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发布时间:2022-04-30 03:34:42

㈠ 包容其他国家的文化----用英语怎么说

appreciate other cultures.

㈡ 纽约文化的包容精神体现在哪里字数尽可能多啊 最好是英语。急急急急!!!

A dispenser of iced lemonade sits invitingly by the door of the newly whitewashed building -- hospitality for summer visitors coming to the first mosque built in Granada in over 500 years.
But looming over the freshly planted garden, seeming to quiver in the furnacelike heat, is another image: the Alhambra, a 14th-century Muslim fortress of red-tinted stone that is everything this mosque is not: ancient, battle-scarred, monumental. It seems at once a reminder of lost glories and a spur for their restoration.
It may also inspire darker sentiments. For it was from the Alhambra's watchtower that Christian conquerors unfurled their flag in 1492, marking the end of almost eight centuries of Islamic rule in Spain. Less than a decade later, forced conversions of Muslims began; by 1609, they were being expelled.
That lost Muslim kingdom -- the southern region of Spain the Muslims called al-Andalus and is still called Andalusia -- now looms over far more than the new mosque's garden. And variations of ''the Moor's last sigh'' -- the sigh the final ruler of the Alhambra supposedly gave as he gazed backward -- abound.

㈢ 英语翻译“全面认识世界,了解外国文化,懂得相互理解和尊重,学会包容不同观点

Comprehensive understanding of the world, to understand foreign cultures, know how to mutual understanding and respect, learn to embrace different perspectives

㈣ 请英语高手帮我翻译

Guangzhou Lingnan Cultural Center, as has a long history, dating back five thousand years of the beginning of the Neolithic period, the city Baiyue before culture, after the city of Han-Vietnamese fusion of Eastern and Western cultures and has been continuously formed its unique style and distinctive characteristics of local culture. Lingnan culture, historical sites of cultural, architectural culture, folk culture, landscape and cultural, commercial and cultural, religious and cultural as well as various cultural and artistic activities, are permeated with a sense of opening up the humanities, in particular, change consciousness, awareness and pragmatic business sense Guangzhou's opening reflects the concept of the reform concept and the concept of compatibility. Lingnan culture under the influence of an inclusive, non-exclusive character of the people in Guangzhou, as well as the colorful characteristics of Lingnan are all kinds of places to attract tourists in Guangzhou where the unique charm.
Asian people in Asia sporting event, when the Asian region more than 40 regional and national sports elite, together with Guangzhou, to participate in the event of passion.
Guangzhou beautiful scenery and pleasant weather, social stability, people who love sports, Guangzhou, Guangzhou, is uniquely positioned with its vigorous development, and economic development in the mainstream of the world under globalization, Guangzhou needs of the world and the world also needs to Guangzhou, Guangzhou, the need for opportunities, the need for the world to understand the opportunities in Guangzhou. To host the Asian Games, Guangzhou is the world the opportunity to bid to host the Asian Games in Guangzhou Guangzhou, the necessity of the development of China's natural world



㈤ 开放和包容的英文

openness and inclusiveness

More than two millennia ago the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later generations. For thousands of years, the Silk Road Spirit - "peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit" - has been passed from generation to generation, promoted the progress of human civilization, and contributed greatly to the prosperity and development of the countries along the Silk Road. Symbolizing communication and cooperation between the East and the West, the Silk Road Spirit is a historic and cultural heritage shared by all countries around the world.

㈥ 急求,中译英翻译,谢谢!!!

Second, from the language knowledge imparted convert language skills training person and culture disseminator

The famous American linguist Chomsky think: the language is dominated by the rules of the system.

Human learning a language is not simple imitation and memory process, but creatively usage process.

Foreign language teachers to teach students to find rules on one hand, on the other hand also want to teach students to use these rules creatively, namely cultivation of students' creative ability of application of language rules.

Therefore, in foreign language teaching, the teacher not only will interpret language points, and the more important one is to provide students a chance to use the language rule creative and circumstance, through the student indivial or collective language practice activities, improve its language application ability.

Moreover, the essence of language and the relationship between language and culture determines foreign language teaching must pay attention to cultural differences.

In language teaching practice, undertake to the student the teaching of culturalbackground knowledge and intercultural communicative competence, foreign language teaching has been the United States listed in the content of the association of communicative competence.

To learn a foreign language person, if don't know about the cultural background knowledge, it is hard to understand the language itself.

As a foreign language teacher, if this kind of culture, psychological differences turn a blind eye, will inevitably will lead to language teaching and cultural disjointed, make students lack the cross-cultural awareness.

Therefore, English teachers should pay attention to cultural knowledge and language learning practice organically, lets the student fully understand the English culture background and social norms;

For different culture and cultivate their include feeling, make oneself of the communicative behavior comply with the national culture of pragmatic principle;

And advocated by "task-based teaching modes are mainly: this teaching model value is students' learning activities, students by thinking, investigation and discussion, exchange and cooperation, and other ways to complete the study task, makes the students to improve language knowledge and language skills, but also improve the perception of language and culture, which can overcome the cross-cultural communication obstacles, to really improve language skills.

㈦ 尊重并包容各国文化用英语怎么说

Respect and tolerate the cultures of different countries.

㈧ “文化包容性”用英语怎么说

Cultural tolerance

㈨ 包容和心理素质用英语怎么说

1. pardon
2. forgive
3. contain
4. hold
5. subsume
6. subsumption
7. containment
8. comprisal

A heart full of mercy.
a general inclusive concept.
A book containing the scripts of dramatic plays.
Meat loaf that contained oatmeal as an extender.
To cover or envelop with or as if with fog.
a kindly forgiving nature; a forgiving embrace to the naughty child.
An artistic or theatrical work that surrounds or involves the audience.
Now, to help creativity grow, we must first make sure we can tolerate ways and ideas different from our own.
Italian (Roman Catholic) theologian remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology (1225-1274).
This approach leverages the simplicity of a flat, switched network, but implements routing where necessary for security, broadcast containment or address management.

1. psychological quality
2. psychological diathesis
3. Mental qualities

national common psychological make-up
a discharge from the US Army based on unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable.
The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.
In order to raise the people's ideological and moral standards, it is necessary to enhance the people's sense of law and concept of rule by law.
The ideological and political work in the Chinese armed forces aims at raising the overall quality of the officers and men and procing a new generation of officers and men, who are strong ideologically and politically, competent militarily, knowledgeable in science and culture, and fit physically and mentally. To achieve this, the improvement of political quality must be integrated with the improvement of overall quality; the study of advanced ideology with the grasp of general knowledge; the ecational guidance with practice; and the strict discipline with greater self-control.
pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind.
Psychic trauma; psychic energy.
haemorrhagic diathesis
Third, we should pay more attention to ideological, political and moral ecation to improve the overall quality of the new generation.











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