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发布时间:2022-09-03 04:10:12

① 外出旅游应带什么东西这些东西用英语怎么说

双肩背包——backpack照相机——camera急救箱——first aid kit手电筒——torch救生衣——life jacket白浪漂流时要带头盔——helmet胶卷——film火柴——waterproof matches食物——food军事刀——pocket knife净水药片——water purifying指南针——compass毛巾——towel睡袋——sleeping bag锅——pan

② 小学生用英文写出去旅游需要做什么准备

小学生用英文写出去旅游需要做什么准备,大概是You need to prepare food and clothes.

③ 随团旅游须知英文版

With the group need to pay attention to:
Firstly, be kind, don't pique,;
Second, take some clothes before the trip , bag need not too big unless preparing mass purchase, a specialty of the real are few. There is a wallet will be more convenient;
Third, with time and location, time, set time and place, attractions, departure time must hear, tour guide and driver phone remember good;
Fourth, with group tour scenic spot, meet with the tour guide said there will be a special tour guide reception inside and when they do not follow in together, watch out, there will certainly be consumption project, and it is that you get rich, protect your family health, fetch a LJ for you or make you donate much merit. Can say tired to rest, want to go to the WC and such excuses not to go in. If you go in, in the end need to pay the money, don't be shy, just say not interested. If the face is thin, all can choose the cheapest and the appropriate for people;
Four, must rest well, travel is a physical strength live, got up earlier than the time of departure, the best bedtime can pick up the luggage;
Don't focus on five, pay attention to safety, property, put some small change, outside the camera phone pockets. Don't walk from other routes.

Above are some of my experience, pure hand to play. Actually like yunnan, mainly is the natural scenery, can choose a free line, so don't have to worry about accommodation, transportation time is relatively abundant. Associated travel agencies and online travel, can choose it.


④ 长途旅行前要准备什么(英文)

Travelling in long distance flights can be very tiring and stressful if you are not prepared physically and mentally for it and might even ended up having stiff muscles and jet lag after the journey. Preparation should be done before the flight like getting a good night's sleep a day before departure. You should try to adjust your body clock to the time zone of where you are going by either sleeping earlier or later and this might alleviate jet lag. Taking a stroll around the airport after checking-in can also make you feel more relax when you reached your destination.

Remember not to eat too heavily the night before you fly but drinking plenty of water other than alcohol, tea or coffee will keep you in good momentum. Try to take day flights if possible because you will be able to fight jet lag and always keep your body in rythm with your destination's time. As the air in the plane is dry, please prepare a good moisturiser to protect your skin on flight and of course remember to wear loose fitting comfortable attires made from natural fibres. Just a day before flying adjust your eating time to the new time zone with protein-rich breakfast, more vegetables and fruits for lunch and a high carborhydrate dinner. Capitalise on the sun by spending at least 30 mins outdoor by going for a walk or getting into a light workout would be just as good.

During flights, try to avoid drinking coffee, tea or alcohol but do drink plenty of water because this will help you sleep better as well as making you fresher upon arrival at your destination. Try not to sit in the same position for too long, therefore walking around in the cabin as well as stretching yourself as much as possible can stimulate your blood circulation. Make yourself as comfortable as possible by removing your shoes and not sitting with crossed legs as this will restrict circulation.

Most of you might get ear pain e to changes in pressure and this can be eased by pinching your nose, close your mouth and then either blow out or swallow against your closed mouth. Sucking a candie or chewing a gum may also help, but for babies, giving them milk or water in a bottle to suck on will definitely ease discomfort. For more tips on easy stretches, just refer to either some instructions behind every seat or watch exercise videos shown on board certain flights. Follow these tips given and you will find that travelling long distances will be more comfortable and you will also find yourself more relaxed, fresh and happy when you arrive at your destination..

⑤ 旅行要做的准备英语作文要汉语翻译

Make a travel Plan
As we know,travel is an interesting
thing,for its fun and also makes us relax.But how unbarebale if we've
made no decision before a trip?That's must be very horrible to face this
truth.So it's necessary for us to make a plan before a trip,because
it'll make us enjoy the trip better.
First thing which is most
important is to search for the information about your destination.such
as the weather,the food ,the trandition,the local custom and culture.The
more you know,the easy you can make good use of every moment and just
comfort yourself!
Last but not least.it's very common for us to get
equipment that we may need.A camera is required,you can pick up many
photographs and keep the in memory of the experience.And here comes
other things,not only a bag for packing things but also some clothes for
changing.After all :Fear is not afraid of ten thousand case.
Wish you a nice trip!
traveling, we should get ready for that. First, remember to bring
necessary things, such as: enough money, clothes, umbrella, medicine ,
camera and so on. Most importantly, you should bring your cell phone, if
there is something emergency, you can call for help. Secong, you'd
better check the internet of the map to see which places to go and where
it is.

⑥ 旅行需要带什么东西,英语作文50词

Travel needs to bring something

⑦ 关于旅行准备带啥东西的英语作文



Last night, my parents told me the very exciting news that they were going to travel to Guilin with me. I was so happy, because it has been such a long time for our family not to go out together.


I started to make some preparations, because I knew my parents were very busy and they did not have time to scan the details. I searched the information and chose the useful one.


I also brought my own small electrical procts, such as mobile phone charger, tablet computer, hair dryer and so on. I think it will be a pleasant trip.


⑧ 英语作文:出行前该准备什么(5句)

It's very good for us to make enough preparation before we start our trip. Firstly, surf the internet or get some informations from the tour company so that you can make sure where to go. Second, decide when to start and choose ways of transport. Third, compare the price and route to choose the tour company. Four, surf the internet to get more information about the interest place. Five, pack the bag according to the climit of the place and traditions. Six, for the safety, we'd better not bring too much money. Try to use the card service as much as possible.

⑨ 用英语说去旅游要带什么东西

When travelling, the following staff shall be take with you, passport, money, clothes to change, lotion, shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brush, etc.

⑩ 出国旅游需要准备哪些简单的英语





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