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发布时间:2022-05-15 19:47:27

① 英语的 低碳生活 怎么写

Low-carbon Life

Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my ty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags 【少用塑料袋】to rece white pollution【减少白色污染】. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】. At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we don't need to cut down more trees.

If everyone takes action, our enivronment will be better and better. Our world will be more beautiful.

② 低碳生活用英语怎么读

a low-carbon life
ə ləu 'kɑ:bən laif

③ 低碳生活用英语怎么读最好有音标

Low carbon life【lou】 ['kɑrbən]【laif】

④ 低碳生活用英语怎么说

Low carbon life

⑤ 低碳生活的英语词组

1.For now we shold start a contented,energy-saving and low-carbon lifestyle in order to protect our world2.Low-carbon living from us of every work

⑥ 关于低碳的英语单词

1.“低碳”的英文有的写成low carbon,有的写成low-carbon,但总体上说还是使用连字符号的居多,如美联社12月7日关于哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会召开的新闻报道中有这么一句话:On the sidelines, climate activists competed for attention to their campaigns on deforestation, clean energy and low-carbon growth.2. 低碳技术,即low-carbon technology3.低碳发展,即low-carbon development/growth4低碳经济 ,即low-carbon economy5.低碳生活方式,即low-carbon lifestyle,相关的说法还有“低碳生活”,即low-carbon life,相关搭配就是lead a low-carbon life6.一个提倡导低碳经济的社会就是“低碳社会”(low-carbon society),同理就有“低碳社区”,“低碳城市”和“低碳世界”,即low carbon community, low-carbon city和low-carbon world。

⑦ 如何过低碳生活英语是什么

英文:How to live a low carbon life。

life读法英 [laɪf] 美 [laɪf]

n. 寿命,一生;(某事物的)存在期;生命,性命;人命;生物,活物;生活,人生;生活方式,阅历;(某种)生活;生气,生机;生动,有趣

adj. 生命的,与生命有关的;一生的,终身的


Low-carbon Life with Sunshine阳光与低碳生活

Promote low-carbon life人们提倡低碳生活



for life的意思是“一辈子,一生”,当所指的人为复数时,也可以用复数形式for lives。

for one's life的意思是“拼命地”;for the life of one的意思是“无论如何”,只能用于否定结构。

⑧ “低碳生活”用英语怎莫说

low-carbon lifestyle

⑨ 日常英语口语中“低碳生活”用英语怎么说

Low carbon life



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