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发布时间:2023-05-27 21:09:01

❶ 英语作文 为什么我想成为医生


If I can change, I want to become a doctor。After becoming a doctor, I want to treat many patients。

I want to make the patients recover and make their faces full of smiles。If I were a doctor, my family would never panic when they had physical problems at home。

My mother said, "the virus came to our house like a hamster, but as long as you were there, the virus would be repelled soon。"

I would bring great convenience to my family because I know a lot of medical knowledge and know a lot about some common diseases。

If I were a doctor, in the community, I would take blood pressure and temperature for the grandparents in the community for free。

I will also teach them some first aid knowledge, nutrition knowledge, disease prevention knowledge and so on。

My grandparents are very enthusiastic every time they see me and bring me sweet and delicious fruit。

The banana smiled and bent over in the fruit basket, and the apple was as red as a little girl's face。

If I were a doctor, I would be busy walking between patients in the hospital every day。

Some patients need first aid, some patients need infusion, some patients need surgery, and others need to deal with trauma。

In order to save the patient's life, I race against time and death every day。Every minute counts!

I want to be a doctor, heal the wounded and save the dying and contribute to the society。





❷ I want to be a pet doctor 50词左右 急 宠物医生

As we all know,pets are our player s,but more important is they are our friends.For example,dogs.It is said that dogs understand human nature,dog helping people even saving human lives already are not fresh news,from this meaning,pets are more than animals,much in common with human being.
When we get sick,we need to see doctor,still less our pets.They are pretty and tiny beings that we often like at first glance.They really need our care.
Therefore,I like pets,I want to be a pet doctor.

❸ 宠物医生用英文怎么说


[词典] Paws & Claws Pet Vet;Pet doctor






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