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发布时间:2023-05-13 02:58:25

㈠ 关于如何文明旅游的英语作文

文明旅游 Travel Politely
The golden week is coming, it is a good chance for people to travel and take relax from their work. Most people choose to visit the hot tourist sites, like the Great Wall. But the problem comes, some tourists act very impolitely, they get used to make some marks on the tourist sites, so as to prove that they have visited here. It is a rude way to do it, everybody has the ty to protect these historical relics. If people leave some marks on these precious architectures, then the sites will be valueless and lose its meaning. It has been advocated to travel politely for a long time and we need to follow the rules.

㈡ 英语作文如何文明旅游


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 以约120个词写一篇短文,就“游客可付费在仿造长城上涂写留言”发表你的看法,内容包括:



It is reported that tourists to China’s Great Wall can now leave their mark on a fake wall recently built near the real wall in Badaling if they pay 999 yuan.(31 words)

n China, many visitors have the hobby of carving graffiti on places of interest, especially on some famous cultural relics. Last year I went to the Great Wall and found many people had left names and ugly words on the Wall, which destroys many historic bricks. In my opinion, such people should feel ashamed of leaving their marks on the great relics which were created by our ancestors.

So personally I quite agree with this brilliant project though it has caused criticism from some people. The Great Wall would be ruined one day if we didn’t take any steps to protect it. The fake wall is a really good idea because it will protect our relics as well as making profits from the project.(124 words)

㈢ 英语作文“如何文明旅游”

On Development of Tourism With the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. Tourism brings China a lot of benefits. First, it enablesitheChinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes frlendship and understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies, for its modernization program. Tourism, however, gives rise to a number of problems. There are many uncivilized phenomenon in the tourist attractions.For instance, Some tourists spitting everywhere. As a result of overcrowding caused serious heritage-breaking.it also becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses ring long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country. As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us.

㈣ 有关文明旅游的英语作文(2)


Refuse the incivilization behavior in public When we are in public, we can often see some incivilization behaviors, which cause severe bad influence.It can hurt our healthy body and mind.All in all,the incivilization behaviors can be divided into three sides. First of all,it's noise pollution.The noise is coming from car、big horn、construction site and ourself.The pollution can influence our mood and hearing.The next is enivoronment pollution.The behaviors that

dropping litter、spitting and sticking leaflets everywhere have polluted our living quarters.It is harmful to our health and mind.The last but not least is that some people have lost their quality-oriented

ecation.Someone destories communal facilities and plants.Someone is not in faith with others.What's more,some people don't obey the rules expecially traffic rules.The behavior has destoryed our life harmonious. As far as I'm concerned ,we must pay more attention to foster our civilized habit.First we can publicity the harm of the incivilization behavior to the public,then we can put up the signs that remind people of civilization.what's more,the government can devote greater effort to punish the incivilization behavior


As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above, a pleasant trip is spoiled by a man who takes off one of his shoes on a plane, which is most thought-provoking. Phenomenon of the kind is not uncommon around us.

The aim of the painter of the drawing can be briefed as follows. On the one hand, bad manners in public places can no longer be ignored. Over these years, the people’s living standards have greatly improved, but the development of our civilization seems to fall far behind. No matter where you live and work, bad manners are easily spotted. The stains of spitting and chewing gums have become the disaster of most public places. Good manners, such as waiting in line and saying “Thank you” and “Sorry”, are rarely found. We are losing the basic qualities of a modern citizen. On the other hand, it is urgent for us to eliminate our bad manners. As we know, China is an opening-up country. It is our obligation to display not only our economy development but also our national civilization to the international community. Such bad manners revealed in the drawing will spoil our international image. In sum, bad manners should arouse our social concern. In my view, counter-measures should be taken to get rid of the headache caused by bad manners. First of all, laws and regulations must be set up to ban bad manners. In addition, a nation-wide campaign must be launched to spread the importance of good manners among the general public, especially the young. Only in this way can we soon embrace a harmonious society.


Uncivilized behavior in Tourism

With the graal improvement of people's living standards, more and more people choose to travel ring the holidays. Many people choose the humanities history and scenic spots to travel.

But with the increasing number of tourists, the uncivilized behavior of tourism is

increasing. Visitors free climbing, take pictures, in spots random graffiti, lettering, damage to vegetation, don't speak hygiene, waste discarded everywhere. Uncivilized phenomenon in tourism, is continuing to damage the image of Chinese tourists.

I believe that the cultural tourism can focus on the following aspects: first, tourists should improve cultural quality, do civilized travel, don't do some damage to the culture, and timely reminder of the uncivilized behavior of others. Second, the tourist guide and the scenic spot management office should discourage the uncivilized behavior of tourists. Third, the media should increase the degree of exposure, so that people graally realized the seriousness of the

uncivilized travel. Finally, the government should implement some punitive measures according to the behavior of the passengers, improve the relevant laws and regulations. I believe that these problems will be solved step by step, and a beautiful tomorrow is waiting for us.


随着人们生活水平的逐步提高,在 中秋节 、 国庆节 等假期中,越来越多的人选择出行旅游。一些富有人文历史、风景优美的景点,成为了大众的首选。


我认为文明旅游可以注重以下一些方面:首先,旅游者要提高自身 文化 素质,做到文明出行,不做一些破坏文化的行为,并且及时提醒他人的不文明行为。第二,导游、景点管理处要对旅客不文明的行为加以提醒劝阻。第三,媒体应加大曝光度,使人们逐渐意识到不文明旅行的严重性。最后政府要根据旅客的行为实施一定的惩罚 措施 ,完善相关法律法规。我相信这些问题都会逐步解决,一个美丽的明天在等着我们。


㈤ 我们可以为文明旅游做些什么 英语作文

What can we do for our civilization tourism
Civilized travel, so we should do.
Domestic tourism or travel overseas or showed the new fashion of civilization, let the whole world see the Chinese tourists civilization, order and norm, let Chinese tourists have become? Beautiful scenery line, become "beautiful China" card spokesman, need you, I, he participated in jointly, need to start from the side, start from now, from "do not throw a bottle of mineral water" and "doodle" such a trifle.
Civilization tourism does to start from a trivial thing. An old saying goes, not to small to do this evil, not small and not good for. We each travel citizens should observe the rules of travel civilization, let everyone be harmonious elements in the beautiful scenery. Every practice, a good image of Chinese tourists will soon set up.




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