导航:首页 > 旅游攻略 > 最想去哪个国家旅游翻译


发布时间:2022-12-19 16:50:30

1. 哪一个国家你最想要去 英文翻译

Which country do you want to best?

如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

2. 我最想去的国家是澳大利亚翻译成英语怎么说

The country I want to visit most is Australia

3. 你最想去哪个国家旅游


4. 翻译。 1.Which country do you most want to do

你最难忘的假期是什么时候 (是vacation)

5. 你最想去哪个国家翻译成英文

which cuntry is your first go ?

6. 你想去哪个国家旅游请写一写你要去那个国家旅游的原因(日本的,用英语表达)

Which country do you want to visit? Please write down the reason why you are traveling to that country(Japan)

7. 你希望去哪个国家旅游为什么 (请用英文表达)

I like Singapore very much.because Singapore is near the equator meanwhile the weather is too fine,besides that it is the most cleanest country.Moreover it's fashionable to go to Singapore for your holidays.

8. 最想去哪个国家旅游,英语作文100字

Choose the places you want to visit
people might choose to visit different places e to their different
places of birth,family conditions,relevant experiences,and even
different levels of ecation.People who were born in New York are less
likely to be interested in New York any more for the simple reason that
everything is just too familiar already.Children from less well-off
families might find it difficult to afford a visit to a faraway
place.Those who have been working in Tokyo for years are surely looking
forward to touring around places out of town.Places with numerous sites
of historical interest may not be so appealing to people with only a
primary school ecation.Things are just like this in our real life.With
all aspects considered,the most desirable place that I can think of
going to at present is Xi’an in China for the simple reason that I have
never been yet.



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