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发布时间:2022-08-04 11:31:42

A. 如何安排高中生活的英语作文

Firstly,you should be active in English class.When you answer questions in English ,you are practicing your spoken English.So take every opportunity to speak English in class,which is very important.
Secondly,you should watch English programs as often as possible.This is a good way to practice your listening.You can find many English programs in CCTV Channel 9.
Thirdly,read English texts aloud in the morning,please.Reading aloud is a good way to practice both your speaking and listening.In this way,you can improve your pronunciation a lot.
Personally speaking,you should find a good partner to practice your oral English.Whenever you meet each other,speak English.Thus,you have more chances to speak English outside class.
All in all,if you want to improve your listening and speaking skills,just practice every day.I believe,you will make great progress very soon.

B. 英语作文《如何度过高中生活》

I will soon turn over the course of my life new page - I want to be high school students.
High school campus is flying dream sky. High school students only spell a, can see beautiful future. My ideal is to grow up to be a great contribution to society. In the more than 1,000 days, let high school witness to our growing footprint, record our joys and sorrows of it. No matter what feeling is high school, we will benefit, matured, will lead a life of have never experienced. Because have not experience, will be full of illusion and hope to look forward to.
I will enrich each day, never a waste of time, don't do meaningless wait, don't do negative complain, only struggles unceasingly. I want to learn to strong, never give up: learn to reason, not blind impulse to do and not to judge, learn to surface phenomenon easily through the nature of things: learn to be independent, this face must face, this resolve their things must depend on oneself, not the responsibility of the TuiTuo! To improve their personal life substantiate, only to return not enough, emotional accomplishment enrich and rich life, so friendly with classmates, raises the interest hobby, plus active part in extracurricular activities.
I'm in my world lit dream sparks, feel their lives to pursue my own dream, create their own miracle...

C. 怎样度过高中学习生活,写一篇100字左右的英语作文

度过高中生活吧 高中生活怎么度过 并不是你我两三句话就可以说的清楚的 总之无论多无聊都要接受 高中说白了也只是我们漫长的生活的一环 也可能是学习生活的最后一环 为了让他更有趣 尽力去做些自己认为有趣的事情吧 不要害怕被人嘲笑 如果大家都这么理智 那么高中生活就可能沉闷的让人郁闷 学习也是这样 我们去学东西并不一定要好成绩 当然看LZ你自己是怎么想的了 我认为人如果强迫自己去做事 成功率会大大小于主动去做事 没什么必因为学习不好什么的 玩命学习 其实只要换换心态 平时注意一下重点 该玩的时候玩 觉得重要的认真听 日积月累 考试就能考得不错的 当然只是不错而已 要想领先目前除了玩命学习还真没别的办法 在高中人人都有很多想法啊 很多事去做 千万不要被别人的话压抑将这些放在心里 因为不表现比表现得差还要糟糕 对于自己做错的事情应该勇于承担责任 这是必要的 没人会喜欢逃避责任的人 真的要认真分析高中生活的话远远不只上面这些 每个人的生活都不一样 我没什么资格为LZ生活出谋划策 但是可以给LZ 我在高中时的想法错参考 自己的生活自己去把握吧 不要让

D. 如何度过高二生活的英语演讲稿加翻译!

Hello everyone! A new term is coming。We are grade 2 now。Our life will be different from now on。Next year we will have the most important exam。So we must do something now, there is no time for us to waste。 Everyone should work hard now,don't use limited time to do things such as play games and so on。We must give our parents and teachers also ourselves a good answer。 Everybody, come on now!!Work hard for our tomorrow! 大家好! 新学期来临,我们现在是高2了,我们的生活从现在开始不一样起来了,明年我们就要参加重要的高考了, 所以我们现在必须做点事情了。已经没时间容我们浪费了, 每个同学从现在起就应该努力了,不要浪费有限的时间去玩游戏或者做其他事情。我们必须在明年给我们的老师。父母也给我们自己一个满意的答案。 大家现在起要加油, 为了我们的明天努力学习!! 就这样啦。 一个开学演讲没必要多长的。 希望满意, 给分哦。 忽忽~~

E. 英语作文 怎样尽快适应高中生活









F. 如何适应高中生活的英语作文是什么

I am Hanmei,I spend the beautiful middle school life and will enter the senior high school. I have have idea what should about the coming new life.As I know many guys in this group。

are old than I ,so I ask you guys for help.First,What should I prepare for my new life。second,how do I start to learn the new courses of the senior high school?these are some problems I need to solve,anybody will help me?we can chat in detail.many thanks!




G. 如何度过高中学习生活英语作文


H. 如何安排高中生活英语作文

Now, my high school life has begun a term. High school gave me the feeling is very much free time. It is not like the junior middle school, all the tasks are required to the teacher arranged after we carry out. High school has a lot of time to myself, but it also need to use them reasonably.
Just entered high school I was not completely adapt to the open learning, and a lot of free time is wasted.But the after-school activities are very rich, they let me not so lazy. Several times after the test, I realized I need to change the learning method.
First of all, I make a plan every day, and follow it strictly. Before going to sleep at night, I will check whether completed, if not complete I'll give myself a little punishment, such as play less computer on the weekend. Secondly,I`ll prepare the second day course after finishing my homework, if time is very late I will sleep, because of staying up late will affect the second day efficiency in class.
In a word, I will often summarized my learning to find problems in a
stage . And the good place I did,I will reward myself.I think I have completely like such the high school life.



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