GuoGeLi enter prosperous period, the imperial envoys "and other social drama filled with strong times breath, has the distinct national characteristics, and emerged in a number of outstanding master of art. The Nichols andbeth ostrosky, rove tversky is after the 1850 s, many of the Russian literary world the most outstanding drama writers of the representative, known as "the father of Russian drama". Russia's circus in Russia also very the reception that gets people, the circus members trained, highly skilled. The russians have excellent folk art. Practical adornment art are metal, bones and stone processing, the art of woodcarving, woodcarving mural, embroidery, take a pattern of textiles, lace knitting and so on. The most famous handicraft had wooden sets conditions, wooden spoon, box, wooden bowl, wood plate and wood procts

3. 求翻译成英文: 现阶段构建和谐社会的一个重要任务是要大力发展社会事业,教育,医疗卫生,

The most direct benefits of Social Security and other career development directly related to the people, but also directly determines the social stability or not harmonious or not many places lack of investment in the development of social undertakings, or weakness in investment, which need to mobilize all the capital that can be mobilized, corporateWe should give full play to the advantages of capital, for the development of social undertakings, to become a good corporate citizen and foreign donors to support community ecation to support the development of health humane care culture and art of urban construction projects, and help communities to improve the public environment, voluntary work for the community

4. 大力发展文化产业英文怎么说

vigorously develop the cultural instry

5. 懒惰熊猫会躺在地上英文




答:每家店2万美元* 2 = 4万美元。维修:每家消配店2万美元* 2 = 4万美元。[翻译]

















a .大力发展公益性文化事业,加强基础文化设施建设。请稍候...[翻译]









一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

6. 速求翻译 各位大师帮帮忙

The 16th people' congress of the Communist Party of China was held in China at the year 2002.The final announcement report represented that "the goverment will keep concentrating at cultural instry and cultural career facilitation and the culture structure reformation",following this argument,after the congress,most theaters and opera troupes owned by goverment steped in the train of institution reforming.By the end of the year 2006,China Acrobatics Troupe Co.Ltd. was founded ,representing an attempt in which transfers a profit oriented cultural organization into a company occured. I constantly got chances to intern at the China Acrobatics Troupe Co.Ltd. ring the period of my 3 years postgraate course. With my tuter's guide,I tried to analysis the cases I've encountered with the knowledge.According to the expierence I've got,the information relevant to this instry I've collected ring my study and internship,I made several recommendations.I hope that the analysis and representation of these recommendations will help the China Acrobatics Troupe Co.Ltd. get a suitable strategy to measure the market demands after organization reformation,furthermore,to worldwidely promote the chinese acrobatics.
This text expounds the process of organization reformation of chinese acrobatic troupes in manager's view, organised with following components:
Title page:
Character 1:"The Evolution History Of Chinese Acrobatic Troupes", concisely introces the periodicity of chinese acrobatic troupes evolution.
Character 2:"The Status Of Chinese Acrobatic Troupes After Organization Reformed",by demonstrating the succeessful and the unsuccessful aspects ,express the current situation of chinese acrobatic troupes in reforming.
Character 3:"Analysis Of The Malpractices Occuring",detailed analyse the malpractices occurs ring the play creating and marketing strategy
Character 4:"My Recommendation On The Reformation Of Chinese Acrobatic Troupes ",in order to make the chinese acrobatic troupes more successfully promoted worldwide,I will issue a strategy to settle the malpractices using the analysis which is made in relevant to the creating process and the organization according to character 3.
翻译不易,如满意请给分 谢谢

7. 大力发展 英语怎么说

vigorous expansion
rapid development
Based on the wide investigation of ecotourism in Gansu Privince, the author analyses the advantages and limits of ecotourism in Gansu Province, further emphasizes the idea of sustainable development and points out some detailed measures.

meanwhile, to develop software instry is considered as an important approach to develop future information instry and some suggestions were put forward.
One of the Western Development Strategies of china is developing small towns while one of the measures we'll take is greatly developing township enterprises.
Along with our country'speedy economic development, vigorously developing vocational ecation has come into an important strategy for the ecation reform and development.
To meet the demand of social and economical development, the scientific viewpoint of development must be carried out to make great effort to develop hydropower for a sustainable development.
On the aspect of sustainable development, cultivating new peasants should be associated with the overall planning for urban and rural economic and social development in order to boost local economies.
In a market economy, It is an inevitable choice for the development of modern agriculture to develop brand agriculture vigorously, and implement the strategy of agricultural procts brand-driven.
Develop non-public ownership forestry and improve sand prevention effects
The first and most tasks for Hebei to construct new rural areas are to vigorously develop proctivity, increase farmers' income and improve self development ability.
The distributed base station is the current trend of mobile communication development and it is an important part of the TD-SCDMA communications Network in China.

8. 请罗列夏金南北朝代的农业科技、文化的成就 麻烦了








金朝文化:一、金世宗重视中华民族的传统文化,指出:“经籍之兴,其来久矣,垂教后世,无不尽善。”于是,设译经所,以女真文翻译《诗》、《易》、《书》、《论语》、《孟子》、《新唐书》等。以仁义、忠孝教育百官、护卫和宗室子弟。他重视科举,任用进士,创女直进士科,鼓励女真人学文化;提倡孝道,将儒家的忠孝思想与女真人的古朴纯实结合起来,为维护封建统治服务。二、金章宗,章宗是金朝诸帝中文化修养最高的。他自幼学习儒家经典,通晓汉、女真文。他继承其祖遗志,继续实行文治,致力于缓和社会矛盾和发展生产。大力发展文化事业 在用人行政方面,章宗一仍世宗之制,而在发展文化事业方面他又大大超过了世宗。他正礼乐,修律法,完善官制,使典章文物日臻完备而成有金一代治规。提倡儒家思想,尊孔读经章宗比世宗更尊崇儒家思想,更重视科举取士。为方便学子应试,特增府试三处;恐误失人才,又增加会试录取人数,对命题和程森宏文要求也作了相应调整;选才识优长者为学官,提高教育和科举取士水平。



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